subroutine sedseg(dslost,jun,iyear,noout) c******************************************************************* c * c This subroutine is called from SR SEDOUT and breaks the * c hillslope profile into detachment or deposition segments. * c It calls SR SEDIST and SR SEDSTA. * c It builds abbrev.raw for OCP * c * c******************************************************************* c * c Arguments * c dslost - array containing the net soil loss/gain at each * c of the 100 points on each OFE * c jun - unit number of file to write output to * c iyear - flag for printing out annual soil loss output * c noout - flag indicating printing of event by event * c summary files is desired (see SEDOUT) * c * c******************************************************************* c * c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer jun, iyear, noout real dslost include '' include '' include '' c include '' include '' include '' c include '' include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c c***************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c***************************************************************** c include '' include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c seddet variables updated * c avedet, maxdet, ptdep, ptdet, avedep, maxdep * c * c******************************************************************** c include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c sedld variables updated * c jflag(mxseg),ibegin,iend,lseg * c * c******************************************************************** c include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c read outopt, units c include '' c c***************************************************************** c * c Local variables * c deppt1 : distance where deposition section begins (m) * c deppt2 : distance where deposition section ends (m) * c dpavls : average deposition in section (kg/m**2) * c detpt1 : distance where detachment section begins (m) * c detpt2 : distance where detachment section ends (m) * c dtavls : average detachment in section (kg/m**2) * c detstd : standard deviation of detachment in sect.(kg/m**2)* c detmax : maximum detachment in section (kg/m**2) * c pdtmax : point of maximum detachment (m) * c detmin : minimum detachment in section (kg/m**2) * c pdtmin : point of minimum detachment (m) * c depstd : standard deviation of deposition in sect.(kg/m**2)* c depmax : maximum deposition in section (kg/m**2) * c pdpmax : point of maximum deposition in section (m) * c depmin : minimum deposition in section (kg/m**2) * c pdpmin : point of minimum deposition in section (m) * c * c***************************************************************** c c dimension dslost(mxplan,100) c dimension detstd(mxseg), detmax(mxseg), pdtmax(mxseg), 1 detmin(mxseg), pdtmin(mxseg) c dimension depstd(mxseg), depmax(mxseg), pdpmax(mxseg), 1 depmin(mxseg), pdpmin(mxseg) c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c ADDED TOTFAL AND OFEFAL FOR NEW ABBREV.RAW c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c dimension detdis(mxseg), depdis(mxseg), idtsin(mxseg), 1 idpsin(mxseg), 1 detpt1(mxseg),detpt2(mxseg),dtavls(mxseg), 1 deppt1(mxseg),deppt2(mxseg),dpavls(mxseg) c c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + