subroutine soil(nowcrp) c c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Initializes soil parameters such as bulk density, c porosity, etc. c c Called from CONTIN & WATBAL c Author(s): Alberts, Ghiddey, Simanton, Nearing, Laflen, Elliot, c Young, Ferris, Flanagan, Savabi, Weltz c Reference in User Guide: Chapters 6 & 4. Also see "A Compendium c of Soil Erodibility Data from WEPP Cropland Soil Field Erodi- c bility Experiments 1987 & 88", NSERL Report No. 3 c c Changes: c 1) Include files PMXGRX.INC & PTILTY.INC were not used. c They were de-referenced. c 2) Common blocks AVEPAR, CLIM, ENDS, & RINPT1 were not c used. They were de-referenced. c 3) Eliminated embedded "goto 100" with if-else structure. c 4) Moved a lot of statements outside the "do-10 loop". c 5) Added declarations for the following local variables: c i1,i2,n2 c rhaft,ckiasa,ckiawc,bdirf,rraft,wrd,epor,smf, c ckialr,ckiadr,ckiasc,ckiaft,bddiff,bdiwt, c rprime,ckraft,ckrawc,rkiacr,rkialc,rkratl, c rkracr,rkralc c 6) Eliminated SAVE of: ao,bdtll,rh,bar13,bar110 c 7) Removed the line: c imodel=1 c from the bottom of the L0-IF, since IMODEL is read as a c user input in CONTIN, and SOIL doesn't seem to be executed c unless IMODEL=1 (continuous simulation) anyway. c 8) The following 2 lines commented out since RHINIT is a c user input: c if((tilseq(nowcrp,iplane).gt.0) .and. c 1 (iridge(tilseq(nowcrp,iplane)).eq.1)) rhinit(iplane)=0.10 c 9) To eliminate discontinuities the lines: c if(,iplane)) sm20c=por(i,iplane)*0.95 c if(thetfc(i,iplane).ge.sm20c) then c temp=thetfc(i,iplane)-thetdr(i,iplane) c thetfc(i,iplane) = sm20c*0.99 c changed to: c if(,iplane)*0.95)) sm20c=por(i,iplane)*0.95 c if(thetfc(i,iplane).ge.(sm20c*0.99)) then c temp=thetfc(i,iplane)-thetdr(i,iplane) c thetfc(i,iplane) = sm20c*0.99 c 10) Corrected error in the do-50 loop: ----\/ c if(ao(i,iplane).lt.0.0) ao(1,iplane)=0.0 c should be: c if(ao(i,iplane).lt.0.0) ao(i,iplane)=0.0 c (DID make a difference in the outputs of Test1-3.) c 11) IRDEPT was dimensioned to MXPLAN in version 92.332 c (commom block IRRIGA). This change is reflected in c this code. -- CRM -- 1/7/93. c 12) IFROST moved to common block CKRCON jca2 8/31/93 c 13) Savabi changes for frozen soil adjustments to c conductivity. dcf 5/20/94 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 92.25. c Date recoded: 09/19/92 - 10/30/92. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer nowcrp c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c nowcrp - current crop c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c read: tave c include '' c read: rtm(mxres,mxplan), smrm(mxres,mxplan) c include '' c read: hmax(ntype) c include '' c read: ck1(mxnsl,mxplan), ck2(mxnsl,mxplan), rre(mxplan), c bdcons(mxnsl,mxplan), coca(mxnsl,mxplan), wrdk(mxnsl,mxplan) c modify: cpm(mxnsl,mxplan) c include '' c read: tilseq(mxcrop,mxplan) c include '' c read: lanuse(mxplan),cancov(mxplan),canhgt(mxplan), c inrcov(mxplan) c modify: daydis(mxplan) c write: kiadjf(mxplan), kradjf(mxplan), tcadjf(mxplan) c include '' c read: rtm15(mxplan) c modify: rrc(mxplan),bd(mxnsl,mxplan),rh(mxplan) c include '' c read: iresd(mxplan), itype(mxcrop,mxplan) c include '' c modify: rspace(mxplan) c include '' c read: iflag c include '' c read: rain c include '' c read:irfcum,ibd c include '' c read: irdept(mxplan),noirr c include '' c include '' c read: krcrat(mxplan), kicrat(mxplan), tccrat(mxplan), c bconsd(mxplan) c include '' c modify: por(mxnsl,mxplan) c include '' c read: iridge(mxtlsq) c include '' c include '' c read: spop(ntype), gpop(ntype) c include '' c read: tpop(ntype) c include '' c read: rrough(mxplan) c include '' c read: