subroutine rngint(ncrop,nowcrp) c c NOTE: BECAUSE "GDAY" IS USED TO DETERMINE WHICH EQUATION IS USED c FOR DEFAULT VALUES OF "TLIVE", "TILLAGE" WHICH READS GDAY c *MUST* ALWAYS BE CALLED BEFORE "RNGINT". c c *************************************************************** c * NOTE: ALL SOURCE FILES THAT REFERENCE "CRINPT1.INC" MUST BE * c * COMPILED WITH THE *NEW* CRINPT1.INC TO WORK WITH THIS * c * FILE. * c *************************************************************** c c *************************************************************** c * NOTE: ALL SOURCE FILES THAT REFERENCE "CRINPT3.INC" MUST BE * c * COMPILED WITH THE *NEW* CRINPT3.INC TO WORK WITH THIS * c * FILE. * c *************************************************************** c c *************************************************************** c * NOTE: ALL SOURCE FILES THAT REFERENCE "CROUT.INC" MUST BE * c * COMPILED WITH THE *NEW* CROUT.INC TO WORK WITH THIS * c * FILE. * c *************************************************************** c c Note: Need definitions of PSCDST & PSCD2S in include file CRINPT2.INC. c CRM -- 4/09/93. c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Initializes variables used in RANGE, when land use is rangeland. c Called by OFE from CONTIN. c c Called from CONTIN c Author(s): Weltz, Meyer c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 8 c c Changes: c 1) Deleted references to common block UPDATE. c 2) Deleted local variables SHEEP & NOWRES. c 3) Added SPAI, & TPAI to CRINPT3.INC permit single initial c calculation of SPAI & TPAI in RNGINT, rather than daily c computation in PATRIB. This required a change in the c logic: a loop to initialize each plant type. Deleted c the appropriate code in PATRIB. c 4) Deleted generic SAVE of all variables. c 5) Dimensioned rooty(MXNSL) to rooty(MXNSL,MXPLAN) in CROUT.INC. c Re: 5/6/93 conversation w/Weltz. -- CRM c 6) Subscripts were reversed: c if(gday(i,1,iplane) .gt. 0) then c changed to: c if(gday(1,i,iplane) .gt. 0) then c 7) Did a major overhaul relative to the variable PLIVE. In c its original state, PLIVE would not handle more than one c OFE correctly since it is modified if burning or herbicide c are used. It also would not supply a default value for a c plant that was grazed on one OFE and not grazed on another. c Since modules need to be able to swap between plant types c on an OFE during a simulation, PLIVE(NTYPE) was redimen- c sioned to PLIVE(NTYPE,IPLANE). This permits an OFE to be c altered without affecting the other OFE's. CRINPT1.INC c was altered to accommodate this. -- CRM -- 5/13/93. c 8) PROOT was altered analogous to PLIVE. -- CRM -- 5/14/93. c 9) ROOT(MXPLAN) was removed from common CROUT.INC and made c a local variable only - since it is computed and used now c only in this routine. dcf 5/19/93 c 10) statement setting rdf(plant) to 0.43 moved to top of c code - otherwise it is undefined at first point of use. c 11) variable rdf was a constant value of 0.43, and was only used c in this subroutine. Thus it was removed from common CRINPT1.INC c and uses in RNGINT were changed to values of 0.43. dcf 5/21/93 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 92.25. c Date recoded: 04/07/93 - 4/09/93. c 05/06/93 - 5/13/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer ncrop, nowcrp c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c ncrop - number of input crops (rangeland plant communities) c nowcrp - current crop c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c modify: ytn c write: daymin c include '' c write: rtm(mxres,mxplan) c include '' c modify: vdmt(mxplan), cf(ntype) c include '' c modify: bbb(ntype) c include '' c write: canhgt(mxplan),inrcov(mxplan),rilcov(mxplan) c modify: cancov(mxplan),gcover(mxplan) c include '' c write: lai(mxplan), rtd(mxplan) c modify: rtmass(mxplan), c include '' c read: itype(mxcrop,mxplan) c include '' c modify: rspace(mxplan) (?) c include '' c modify: ffk(ntype),plive(ntype,mxplan),proot(ntype,mxplan), c yield(mxplan) c write: pyield(mxplan) c c include '' c include '' c include '' c modify: spai(ntype), tpai(ntype), ghgt(ntype), basden c include '' c modify: dwood(mxplan) c write: ptlive(mxplan),first(ntype),xlive(mxplan) c include '' c read: tdiam(ntype), tcoeff(ntype), tpop(ntype), thgt(ntype) c include '' c modify: tlive(mxplan),slive c write: droot(mxnsl),rooty(mxnsl,mxplan) c include '' c modify: bcover(mxplan), rufcov(mxplan) c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c write: watstr(mxplan) c include '' c read: deglat c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real gpai, totpai, tarea, prevrt, ch, h real tmpvr2, tmpvr3, tmpvr4, tmpvr5, tmpvr6, root(mxnsl) integer plant, i, j c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c gpai - total projected area from the side, intercepted for grass & c herbaceous plants, per 100 meter transect; ie, vertical area c "blocked" by plants, measured perpendicular to the slope. c Used for snowdrift calculations. c totpai - total projected area from the side, for all plants combined c tarea - area of the vertical rectangle circumscribed around the c largest plant type present (trees, shrubs, & herbs). c prevrt - root mass in the previous layer (one directly above) c ch - c h - c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c plant = itype(nowcrp,iplane) c c ---- root distribution coefficient for mass by depth c rdf(plant) = 0.43 c NOTE - problems with use of RDF in code below - and since it is c always set to a constant value of 0.43 - change from use c of an array to a numerical constant in the appropriate c equations. dcf 5/21/93 c c ---- Julian date peak standing crop occurs, for first growth peak pscdst(plant) = pscday(plant) c ---- Julian date peak standing crop occurs, for second growth peak pscd2s(plant) = scday2(plant) c c From a user-supplied value of PLIVE for each plant, generate c an initial value of PLIVE for each plant and each OFE. This c value may be modified later by RHERB or RBURN, and the plant c type may change on this OFE during the simulation. Also, if c the user entered a zero for the current plant, estimate a c starting value of PLIVE which depends on whether the OFE is c grazed in the first year or not. c c *** L1 IF *** c ---- Execute this code the first time it is encountered (OFE #1). if (iplane.eq.1) then c *** BEGIN L2 DO-LOOP *** c Initialize PLIVE values for each plant by OFE. do 30 i = 1, ncrop c Next line added because NCROP is not readily available to RNGINT. if (plive(i,1).ge.0.0) then c c *** L3 IF *** c -------- user supplied an initial value if (plive(i,1).ne.0.0) then do 10 j = 1, mxplan c Next line added because NELMT is not readily available to RNGINT. if (plive(i,1).gt.0.0) then c ------------ Set PLIVE for each OFE to user-input value. plive(i,j) = plive(i,1) c ------------ maximum potential root biomass c (WEPP Equation 8.5.25) c proot(i,j) = root10(i) / (10.0**rdf(i)) c NOTE - assuming that value for rdf=0.43 - using this to simplify equation c dcf 5/21/93 c proot(i,j) = root10(i) / 2.6915348 end if 10 continue c c *** L3 ELSE *** c -------- model must generate initial value... else c ---------- set PLIVE for this plant for *all* OFE's