c integer jadet, jadep, jdet, jdep, itsin, ipsin, lend, 1 i, icnt, icont, idpsin, idtsin, iii, j, kbeg, kk, 1 lbeg real sum1, sum2, filoss, fidep, totmax, pdtmx, pdpmx, 1 depdis, depmax, depmin, deppt1,detdis, 1 deppt2, depstd, detmax, detmin, detpt1, detpt2, detstd, 1 dpavls, dtavls, pdpmax, 1 pdpmin, pdtmax, pdtmin, mtf, kgmtpa character*7 unit(9) data unit /' mm', ' kg/m2',' in.',' t/a',' ft.' 1,' lbs/ft',' lbs',' kg/m',' m'/ c data unit c 1=mm c 2=kg/m2 c 3=in. c 4=t/a c 5=ft. c 6=lbs/ft c 7=lbs c 8=kg/m c******************************************************************* c avedep = 0.0 avedet = 0.0 maxdep = 0.0 maxdet = 0.0 ptdep = 0.0 ptdet = 0.0 tdep(ihill) = 0.0 tdet(ihill) = 0.0 c if (noout.le.1) then write (jun,2500) icont = 0 do 10 iplane = 1, nplane if (iyear.eq.1) then if (fail(1,iplane).gt.0) then write (jun,2000) fail(1,iplane), iplane totfal(iplane) = totfal(iplane) + fail(1,iplane) icont = 1 end if if (fail(2,iplane).gt.0) then write (jun,2100) fail(2,iplane), iplane totfal(iplane) = totfal(iplane) + fail(2,iplane) icont = 1 end if if (fail(3,iplane).gt.0) then write (jun,2200) fail(3,iplane), iplane totfal(iplane) = totfal(iplane) + fail(3,iplane) icont = 1 end if end if 10 continue if (icont.eq.1) write (jun,1900) end if c call sedist(dslost) c lseg = 1 jadep = 0 jadet = 0 sum1 = 0.0 sum2 = 0.0 jdet = 0 jdep = 0 itsin = 0 ipsin = 0 lend = nplane * 100 kbeg = 0 lbeg = 1 icnt = 0 c do 20 j = 1, lend if (dstot(j).ne.0.0) then if (kbeg.eq.0) then lbeg = j kbeg = 1 end if icnt = j end if 20 continue c ibegin = lbeg if ( then lend = icnt + 1 end if c if (dstot(lbeg).gt.0.0) jflag(lseg) = 1 if (dstot(lbeg).lt.0.0) jflag(lseg) = 0 c c c Added by dcf 4/16/90 to cover possibility if dstot = 0 c if (dstot(lbeg).eq.0.0) jflag(lseg) = 2 c do 30 i = lbeg + 1, lend if ((jflag(lseg).eq.1.and.dstot(i).le.0.0).or.(i.eq.lend.and. 1 dstot(i).gt.0.0)) then c jadet = jadet + 1 iend = i - 1 if (i.eq.lend.and.dstot(i).gt.0.0) iend = i c c if the beginning of the detachment is the first point on the slope c set the point to zero otherwise average i with the point before it c if (ibegin.eq.1) then detpt1(jadet) = 0.0 else detpt1(jadet) = stdist(ibegin-1) end if c detpt2(jadet) = stdist(iend) c detdis(jadet) = detpt2(jadet) - detpt1(jadet) c if (i.eq.lend.and.dstot(i).lt.0.0) then jadep = jadep + 1 idpsin(jadep) = 1 dpavls(jadep) = dstot(lend) depstd(jadep) = 0.0 deppt1(jadep) = stdist(lend-1) deppt2(jadep) = stdist(lend) depdis(jadep) = deppt2(jadep) - deppt1(jadep) depmax(jadep) = dstot(lend) pdpmax(jadep) = stdist(lend) depmin(jadep) = dstot(lend) pdpmin(jadep) = stdist(lend) ipsin = 1 jdep = 1 end if if (ibegin.eq.iend) then idtsin(jadet) = 1 detpt1(jadet) = stdist(ibegin-1) detpt2(jadet) = stdist(ibegin) detdis(jadet) = detpt2(jadet) - detpt1(jadet) dtavls(jadet) = dstot(ibegin) detstd(jadet) = 0.0 detmax(jadet) = dstot(ibegin) pdtmax(jadet) = stdist(ibegin) detmin(jadet) = dstot(ibegin) pdtmin(jadet) = stdist(ibegin) itsin = 1 jdet = 1 else idtsin(jadet) = 0 call sedsta(jadet,dtavls,detstd,detmax,pdtmax,detmin,pdtmin) jdet = 1 end if c ibegin = iend + 1 lseg = lseg + 1 if (dstot(i).eq.0.0) jflag(lseg) = 2 if (dstot(i).lt.0.0) jflag(lseg) = 0 c else if ((jflag(lseg).eq.0.and.dstot(i).ge.0.0).or.