rooty(mxnsl,mxplan) c include '' c read: bdtill(mxplan) c modify: rrinit(mxplan),rhinit(mxplan),rfcum(mxplan) c include '' c read: avgslp(mxplan) c include '' c read: clay(mxnsl,mxelmt) c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c read: solth1(mxnsl,mxplan) include '' c read: tildep(mxtill,mxtlsq), typtil(mxtill,mxtlsq), c rro(mxtill,mxtlsq), rho(mxtill,mxtlsq) c include '' c read: sdate, mdate(mxtill,mxtlsq), indxy(mxplan) c include '' c read: st(mxnsl,mxplan), thetdr(mxnsl,mxplan), thetfc(mxnsl,mxplan), c nsl(mxplan) c modify: ssc(mxnsl,mxplan) c include '' c read: frdp(mxplan), thdp(mxplan) c modify: frozen(mxnsl,mxplan),tens(mxplan) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real daycnt(mxplan,2), denom, bdtll(2,mxplan), ao(2,mxplan), 1 sscunf(mxnsl,mxplan) real acyc, produc, ckrasc, ctcasc, frsl, frzlay, rkiatl, smf, 1 tcaft, pfc integer plant, i, kk integer i1, i2, n2 real bdirf, ckiadr, ckiaft, ckialr, ckiasa, ckiasc, ckiawc, 1 ckraft, ckrawc, ckrbgb, bddiff, bdiwt, rkiacr, rkialc, rkratl, 1 rkracr, rkralc, ckiacc, ckiagc, rkiacc, rkiagc, 1 ckradr, ckralr, ctcarr real slo, pwater, tenkpa, frof, cbr,fzrati c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c daycnt - counter to track days since last tillage disturbance c to layers 1 and 2 c denom - average slope of row sideslope c bdtll - the bulk density after tillage for top two soil layers c ao - maximum change in bulk density (compaction) due to c rainfall (assumed to occur after RFCUM reaches 0.1) c sscunf - unfrozen saturated hydraulic conductivity (SSC) c rh - ridge height c acyc - the main constant for the interrill erodibility adjustment c due to frost and thaw is based upon the number of freeze-thaw c cycles. Once ACYC reaches 10 cycles it is set equal to 1.31. c sm20c - the 20 centimeters water content c plant - plant type c i1 - operation index of tillage sequence c i2 - tillage sequence index c n2 - number of layers to process in do-10 loop c bdirf - bulk density increase due to rainfall cC rhaft - ridge height adjustment for freeze/thaw cC rraft - random roughness adjustment for freeze/thaw c wrd - residual moisture content c epor - effective porosity c smf - soil moisture at freezing c ckiacc - adjustment to interrill erodibility for canopy cover c ckiadr - adjustment to interrill erodibility for dead root biomass c ckiaft - adjustment to interrill erodibility for freezing/thawing c ckiagc - adjustment to interrill erodibility for ground cover c ckialr - adjustment to interrill erodibility for live root biomass c ckiasa - adjustment to interrill erodibility for row sideslope c ckiasc - adjustment to interrill erodibility for soil consolidation c ckiawc - adjustment to interrill erodibility for wheel compaction c ckraft - adjustment to rill erodibility for freeze/thaw c ckrawc - adjustment to rill erodibility for wheel compaction c ckrbgb - adjustment to rill erodibility for burried residue mass c ckradr - adjustment to rill erodibility for dead root c ckralr - adjustment to rill erodibility for live root c ctcarr - adjustment to tc for random roughness c cbr - adjustment of buried residue to random roughness c decay coefficient c bddiff - difference between consolidated bulk density (BDCONS) and c bulk density corrected for tillage and rainfall c bdiwt - bulk density increase due to weathering c rkiacc - rangeland interrill adjustment for canopy cover c rkiacr - rangeland interrill adjustment for live & dead roots c rkiagc - rangeland interrill adjustment for ground cover c rkialc - rangeland interrill adjustment for livestock compaction c rkratl - rangeland interrill adjustment for tillage c rkracr - rangeland interrill