subroutine rochek(xks,xsm,depr) c c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subroutine checks for runoff from a plane with runon c (iuprun(iplane)=1), but for which rainfall excess is zero. c c Called from IRS c Author(s): Parker, Stone c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Order of parameters revised: QOUT (1st) deleted; IUPRUN & c EFFLEN (2nd & 3rd) moved to last positions. Corresponding c change made in IRS. c 2) SAVE of all local variables removed. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.10. c Date recoded: 05/08/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real xks, xsm, depr c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c depr - depression storage of current ofe c efflen - length of current OFE or equivalent plane c iuprun - flag denoting runon c xks - saturated conductivity c xsm - matric potential c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c modify: efflen(mxplan) include '' c modify: timinf,potinf,fhat c include '' c modify: remax(mxplan),runoff(maxplan) c write: peakro(mxplan) c include '' c include '' c read: dur c include '' c read: p c include '' c read: slplen(mxplan) c include '' c read: iplane c include '' include '' include '' real tstar c c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c********************************************************************** c * c TIMINF = maximum of storm duration or runoff duration * c POTINF = potential infiltration (Solve the g-a equation for f) * c FHAT = sum of runoff from upper plane and precip * c * c********************************************************************** c if (iuprun(iplane).ne.0) then c c case 3 or 4 (Refer to subroutine IRS) c timinf = dur c c Calculate by volumes c (from stone et al., 1994, asce irrigation and drainage) c tstar = timinf * xks / xsm c c INCLUDE DEPRESSION STORAGE IN POTENTIAL INFILTRATION - JJS 9-94 c potinf = (xsm * (tstar+sqrt(2.0*tstar)-.02987*tstar**.7913) + 1 depr) * slplen(iplane) cd Modified by S. Dun, June 04, 2004 cd fhat = runoff(iplane-1)*efflen(iplane-1) + p*slplen(iplane) fhat = runoff(iplane-1)*efflen(iplane-1) + (p 1 -(plaint(iplane)-pintlv(iplane)+resint(iplane))) 1 *slplen(iplane) cd End modifying. end if c if ( then c c Case 4 - no runoff from end of plane. Estimate how far down c the plane the surface water advances (EFFLEN). c efflen(iplane) = slplen(iplane) * fhat / potinf if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 0 peakro(iplane) = 0.0 else c c Case 3 - Estimate peak flow as a ratio of the runoff volume and c peak rainfall excess of the upper OFE. c runoff(iplane) = (fhat-potinf) c c Believe the following line is incorrect. MXPLAN needs to be c replaced by NPLANE(IHILL) so that watershed version of WEPP c will function properly. dcf 1/19/93 c IHILL REMOVED FROM NPLANE JCA2 8/9/93 c if ( iuprun(iplane+1)=1 c if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 1 runoff(iplane) = runoff(iplane) / efflen(iplane) remax(iplane) = remax(iplane-1) / runoff(iplane-1) * 1 runoff(iplane) end if c return end