(i.eq.lend 1 .and.dstot(i).lt.0.0)) then c jadep = jadep + 1 iend = i - 1 if (i.eq.lend.and.dstot(i).lt.0.0) iend = i if (ibegin.eq.1) then deppt1(jadep) = 0.0 else deppt1(jadep) = stdist(ibegin-1) end if c deppt2(jadep) = stdist(iend) depdis(jadep) = deppt2(jadep) - deppt1(jadep) c if (i.eq.lend.and.dstot(i).gt.0.0) then jadet = jadet + 1 idtsin(jadet) = 1 dtavls(jadet) = dstot(lend) detstd(jadet) = 0.0 detpt1(jadet) = stdist(lend-1) detpt2(jadet) = stdist(lend) detdis(jadet) = detpt2(jadet) - detpt1(jadet) detmax(jadet) = dstot(lend) detmin(jadet) = dstot(lend) pdtmax(jadet) = stdist(lend) pdtmin(jadet) = stdist(lend) itsin = 1 jdet = 1 end if if (ibegin.eq.iend) then idpsin(jadep) = 1 deppt1(jadep) = stdist(ibegin-1) deppt2(jadep) = stdist(ibegin) depdis(jadep) = deppt2(jadep) - deppt1(jadep) dpavls(jadep) = dstot(ibegin) depmin(jadep) = dstot(ibegin) depmax(jadep) = dstot(ibegin) depstd(jadep) = 0.0 pdpmax(jadep) = stdist(ibegin) pdpmin(jadep) = stdist(ibegin) ipsin = 1 jdep = 1 else idpsin(jadep) = 0 call sedsta(jadep,dpavls,depstd,depmax,pdpmax,depmin,pdpmin) jdep = 1 end if c ibegin = iend + 1 lseg = lseg + 1 if (dstot(i).eq.0.0) jflag(lseg) = 2 if (dstot(i).gt.0.0) jflag(lseg) = 1 c else if (jflag(lseg).eq.2.and.dstot(i).ne.0.0) then iend = i - 1 if (i.eq.lend) then if (jflag(lseg).eq.1) then jadet = jadet + 1 idtsin(jadet) = 1 detpt1(jadet) = stdist(lend-1) detpt2(jadet) = stdist(lend) detdis(jadet) = detpt2(jadet) - detpt1(jadet) dtavls(jadet) = dstot(lend) detstd(jadet) = 0.0 detmax(jadet) = dstot(lend) detmin(jadet) = dstot(lend) pdtmin(jadet) = stdist(lend) pdtmax(jadet) = stdist(lend) itsin = 1 jdet = 1 else if (jflag(lseg).eq.0) then jadep = jadep + 1 idpsin(jadep) = 1 deppt1(jadep) = lend deppt2(jadep) = lend depdis(jadep) = deppt2(jadep) - deppt1(jadep) dpavls(jadep) = dstot(lend) depstd(jadep) = 0.0 depmax(jadep) = dstot(lend) depmin(jadep) = dstot(lend) pdpmin(jadep) = stdist(lend) pdpmax(jadep) = stdist(lend) ipsin = 1 jdep = 1 end if end if lseg = lseg + 1 ibegin = iend + 1 if (dstot(i).gt.0.0) jflag(lseg) = 1 if (dstot(i).lt.0.0) jflag(lseg) = 0 end if c 30 continue c c if ( then if (noout.le.1) write (jun,2600) if ( then totmax = detmax(1) pdtmx = pdtmax(1) do 40 kk = 1, jadet sum1 = sum1 + (dtavls(kk)*detdis(kk)) sum2 = sum2 + detdis(kk) c if (detmax(kk).gt.totmax) then totmax = detmax(kk) pdtmx = pdtmax(kk) end if c 40 continue c if ( then filoss = sum1 / sum2 tdet(ihill) = sum2*fwidth(iplane)*filoss c kg/m2>t/a kgmtpa=4.4605 c m>ft mtf=3.2808 if (noout.le.1) then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units write (jun,2700) filoss*kgmtpa,unit(4) write (jun,2800) totmax*kgmtpa,unit(4), 1 pdtmx*mtf,unit(5) else c metric units write (jun,2750) filoss write (jun,2850) totmax, pdtmx end if if (imodel.eq.2.or.( 1 .eq.1)) then do 50 iii = 1, nplane if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units write (jun,2900) irdgdx(iii)*kgmtpa,unit(4), iii else write (jun,2950) irdgdx(iii), iii end if 50 continue end if end if avedet = filoss maxdet = totmax ptdet = pdtmx end if if (noout.le.1) then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units if ( write (jun,3500)unit(5),unit(4), 1 unit(4),unit(4),unit(5),unit(4),unit(5) else if ( write (jun,3550) end if end if c do 60 kk = 1, jadet