do 20 j = 1, mxplan c Next line added because NELMT is not readily available to RNGINT. if (plive(i,1).gt.0.0) then c ---------- check for grazing on this OFE the first year. if (gday(1,i,j).gt.0) then c -------------- grazed areas c (WEPP Equation 8.5.6) plive(i,j) = 0.3569 + 0.0036 * pptg(i) c ------------ non-grazed areas else c (WEPP Equation 8.5.7) plive(i,j) = 0.7723 + 0.0030 * pptg(i) end if c ------------ maximum potential root biomass c (WEPP Equation 8.5.25) c proot(i,j) = root10(i) / (10.0**rdf(i)) c NOTE - assuming that value for rdf=0.43 - using this to simplify equation c dcf 5/21/93 c proot(i,j) = root10(i) / 2.6915348 end if 20 continue c *** L3 ENDIF *** end if end if c c *** END L2 DO-LOOP *** 30 continue c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c c ---- Assume rooting depth (RTD) equals depth to bottom of last soil layer rtd(iplane) = solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane) c c c ******************************************* c * Calculate root distribution by depth. * c ******************************************* c c ---- maximum potential root biomass c (WEPP Equation 8.5.25) c proot(plant) = root10(plant) / (10.0**rdf(plant)) c prevrt = 0.0 do 40 i = 1, nsl(iplane) c ------ cumulative total roots to bottom of current layer c (WEPP Equation 8.5.24) rtmass(iplane) = rootf(plant) * proot(plant,iplane) * (100.0* 1 solthk(i,iplane)) ** 0.43 c c 1 (100.0*solthk(i,iplane))**rdf(plant) c NOTE - since RDF is only used in SR RNGINT - removed from common, c and since value is always 0.43 for all plant types - use c this. Problems in do 8 loop with values of rdf(i) c dcf 5/21/93 c c ------ root mass in current soil layer today root(i) = rtmass(iplane) - prevrt c ------ save root mass to bottom of this layer (top of next layer) prevrt = rtmass(iplane) 40 continue c if (rtmass(iplane).gt.0.0) then do 50 i = 1, nsl(iplane) c -------- fraction of rootmass in each soil layer (constant throughout sim'n.) c (WEPP Equation 8.5.26) droot(i) = root(i) / rtmass(iplane) c -------- initialize root mass yesterday rooty(i,iplane) = root(i) 50 continue else c ------ ensure non-negative rootmass rtmass(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c ---- fraction of growth permitted by water stress watstr(iplane) = 1.0 c ---- new plant growth today (min_fraction_live_biomass * max_amt_live_biomass) slive = rgcmin(plant) * plive(plant,iplane) c ---- total live plant material today tlive(iplane) = slive c ---- previous day's total live plant material ptlive(iplane) = tlive(iplane) c ---- total above ground plant production for a simulation year yield(iplane) = slive c ---- daily net primary plant production pyield(iplane) = yield(iplane) c ---- previous year's date of initial growth first(plant) = strrgc(plant) c ---- standing dead biomass left after burning or herbicide dwood(iplane) = wood(plant) * rmagt(iplane) c ---- evergreen leafy component xlive(iplane) = slive c c ************************************************************* c * NOTE: New equations to calculate canhgt, cancov, rcov, * c * rilcov, lai for first day of simulation, should be * c * added to this section when plant growth subroutine * c * is updated. * c ************************************************************* c c ---- total above ground dry weight vdmt(iplane) = slive + rmagt(iplane) c ---- leaf area index lai(iplane) = tlive(iplane) * aleaf(plant) c c --- If this is the first OFE, compute SPAI & TPAI for ALL plant groups. if (iplane.eq.1) then do 60, i = 1, ncrop c -------- projected area for shrubs (remains constant throughout