adjustment for live & dead roots c rkralc - rangeland interrill adjustment for livestock compaction c slo - approximate slope of the soil matric potential line c pwater - total soil water content in the topmost layer (m/m) c tenkpa - soil matric potential in topmost layer (KiloPascals) c c + + + SAVES + + + save ao, bdtll, daycnt, sscunf, frof data frof/1.0/ c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c INFPAR c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c plant = itype(nowcrp,iplane) c c *** L0 IF *** c ---- NOT the first day of simulation.... if ( then c c Set space between rills (temporarily assumed constant): c c -------- reset the ssc to the unfrozen value do 10 i = 1, nsl(iplane) c comment from ftnchek 01-12-94 08:39am sjl c Variables may be used before set in module SOIL: c SSCUNF ssc(i,iplane) = sscunf(i,iplane) 10 continue c c *** M1 IF *** c CROPLAND if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) then c c *** M2 IF *** c Check if there is tillage for the year and if first management c date has been reached if (tilseq(nowcrp,iplane).gt.0.and.indxy(iplane).gt.0) then c c ---------- indices for tillage operations i1 = indxy(iplane) i2 = tilseq(nowcrp,iplane) c c *** M3 IF *** c If there is tillage today, adjust counter(s), bulk density, c random roughness and ridge height. c if (sdate.eq.mdate(i1,i2).and.tildep(i1,i2).gt.0.) then c c ------------ Update the days since disturbance counter which is c used in the computation of the erodibility parameter c adjustments. c if ( write (6,*) 'OPERATION ON PLANE', 1 iplane, ' ON DAY', sdate c if (ivers.eq.3) write (6,*) 'OPERATION on channel ', 1 iplane, ' on day ', sdate c c NOTE: changed equation for daydis so that it is reset to c zero when any tillage occurs that has an average tillage c depth that is greater than zero. c (suggested by Laflen and Nearing 4/12/93) dcf c daydis(iplane) = daydis(iplane) * c 1 (1.0 - mfo(i1,i2,iresd(1,iplane))) c c ------------ Average tillage depth is greater than zero if (tdmean(i1,i2).gt.0.0) then c daydis(iplane) = (1.0-surdis(i1,i2)) * daydis(iplane) c c Set kecum =0 (from Risse dcf 1/3/94) rkecum(iplane) = 0.0 c c -------------- secondary tillage if (typtil(i1,i2).eq.2) then n2 = 1 daycnt(iplane,1) = 0.0 daycnt(iplane,2) = daycnt(iplane,2) + 1.0 c ------------ primary tillage else n2 = 2 daycnt(iplane,1) = 0.0 daycnt(iplane,2) = 0.0 end if c c If the user has indicated temporary rill types - then rill c width is set back to zero here when tillage occurs. c if (rwflag(iplane).eq.1) then width(iplane) = 0.0 wdhtop(iplane) = 0.0 endif c c For the case of an implement with an average tillage depth of 0.0, c we still have to set a value for n2: assume secondary tillage for c bulk density computations below - BUT, do not reset daycnt to 0. else n2 = 1 daycnt(iplane,1) = daycnt(iplane,1) + 1.0 daycnt(iplane,2) = daycnt(iplane,2) + 1.0 if (rfcum(iplane).gt.0.01) daydis(iplane) = 1 daydis(iplane) + 1.0 end if c c ------------ initial random roughness after tillage operation c XXX Note - When separate input value of MFO are available for both c interrill and rill areas, change needs to be made here. c Could use either the Interrill value of MFO, OR could c use the new SURDIS variable, OR could compute a weighted c average of MFO based on rill spacing and rill width. A c more difficult option would be to compute separate c roughness values on both the interrill and rill areas. c dcf 8/25/93 c Changed from use of MFO to SURDIS(for nearing) dcf 12/1/93 c rrinit(iplane) = rro(i1,i2) * mfo(i1,i2,iresd(1,iplane)) + c 1 rrc(iplane) * (1-mfo(i1,i2,iresd(1,iplane))) c rrinit(iplane) = rro(i1,i2) * surdis(i1,i2) + 