subroutine sndrft(irtype,hour,driftf,driftg) c c +++PURPOSE+++ c This routine calculates the amount of snow drifting taking place. c It utilizes information on wind speed and aspect as well as hill c slope aspect and surface roughness from tillage activity and c crop cover. c c Authors(s): Cully Hession and Bruce Lucord, USDA-ARS-NCSRL c Revised by John Witte, UofMn WCES @ USDA-ARS-NCSRL c Date: 03/31/93 c Verified but not tested, Reza Savabi, USDA-ARS, NSERL 317-494-5051 c August 1994 c c +++ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS+++ real driftf,driftg integer irtype,hour c c +++ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS+++ c driftf - The calculated amount of falling snow drift (m). c driftg - The calculated amount of ground drift occurring (m). c irtype - The index referring to the crop residue type. c hour - Hour of the day...used for hourly snowfall amount. c c c +++PARAMETERS+++ include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c +++COMMON BLOCKS+++ include '' c read: vwind,wind include '' c read: canhgt,cancov include '' c read: rrc include '' c read: rmagt include '' c read: pltsp,diam include '' c read: slplen include '' c read: xslp include '' c read: pop include '' c read: basden include '' c read: avgslp(mxplan) include '' c read: iplane,nplane include '' c read: azm(iplane or 1),snodpt,drift,snow,densg include '' c read: cuthgt(ntype) c c +++LOCAL VARIABLES+++ save real snodp,height,ppop,rmasso,rmasst,rough, 1 length,vfrict,stor,trapef,vthf,tranf,vthg, 2 trang,absazm,scourf,inclf,perd,driftp c c +++LOCAL DEFINITIONS+++ c snodp - Adjusted value of snow depth (m). c height - Height of the canopy which is above the snow layer (m). c ppop - Represents the plant population (#Plants/ha). c rmasso - Standing residue mass before tillage (Kg/ha). c rmasst - Standing residue mass after tillage (Kg/ha). c rough - Surface roughness of the top layer of the system (m). c length - Length across the cell, parallel to the wind (m). c vfrict - Velocity of friction at the snow surface (m/sec). c stor - Storage capacity of the residue layer (m). c trapef - Trapping efficiency of the surface (%/100). c vthf - Threshold velocity of falling snow (m/s). c tranf - Transport rate of falling snow (Kg/m-s). c vthg - Threshold velocity of ground snow (Kg/m-s). c trang - Transport rate of ground snow (Kg/m-s). c absazm - Adjusted absolute value for azm(iplane) (degrees). c scourf - Scouring factor. c inclf - Incline factor. c perd - Total percent of available drifting snow falling on an c upslope area. (%) c driftp - Snow drift blowing across the upslope area. (%) c c +++OUTPUT FORMATS+++ c2000 format(' Inside Drift Routine',/,' wind dir = ',f10.3,/, c 1 ' wind vel = ', c 2 f10.3, c 3 /,' diam = ',f10.3,/,' ppop = ',f10.3,/, c 4 ' height = ',f10.3,/,' stor = ', c 5 f10.3, c 6 /,' rmasso = ',f10.3,/,' rmasst = ',f10.3,/,' rough = ', c 7 f10.3,/, c 8 ' length = ',f10.3,/,' width = ',f10.3,/,' vfrict = ', c 9 f10.3,/,' tranf = ',f10.3,/,' driftf = ',f10.3,/, c a ' driftg = ',f10.3,/,' trang = ',f10.3,/,' vthg = ',f10.3 c b ,/,' scourf = ',f10.3,/,' inclf = ',f10.3,/,' perl = ', c c f10.3,/,' perd = ',f10.3,/,' drift = ',f10.3,/, c d ' basden = ',f10.3,/,' trapef = ',f10.3,/,' driftp = ', c e f10.3,/,' absazm = ',f10.3,/,' slplen = ',f10.3,/) c c +++END SPECIFICATIONS+++ vthf = 0.087 driftf=0.0 snodp = snodpy(iplane) c -- This calculates the plant population for AGLAND land use c -- in units of #plants/ha. Please note that if not AGLAND, c -- the plant population is defaulted to zero. This will have c -- to be expanded to also cover other types of land use. c -- I snuck the WEPP plant population value over hear. We must c -- check to see if this is correct. c -- I think we should use a different variable than pop(iplane) c -- here, bring this to the attention of the WEPP team. jw if(lanuse(iplane) .eq. 1) then ppop = pop(iplane) height = cuthgt(irtype) else ppop = 0.0 height = canhgt(iplane) endif if( = canhgt(iplane) c c -- This calculates the standing residue mass before and after tillage c -- in the units of Kg/ha. rmasso = rmagt(iplane) * 10000.0 rmasst = rmagt(iplane) * 10000.0 rough = rrc(iplane) if (rough .lt. 0.0002) then rough = 0.0002 endif c -- Assuming four quadrants, if wind is within 45 deg. of the directn c -- which blows up or down the slope, then length and width are c -- considered to be equal. if ((wind .lt. 0.0001) .and. (wind .gt. -0.0001)) wind = 360.0 if ( .lt. 0.1)) azm(1) = 360.0 if ( .gt. -0.1)) azm(1) = 360.0 if (ivers.eq.3.and.(azm(iplane) .lt. 0.1)) azm(iplane) = 360.0 if (ivers.eq.3.and.