if ( then if (noout.le.1) then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units write (jun,3300) detpt1(kk)*mtf,detpt2(kk)*mtf, 1 dtavls(kk)*kgmtpa,detstd(kk)*kgmtpa, 1 detmax(kk)*kgmtpa, pdtmax(kk)*mtf, 1 detmin(kk)*kgmtpa, pdtmin(kk)*mtf else c metric units write (jun,3350)detpt1(kk),detpt2(kk), 1 dtavls(kk),detstd(kk),detmax(kk), pdtmax(kk), 1 detmin(kk), pdtmin(kk) end if end if end if c c endif c 60 continue end if c c output summary of erosion and detatchment to abbrev.raw c c if ( then do 70 kk = 1, jadet if (idtsin(kk).eq.1) then if ( then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units if (noout.le.1) write (jun,3400)unit(5),unit(4) else if (noout.le.1) write (jun,3450) end if go to 80 end if end if c 70 continue c 80 do 90 kk = 1, jadet if (idtsin(kk).eq.1) then if ( then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units if (noout.le.1) write (jun,3600) detpt2(kk)*mtf, 1 dtavls(kk)*kgmtpa else if (noout.le.1) write (jun,3650) detpt2(kk), 1 dtavls(kk) end if end if end if 90 continue end if end if c c if ( then if (noout.le.1) write (jun,3000) if ( then sum1 = 0.0 sum2 = 0.0 totmax = depmax(1) pdpmx = pdpmax(1) c do 100 kk = 1, jadep sum1 = sum1 + (dpavls(kk)*depdis(kk)) sum2 = sum2 + depdis(kk) if (depmax(kk).lt.totmax) then totmax = depmax(kk) pdpmx = pdpmax(kk) end if c 100 continue c if ( then fidep = sum1 / sum2 tdep(ihill)=sum2*fwidth(iplane)*fidep if (noout.le.1) then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units write (jun,3100) fidep*kgmtpa,unit(4) write (jun,3200) totmax*kgmtpa,unit(4),pdpmx*mtf,unit(5) else write (jun,3150) fidep write (jun,3250) totmax, pdpmx end if end if avedep = fidep maxdep = totmax ptdep = pdpmx end if if (noout.le.1) then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units if ( write (jun,3700)unit(5),unit(4),unit(4), 1 unit(4),unit(5),unit(4),unit(5) else if ( write (jun,3750) end if end if c do 110 kk = 1, jadep c if(idpsin(kk).ne.1) then if ( then if (noout.le.1) then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units c write (jun,3300) deppt1(kk)*mtf, deppt2(kk)*mtf, 1 dpavls(kk)*kgmtpa, depstd(kk)*kgmtpa, 1 depmax(kk)*kgmtpa, pdpmax(kk)*mtf, 1 depmin(kk)*kgmtpa, pdpmin(kk)*mtf else write (jun,3350) deppt1(kk), deppt2(kk), dpavls(kk), 1 depstd(kk), depmax(kk), pdpmax(kk), depmin(kk), 1 pdpmin(kk) end if end if end if c endif 110 continue end if if ( then do 120 kk = 1, jadep if (idpsin(kk).eq.1) then if ( then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units c if (noout.le.1) write (jun,3800)unit(5),unit(4) else if (noout.le.1) write (jun,3850) end if go to 130 end if end if 120 continue c 130 do 140 kk = 1, jadep if (idpsin(kk).eq.1) then if ( then if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c abbreviated english units c if (noout.le.1) write (jun,3600) deppt2(kk)*mtf, 1 dpavls(kk)*kgmtpa else if (noout.le.1) write (jun,3650) deppt2(kk), 1 dpavls(kk) end if end if end if 140 continue end if end if return 1900 format (1x,/,1x, 1 ' The WEPP Hillslope model has detected the failure of', 1 ' contours',/, 1 ' during the simulation. The model has run the hillslope', 1 ' assuming',/, 1 ' no failure. However the contour inputs should be ', 1 'reconfigured',/, 1 ' so that the contours do not fail or the WEPP Watershed ', 1 'version',/,' should be run with a concentrated flow channel.' 