subroutine reid(nstemp,re,tf,smrate,rrate,durre) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Computes the duration of rainfall excess (used to compute peak discharge c and interrill erosion duration) and the rainfall intensity used c to compute interrill erosion. c c Called from GRNA after depression storage is computed c Author: Stone c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: Created May 1993 for version 93.0 c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c duration of rainfall excess, rainfall intensity squared c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' c c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS integer nstemp real re(mxtime), tf(mxtime), durre, smrate, rrate(mxtime) c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS c nstemp - index of end time of rainfall excess c re - rainfall excess rate c r - rainfall rate c tf - time associated with re and r c durre - duration of rainfall excess excluding times of zero c rainfall excess between two bursts of rainfall excess c rrate - array to hold rainfall intensity after time to ponding c has been inserted c smrate - rate of snow melt c sumint - time integral of the rainfall intensities over times of c non-zero rainfall c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL DECLARATIONS + + + integer i c c initialization c durre = 0.0 sumint = 0.0 c c loop through time steps c do 10 i = 1, nstemp - 1 c c when rainfall excess > 0 compute duration and intensity c if (re(i).gt.0.) then c c XXX Changed code so that on a day with snow melt, the intensity c sum value will be zero (since the code has been changed c so that you either have snow melt OR rainfall that are c contributing water to surface runoff, but not both). c If melt water present, then assume no interrill detachment c due to raindrops. This corrects a bug that was present for c days of snow melt in which interrill detachment and sediment c load were being computed negative. dcf 4/12/96 c durre = durre + tf(i+1) - tf(i) if (smrate.le.0.0) then sumint = sumint + (tf(i+1)-tf(i)) * rrate(i) end if end if c 10 continue c return end