1 rrc(iplane) * (1.0-surdis(i1,i2)) if (rrinit(iplane).lt.0.006) rrinit(iplane) = 0.006 c c ------------ initial ridge height after tillage operation if (rhinit(iplane).lt.rho(i1,i2)) rhinit(iplane) = 1 rho(i1,i2) if (rhinit(iplane).lt.0.006) rhinit(iplane) = 0.006 c c c Adjust primary and secondary tillage layers for c tillage effect on bulk density c do 20 i = 1, n2 c c XXX Note - When separate input value of MFO are available for both c interrill and rill areas, change needs to be made here. c Could use either the Interrill value of MFO, OR could c use the new SURDIS variable, OR could compute a weighted c average of MFO based on rill spacing and rill width. A c more difficult option would be to compute separate c bulk density values on both the interrill and rill areas. c dcf 8/25/93 c bdtll(i,iplane) = bd(i,iplane) - (bd(i,iplane)-0.667* c 1 bdcons(i,iplane)) * mfo(i1,i2,iresd(1,iplane)) bdtll(i,iplane) = bd(i,iplane) - (bd(i,iplane)-0.667* 1 bdcons(i,iplane)) * surdis(i1,i2) if (bdtll(i,iplane).lt.500) bdtll(i,iplane) = 500 if (bdtll(i,iplane).gt.bdcons(i,iplane)) 1 bdtll(i,iplane) = bdcons(i,iplane) bd(i,iplane) = bdtll(i,iplane) c c -------------- maximum change in bulk density due to rainfall. c (It is assumed that this is equivalent to the c change caused by 0.1m. of cumulative rainfall.) c (WEPP Equation 6.7.14) ao(i,iplane) = 1650. - (2900.*clay(i,iplane)) + 3000. * 1 (clay(i,iplane)**2) - (0.92*bdtll(i,iplane)) if (ao(i,iplane).lt.0.0) ao(i,iplane) = 0.0 20 continue c c c ------------ reset cumulative rainfall since last tillage rfcum(iplane) = 0.0 c c *** M3 ELSE *** c if no tillage, increment the days-since-tillage counters by 1 else daycnt(iplane,1) = daycnt(iplane,1) + 1.0 daycnt(iplane,2) = daycnt(iplane,2) + 1.0 c c increment the cumulative days-since-disturbance counter c only when the cumulative rainfall since tillage exceeds c 10 mm. dcf 2/3/93 c if (rfcum(iplane).gt.0.01) daydis(iplane) = 1 daydis(iplane) + 1.0 c c *** M3 ENDIF *** end if c c *** M2 ELSE *** c if no tillage, increment the days-since-tillage counters by 1 else daycnt(iplane,1) = daycnt(iplane,1) + 1.0 daycnt(iplane,2) = daycnt(iplane,2) + 1.0 if (rfcum(iplane).gt.0.01) daydis(iplane) = daydis(iplane) + 1 1.0 c c *** M2 ENDIF *** end if c c--------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Bulk density consolidation section c (calculated on the primary and secondary tillage layers.) c--------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c kottwitz 2-14-91 c modification assumes that water from furrow irrigation should c not be considered since furrow irrigation is a much different c process from rainfall (or sprinkler irrigation) c c -------- compute rainfall accumulated since latest tillage operation c (Add today's rainfall & depth of water applied by irrigation.) c c do 30 i = 1, 2 c c if current bulk density is fully consolidated skip to c porosity calculations c *** N2 IF *** if (bd(i,iplane).lt.bdcons(i,iplane)) then c c Soil BD Increase Due to Rainfall c c ------------ BD increase from rainfall using the bulk density for 0.1 m. c cumulative rainfall since last tillage (AO), and the current c cumulative rainfall since last tillage (RFCUM). c (WEPP Equation 6.7.13) bdirf = ao(i,iplane) * (rfcum(iplane)/(.01+rfcum(iplane))) c c ******************************************************** c * Note: This is *NOT* the *LINEAR* relationship Savabi * c * indicated. For what he indicated, you need: * c * bdirf=ao(i,iplane)*(rfcum(iplane)/0.01) * c * CRM -- 10/28/92 * c ******************************************************** c c ------------ difference between maximum bulk density (BDCONS), and the c