1 ) 2000 format (1x,/,1x,'Contours Failed in ',i3,' cases on OFE ',i3,/,10 1 x,' - contour slope is > = average slope') 2100 format (1x,/,1x,'Contours Failed in ',i3,' cases on OFE ',i3,/,10 1 x,'- contour row sideslope is less than the hill slope') 2200 format (1x,/,1x,'Contours Failed in ',i3,' cases on OFE ',i3,/,10 1 x,' - contours under designed') 2500 format (//'II. ON SITE EFFECTS ON SITE EFFECTS', 1 ' ON SITE EFFECTS',/,5x,(3(15('-'),2x))/) 2600 format (/2x,'A. AREA OF NET SOIL LOSS') c data unit c 1=mm c 2=kg/m2 c 3=in. c 4=t/a c 5=ft. c 6=lbs/ft c 7=lbs c 8=kg/m 2700 format (/6x,'** Soil Loss (Avg. of Net Detachment',' Areas) = ', 1 f11.4,a,' **') 2750 format (/6x,'** Soil Loss (Avg. of Net Detachment',' Areas) = ',f8 1 .3,' kg/m2 **') 2800 format (6x,'** Maximum Soil Loss = ',f11.4,a,' at ',f7.1, 1 a,' **'/) 2850 format (6x,'** Maximum Soil Loss = ',f8.3,' kg/m2 at ',f7.2, 1 ' meters **'/) 2900 format (6x,'** Interrill Contribution = ',f11.4,a, 1 ' for OFE #',i2) 2950 format (6x,'** Interrill Contribution = ',f8.3,' kg/m2 ', 1 ' for OFE #',i2) 3000 format (/2x,'B. AREA OF SOIL DEPOSITION') 3100 format (/6x,'** Soil Deposition (Avg. of Net Deposition', 1 ' Areas) = ',f12.4,a,' **') 3150 format (/6x,'** Soil Deposition (Avg. of Net Deposition', 1 ' Areas) = ',f9.3,' kg/m2 **') 3200 format (6x,'** Maximum Soil Deposition = ',f12.4,a,' at ',f7 1 .1,a,' **'/) 3250 format (6x,'** Maximum Soil Deposition = ',f9.3,' kg/m2 at ',f7 1 .2,' meters **'/) 3300 format (f7.1,'-',f7.1,1x,f8.1,2x,f8.1,2x,f9.1,1x,f7.1,2x,f8.1,2x, 1 f7.1) 3350 format (f7.2,'-',f7.2,1x,f8.3,2x,f8.3,2x,f9.3,1x,f7.2,2x,f8.3,2x, 1 f7.2) 3400 format (/6x,'Single Point',5x,'Single Point',/,7x,'Soil Area',10x, 1 'Loss',/,9x,a,13x,a,/,6x,30('-')) 3450 format (/6x,'Single Point',5x,'Single Point',/,7x,'Soil Area',10x, 1 'Loss',/,9x,'(m)',13x,'(kg/m2/)',/,6x,30('-')) 3500 format (/,6x,'Area of',4x,'Soil Loss',3x,'Soil Loss',3x,'MAX',3x, 1 'MAX Loss',3x,'MIN',3x,'MIN Loss',/,6x,'Net Loss',6x,'MEAN',6 1 x,'STDEV',6x,'Loss',4x,'Point',4x,'Loss',3x,'Point',/,4x, 1 a,5x,a,4x,a,3x,a,2x,a,1x,a,1x,a,/,72('-')) 3550 format (/,6x,'Area of',4x,'Soil Loss',3x,'Soil Loss',3x,'MAX',3x, 1 'MAX Loss',3x,'MIN',3x,'MIN Loss',/,6x,'Net Loss',6x,'MEAN',6 1 x,'STDEV',6x,'Loss',4x,'Point',4x,'Loss',3x,'Point',/,8x, 1 '(m)',7x,'(kg/m2)',5x,'(kg/m2)',2x,'(kg/m2)',4x,'(m)',4x, 1 '(kg/m2)',2x,'(m)',/,72('-')) 3600 format (6x,f7.1,9x,f9.1) 3650 format (6x,f7.2,9x,f9.3) 3700 format (6x,'Area of',4x,'Soil Dep',3x,'Soil Dep',5x,'MAX',4x, 1 'MAX Dep',3x,'MIN',3x,'MIN Dep',/,6x,'Net Dep',7x,'MEAN',5x, 1 'STDEV',7x,'Dep',5x,'Point',4x,'Dep',4x,'Point',/,4x, 1 a,5x,a,4x,a,3x,a,2x,a,1x,a,1x,a,/,72('-')) 3750 format (6x,'Area of',4x,'Soil Dep',3x,'Soil Dep',5x,'MAX',4x, 1 'MAX Dep',3x,'MIN',3x,'MIN Dep',/,6x,'Net Dep',7x,'MEAN',5x, 1 'STDEV',7x,'Dep',5x,'Point',4x,'Dep',4x,'Point',/,8x,'(m)',7x, 1 '(kg/m2)',4x,'(kg/m2)',3x,'(kg/m2)',4x,'(m)',4x,'(kg/m2)',2x, 1 '(m)',/,72('-')) 3800 format (/6x,'Single Point',5x,'Single Point',/,7x,'Soil Area',10x, 1 'Dep',/,9x,a,13x,a,/,6x,30('-')) 3850 format (/6x,'Single Point',5x,'Single Point',/,7x,'Soil Area',10x, 1 'Dep',/,9x,'(m)',13x,'(kg/m2/)',/,6x,30('-')) end