simulation) c (WEPP Equation 8.5.17) if (sdiam(i).gt.0.0) then tmpvr4 = sdiam(i) * scoeff(i) * spop(i) c ---------- prevent horizontal measure from exceeding 100 m total if ( tmpvr4 = 100.0 spai(i) = shgt(i) * tmpvr4 else spai(i) = 0.0 end if c c -------- projected area for trees (remains constant throughout simulation) c (WEPP Equation 8.5.17) if (tdiam(i).gt.0.0) then tmpvr5 = tdiam(i) * tcoeff(i) * tpop(i) if ( tmpvr5 = 100.0 tpai(i) = thgt(i) * tmpvr5 else tpai(i) = 0.0 end if 60 continue end if c c ---- projected area of herbaceous plants (changes daily) c (WEPP Equation 8.5.17) if (gdiam(plant).gt.0.0) then tmpvr6 = gdiam(plant) * gcoeff(plant) * gpop(plant) if ( tmpvr6 = 100.0 gpai = ghgt(plant) * tmpvr6 else gpai = 0.0 end if c c ********************************************************************** c * NOTE: We assume NO OVERLAP between the grass, shrubs, and trees. * c * Since the current purpose of TOTPAI is solely to compute * c * a weighted average for canopy height, adding the complexity * c * of considering overlap did not seem worth the cost. * c * CRM -- 4/7/93. * c ********************************************************************** c ---- total projected area for vegetation c (WEPP Equation 8.5.16) totpai = spai(plant) + gpai + tpai(plant) c c ---- vertical area required for largest plant type, using 100 meter transect. c (WEPP Equation 8.5.18) tarea = max(thgt(plant),shgt(plant),ghgt(plant)) * 100.0 c c ---- basal density of plants; ie, the fraction of the "vertical rectangle" c (re: TAREA) covered by plants c (WEPP Equation 8.5.15) if ( then basden = totpai / tarea else basden = 0.0 end if c c ---- canopy height, a weighted mean. c (WEPP Equation 8.5.13) if ( then canhgt(iplane) = (ghgt(plant)*gpai+shgt(plant)*spai(plant)+ 1 thgt(plant)*tpai(plant)) / totpai else canhgt(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c ... calculate rill spacing c (WEPP Equation 8.5.19) c rspace(iplane)=100.0/(spop(plant)+gpop(plant)+tpop(plant)+1) c if(rspace(iplane) .gt. 5.0) rspace(iplane)=5.0 c if(rspace(iplane) .lt. 0.5) rspace(iplane)=0.5 c c ****************************************************************** c * NOTE: To calculate grass height requires height coefficient * c * "bbb", which is estimated from the following regression * c * equations. * c ****************************************************************** c ---- vegetative dry matter at maturity vdmmax(iplane) = plive(plant,iplane) + rmagt(iplane) - 1 dwood(iplane) c ---- parameter value for canopy height equation if (bbb(plant).ge.0.0) then if (bbb(plant).lt.1.5) then bbb(plant) = 2.0 * (vdmmax(iplane)**(-1.0)) + 0.3031455e-06 else if (bbb(plant).lt.2.5) then c Original Code: c bbb(plant)=4.0*vdmmax(iplane)**(-1.0)+.23155e-05 bbb(plant) = 4.0 / vdmmax(iplane) + 0.23155e-05 else c Original Code: c bbb(plant)=6.0*vdmmax(iplane)**(-1.0)-.1694262e-04 bbb(plant) = 6.0 / vdmmax(iplane) - 0.1694262e-04 end if end if c c ---- calculate residue cover from residue mass c (WEPP Equation 8.5.20) c XXX - commented out by Kidwell/Weltz 3/95 dcf c tmpvr2 = 1.085 * (1.0+1.069*exp(-12.61*rmogt(1,iplane))) - 0.5838 c cf(plant) = 10.0 ** (tmpvr2) c (WEPP Equation 8.5.20) c rescov(iplane) = 1.0 - exp(-cf(plant)*rmogt(1,iplane)) c c **Added by Kidwell 5/25/95** if (rescof(iplane) .le. 0.0001) then if (rescov(iplane).le.0.0 .or. rmogt(1,iplane).le.0.0) then cf(plant) = -63.9 rescov(iplane) = 0.0 rmogt(1,iplane) = 0.0 else tmpvr2 = log(1.0 - rescov(iplane)) cf(plant) = tmpvr2/rmogt(1,iplane) end if else if (rescof(iplane) .gt. 0.0) then if(rescov(iplane).le.0.0 .or. rmogt(1,iplane).le.0.0) then rescov(iplane) = 0.0 rmogt(1,iplane) = 0.0 else cf(plant) = rescof(iplane) end if end if c c ---- calculate canopy cover from plant mass corresponding to 100% cover (COLD) c (WEPP Equation 8.5.22) c Original Code: c ffk(plant) =21.39148-54.90758*cold(plant)+61.11016*cold(plant) c 1 **2-30.44471*cold(plant)**3+5.561994*cold(plant)**4 c XXX - commented out next 3 lines (Kidwell/Weltz) 3/95 dcf c tmpvr3 = cold(plant) ** 2 c ffk(plant) = 21.39148 - 54.90758 * cold(plant) + 61.11016 * tmpvr3 c 1 - 30.44471 * cold(plant) * tmpvr3 + 5.561994 * tmpvr3 ** 2 c -- XXX -- Need a second equation number in the User Doc. c (WEPP Equation 8.5.22) c XXX Next 2 lines commented out by Kidwell/Weltz 3/95 dcf c cancov(iplane) = 1.0 - exp(-ffk(plant)*vdmt(iplane)) c if (cancov(iplane).lt.0.0) cancov(iplane) = 0.0 c **Added by Kidwell 5/25/95** if (cancof(iplane) .le. 0.0001) then if (cancov(iplane).le.0.0 .or. vdmt(iplane).le.0.0) then ffk(plant) = -31.5 cancov(iplane) = 0.0 vdmt(iplane) = 0.0 else tmpvr3 = log(1.0 - cancov(iplane)) ffk(plant) = tmpvr3/vdmt(iplane) end if else if (cancof(iplane) .gt. 0.0) then if(cancov(iplane).le.0.0 .or. vdmt(iplane).le.0.0) then cancov(iplane) = 0.0 vdmt(iplane) = 0.0 else ffk(plant) = cancof(iplane) end if end if c c -- XXX -- Can't find this equation in the User Doc. -- CRM -- 4/07/93. c ---- basal plant cover (ground area occupied by stalks, stems, trunks) c XXX Next 5 lines commented out by Kidwell/Weltz 3/95 dcf c if (wood(plant).gt.0.0) then c bcover(iplane) = 0.3354242 * cancov(iplane) c else c bcover(iplane) = 0.429118 * cancov(iplane) c end if c c -- XXX -- Can't find this equation in the User Doc. -- CRM -- 4/07/93. c ---- calculate hydraulic roughness cover from basal cover and moss & lichens c XXX Next 2 lines changed by Kidwell/Weltz 3/95 dcf c rufcov(iplane) = bcover(iplane) + crypto(iplane) c if (rufcov(iplane).lt.0.0) rufcov(iplane) = 0.0 rufcov(iplane) = bascov(iplane)*fbasr(iplane) + 1 crycov(iplane)*fcryr(iplane) c c ---- total ground cover (residue, rocks & gravel, stems and moss & lichens) c XXX Next line changed by Kidwell/Weltz 3/95 dcf c gcover(iplane) = rescov(iplane) + wcf(iplane) + rufcov(iplane) gcover(iplane) = rescov(iplane) + rokcov(iplane) + bascov(iplane) 1 + crycov(iplane) if (gcover(iplane).gt.1.0) gcover(iplane) = 1.0 c c -- XXX -- Need an equation number in the User Doc. c Following changed by Mary Kidwell 3/95 dcf c rilcov(iplane) = rescov(iplane) + wcf(iplane) c c -- XXX -- Need an equation number in the User Doc. c inrcov(iplane) = gcover(iplane) c c --- total rill cover c rilcov(iplane) = rescov(iplane)*fresr(iplane) + 1 rokcov(iplane)*frokr(iplane) + 1 bascov(iplane)*fbasr(iplane) + 1 crycov(iplane)*fcryr(iplane) c c ---- total interrill cover c inrcov(iplane) = rescov(iplane)*fresi(iplane) + 1 rokcov(iplane)*froki(iplane) + 1 bascov(iplane)*fbasr(iplane) + 1 crycov(iplane)*fcryi(iplane) c c ---- initial value of dead root mass for day 1 and when management changes rtm(1,iplane) = rtmass(iplane) c c -- XXX -- Is DAYMIN needed here? It is computed in WATBAL before calling c RANGE. -- CRM -- 5/14/93. c calculate minimum day length for the input latitude c c original code 10/1/91 c ytn = tan(deglat / 58.09) c c code changed because of problem with Lahey compiler and c tangent function when running on AT&T 6300 machine dcf c c ---- function of latitude - used in day length calculation (EPIC 2.194) ytn = (sin(deglat/58.09)) / (cos(deglat/58.09)) ch = 0.4349 * abs(ytn) if ( then h = 0.0 else h = acos(ch) end if c ---- minimum day length daymin = 7.72 * h c return end