subroutine runge(a,b,c,atc,btc,ctc,eata,tauc,theta,dx,x,ldold, 1 ldnew) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Performs the Runge-Kutta iteration. c c Called from subroutine EROD. c c Author(s): G. Foster, M. Nearing c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: 1) Common block DETCOM had been left out of V-90.92. It c was put back in. c 2) DCAP was being "saved". ALL of common block DETCOM c SHOULD have been saved. That has been corrected. c 3) You can't initialize a common block with a DATA state- c ment. The variables that SHOULD have been in DETCOM c were being initialized this way. BLOCK DATA will be c used instead. c 4) LDOLD & LDNEW were declared to be "real" down with c some of the local variables. The remaining arguments c were never explicitly declared. Made that declara- c tion "up" in the "argument declarations". c 5) MXPLAN is not used. PROUTE1.INC de-referenced. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 90.92. c Date recoded: 12/21/90 - 1/4/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real atc, btc, ctc, a, b, c, eata, tauc, theta, dx, x, ldold, 1 ldnew c c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c a - shear stress equation coefficient c b - shear stress equation coefficient c c - shear stress equation coefficient c eata - n.d. rill erodibility parameter c tauc - n.d. critical shear stress parameter c theta - n.d. interrill erodibility parameter c dx - c x - c ldold - n.d. sediment load calculated at i=ilast c detachment segment c ldnew - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c modify: xx, eatax, taucx, shr, dcap include '' c read: ktrato c c + + + SAVES + + + save /detcom/ c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real ldrk, k1, k2, k3, k4, tmpvr, tcap, xrk, 1 xterm, xtrmtc,ldtest c xrk - c ldrk - c tcap - uniform slope c k1 - \ c k2 - \ c k3 - > Constants used to compute LDNEW c k4 - / c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c *** Compute K1 *** xrk = x ldrk = ldold c xterm = a * xrk ** 2 + b * xrk + c xtrmtc = atc * xrk ** 2 + btc * xrk + ctc c if ( then c Update SHR and save XTERM. if ( then shr = exp(0.666667*log(xterm)) else shr = 0.0 end if xx = xterm c Update DCAP and save EATA & TAUC. dcap = eata * (shr-tauc) if ( dcap = 0.0 eatax = eata taucx = tauc c else if ( then c Update DCAP and save EATA & TAUC. dcap = eata * (shr-tauc) if ( dcap = 0.0 eatax = eata taucx = tauc end if c tcap = xtrmtc * ktrato if ( tcap = 0.0 c c if( then if ( then tmpvr = dcap * ((tcap-ldrk)/tcap) + theta else tmpvr = theta end if c k1 = dx * tmpvr c c *** Compute K2 *** xrk = x + dx / 2.0 ldrk = ldold + 0.5 * k1 c xterm = a * xrk ** 2 + b * xrk + c xtrmtc = atc * xrk ** 2 + btc * xrk + ctc c if ( then c Update SHR and save XTERM. if ( then shr = exp(0.666667*log(xterm)) else shr = 0.0 end if xx = xterm c Update DCAP and save EATA & TAUC. dcap = eata * (shr-tauc) if ( dcap = 0.0 eatax = eata taucx = tauc c else if ( then c Update DCAP and save EATA & TAUC. dcap = eata * (shr-tauc) if ( dcap = 0.0 eatax = eata taucx = tauc end if c tcap = xtrmtc * ktrato if ( tcap = 0.0 c c if( then if ( then tmpvr = dcap * ((tcap-ldrk)/tcap) + theta else tmpvr = theta end if c k2 = dx * tmpvr c c *** Compute K3 *** ldrk = ldold + 0.5 * k2 c c if( then if ( then tmpvr = dcap * ((tcap-ldrk)/tcap) + theta else tmpvr = theta end if c k3 = dx * tmpvr c c *** Compute K4 *** xrk = x + dx ldrk = ldold + k3 c xterm = a * xrk ** 2 + b * xrk + c xtrmtc = atc * xrk ** 2 + btc * xrk + ctc c if ( then c Update SHR and save XTERM. if ( then shr = exp(0.666667*log(xterm)) else shr = 0.0 end if xx = xterm c Update DCAP and save EATA & TAUC. dcap = eata * (shr-tauc) if ( dcap = 0.0 eatax = eata taucx = tauc c else if ( then c Update DCAP and save EATA & TAUC. dcap = eata * (shr-tauc) if ( dcap = 0.0 eatax = eata taucx = tauc end if c tcap = xtrmtc * ktrato c c if( then if ( then tmpvr = dcap * ((tcap-ldrk)/tcap) + theta else tmpvr = theta end if c k4 = dx * tmpvr ldnew = ldold + (k1+2.0*k2+2.0*k3+k4) / 6.0 c c Add check to prevent use of negative sediment loads if c they are predicted by Runge-Kutta method because the c step size (x dimension) is too large. A better solution c is needed in which the routine will check and redo the c computations using a smaller "dx" value, should negative c values of the "k1", "k2", "k3", and "k4" test loads be c computed. For now, check to see if the new load predicted c is less than the old load plus the interrill contribution c across the "dx" distance. If it is, set the new load equal c to this sum. dcf 4/4/2000 c ldtest = ldold + theta*dx if( ldnew = ldtest endif return end