c subroutine scenhd(un,name,luse) c c parameter: c un - the file unit c name - scenario name as read c luse - landuse c integer un, luse, i character*51 name c c local: c com - temp for reading comments c i - counter c integer i c c c COM not used 12-21-93 07:28am sjl c c character*60 com c c c read the scenario name c call eatcom(un) read (un,1000) name c c read in 3 line description (60 char max) c do 10, i = 1, 3 c read (un,*) c c c COM not used 12-21-93 07:28am sjl c c read (un,1100) com 10 continue c c c read the land use c call readin(12,luse,1,4,name) c c return 1000 format (a8) c c label 1100 not referenced 12-21-93 07:27am sjl c c 1100 format (a60) end