(azm(iplane) .gt. -0.1)) azm(iplane) = 360.0 if ( = slplen(iplane) c watershed option if (ivers.eq.3)length = totlen(iplane) c -- Begin calculations, start with velocity of friction @ surface. vfrict = 0.0662 + (0.0217 * vwind) + (0.0022 * vwind * vwind) c -- We must now move on to calculate how much snow will be caught c -- by the residue. if(height .lt. 0.001 .or. diam(irtype) .lt. 0.001 .or. 1 ppop .lt. 1 .or. rmasst .lt. 0.001 .or. rmasso .lt. 0.001) then stor = rough else c -- If Agricultural land... if (lanuse(iplane) .eq. 1) then basden = diam(irtype) * (ppop**0.5) / 25.0 trapef = exp(-0.1 * height) - 0.1 stor = trapef * height * basden * rmasst/rmasso + rough else c -- Basal density may have to be user-inputted for other than agland. trapef = exp(-0.1 * height) - 0.1 stor = trapef * height * basden + rough endif endif c -- Now we may calculate the amount of falling drift. c -- If not enough wind to drift falling snow. reza added 2/10/94 if (vfrict .le. vthf) then drift = 0.0 driftf = 0.0 driftg = 0.0 c c -- Otherwise, friction velocity at surface exceeds the threshold c -- friction velocity for drifting falling snow. else c -- Falling drift calculations...................................... if (hrsnow(hour) .gt. 0.0001) then c -- First, we check to see if storage cap. exceeds avail snow. if ((hrsnow(hour) + snodp) .lt. stor) then driftf = 0.0 c -- Otherwise, snow exceeds available storage. Assume no drifting c -- occurs until all storage is filled. else tranf = 0.410 * vfrict * vfrict * (vfrict - vthf) driftf = 36 * (tranf / length) c -- Storage capacity is not yet filled. if (snodp .lt. stor) then if (driftf .gt. (hrsnow(hour) + snodp - stor)) then c -- Drift rate exceeds available falling snow. driftf = snodp + hrsnow(hour) - stor endif c -- Otherwise, the storage is filled. else if (driftf .gt. hrsnow(hour)) then driftf = hrsnow(hour) endif endif endif c -- Otherwise, no snow is falling. else driftf = 0.0 endif c -- Now, we ignore extremely small values. if (driftf .lt. 0.0001) then driftf = 0.0 endif endif c -- Now we calculate the ground drifting that has occurred that hour. c -- We first check to see if a snowpack exists. if (snodp .gt. 0.0) then vthg = -0.575 / ((1.0 - sin(atan(avgslp(iplane)/100))) 1 * (log(densg(iplane))) - 6.91) c -- We now check if the threshold velocity of drifting ground snow c -- is greater than friction velocity at the surface or the storage c -- capacity exceeds the snowdep. if (vthg .gt. vfrict) then c -- Then there is not enough wind to drift ground snow. driftg = 0.0 c -- Otherwise, wind friction velocity at the surface exceeds c -- threshold friction velocity and storage is filled. else trang = 0.076 * vfrict * vfrict * (vfrict-vthg) / vthg driftg = 3600 * trang/(densg(iplane) * length) c -- If the storage is not yet filled... if (snodp .lt. stor) then driftg = 0.0 else if(driftg .ge. (snodp-stor)) then driftg = snodp - stor endif c -- In this case, all of the snow drifts. endif endif c -- Otherwise, no snow exists. else driftg = 0.0 endif if(driftg .lt. 0.0001) then driftg = 0.0 endif c -- The falling and ground drifting has been calculated, now we must c -- make any adjustments that may be required... drift = driftf + driftg cweijun 4/5/94 c write(31,*)'driftf === ',driftf c write(31,*)'driftg === ',driftg c write(31,*)' in sndrft, drift === ',drift cend c creza added 2/18/94 c drift=0.0 c -- If drifting occurs, then we adjust it. if (drift .gt. 0.0001) then c -- Absolute value of slope facing direction - wind direction. if ( absazm = abs(azm(1)-wind) if (ivers.eq.3) absazm = abs(azm(iplane)-wind) c if (absazm .gt. 180.0) then absazm = 360.0 - absazm endif c -- Factor to adjust drifting based on direction of wind relative c -- to slope direction. scourf = (absazm / 90.0) - 1.0 c -- Factor to adjust drifting based on the steepness of the slope. inclf = 1.0 - sin(atan(avgslp(iplane))) c -- Snow is drifting into the cell, not out. if (scourf .gt. 0.0) then perd = exp(-1.0) / (11.0) c -- "Driftp" distributes drifting snow down wind. driftp = 1.0 - perd c -- Otherwise snow is drifting out (scouring), or no drifting. else driftp = 1.0 endif c -- Now, we have our actual drift calculations.............. driftf = driftf * scourf * inclf * driftp c -- Drifting evaporation factor for falling snow... if (driftf .gt. 0.0) then driftf = driftf * exp(-6.6e-4 * length) endif driftg = driftg * scourf * inclf * driftp c -- Drifting evaporation factor for ground snow... if (driftg .gt. 0.0) then driftg = driftg * exp(-6.6e-4 * length) endif endif c reza added 2/18/94 driftf=0.0 driftg=0.0 c reza added 2/18/94 c write(69,2000) wind,vwind,diam(irtype),ppop,height,stor,rmasso, c 1 rmasst,rough,length,wdth, c 2 vfrict,tranf,driftf,driftg,trang,vthg, c 3 scourf,inclf,perl,perd(iplane),drift,basden,trapef, c 4 driftp,absazm,slplen(iplane) return end