current bulk density after tillage (BDTLL) plus BD after c 0.1 m. rainfall (AO). c (WEPP Equation 6.7.15) bddiff = bdcons(i,iplane) - (bdtll(i,iplane)+ 1 ao(i,iplane)) c c *********************************************************** c * Note: In the User Doc, P(t) in this Eq. 6.7.15 is *NOT* * c * the same as the P(t) in Eq. 6.7.12. Re: 10/20/92 * c * conversation with Reza Savabi -- CRM -- 10/21/92. * c *********************************************************** c daily increase in bulk density due to weathering and longer c term soil consolidation. c (Combination WEPP Equations 6.7.16 & 6.7.17) bdiwt = bddiff * (1.0-(exp(-0.005*daycnt(iplane,i)))) c c calculate bulk density from BD after tillage, increase due c to rainfall (BDIRF), and increase due to weathering (BDIWT). bd(i,iplane) = bdtll(i,iplane) + bdirf + bdiwt c c ensure the current bulk density (BD) doesn't exceed the c maximum value for bulk density (BDCON). if (bd(i,iplane).gt.bdcons(i,iplane)) bd(i,iplane) = 1 bdcons(i,iplane) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c surface roughness coefficients c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c compute product of random roughness parameter (RRE) and c cumulative rainfall since last tillage (RFCUM). c (WEPP Equation 6.6.1) c c ZZZ added by zhang 10/5/94 c modify random roughness decay coefficient cbr = 1. - .5 * (smrm(1,iplane)+smrm(2,iplane)+ 1 smrm(3,iplane)) c set minimum value of cbr to 0.3 if (cbr .lt. 0.3) cbr = 0.3 c produc = rre(iplane) *cbr* (rfcum(iplane)*1000)**0.6 c c PRODUC value is used to prevent a numeric underflow c particularly for cases on long term no-till simulations. if ( then c c compute daily random roughness coefficient from initial c ridge roughness rrc(iplane) = rrinit(iplane) * exp(produc) if (rrc(iplane).lt.0.006) rrc(iplane) = 0.006 c c compute daily ridge height coef. from initial ridge c height rh(iplane) = rhinit(iplane) * exp(produc) if (rh(iplane).lt.0.006) rh(iplane) = 0.006 else rrc(iplane) = 0.006 rh(iplane) = 0.006 end if c c adjustment factor for random roughness to account c for freeze-thaw c c rraft=1.0 c rrc(iplane)=rrc(iplane)*rraft c c if (rrc(iplane).lt.0.006) rrc(iplane) = 0.006 if (rh(iplane).lt.0.006) rh(iplane) = 0.006 c c check minimum values for ridge height (RH) in ridge tillage if (tilseq(nowcrp,iplane).gt.0) then if (iridge(tilseq(nowcrp,iplane)).eq.1) then if (rh(iplane).lt.0.10) rh(iplane) = 0.10 else if (rh(iplane).lt.0.006) rh(iplane) = 0.006 end if end if c c c adjustment factor for ridge height to account for freeze-thaw c c if(rh(iplane).gt.0.076)rhaft=1.0 c -- XXX -- Huh? Why the next line? -- CRM -- 9/29/92 c rhaft=1.0 c rh(iplane)=rh(iplane)*rhaft c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c porosity calculations c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c ------------ compute total soil porosity (m**3/m**3) c (WEPP Equation 6.8.1) por(i,iplane) = ((2650.0-bd(i,iplane))/2650.0) c c ------------ correct porosity for entrapped air por(i,iplane) = por(i,iplane) * coca(i,iplane) c c *** N2 ENDIF *** end if c c ---------- reset the unfrozen Ksat to newly-tilled Ksat sscunf(i,iplane) = ssc(i,iplane) c 30 continue c c *** M1 ELSE *** elseif (lanuse(iplane).eq.2) then c RANGELAND c c NEW KIDWELL EQUATION AS OF June 7, 1995 dcf c if( do 33 i=1,2 if(rilcov(iplane).lt.0.45)then ssc(i,iplane) = 57.99 1 - (14.05 * alog(cec(1,iplane))) 1 + (6.20 * alog(rooty(1,iplane))) 1 - (473.39 * (fbasr(iplane)*bascov(iplane))**2) 1 + (4.78 * fresi(iplane)*rescov(iplane)) else ssc(i,iplane) = -14.29 1 - (3.40 * alog(rooty(1,iplane))) 1 + (37.83 * sand(1,iplane)) 1 + (208.86 * orgmat(1,iplane)) 1 + (398.64 * rrough(iplane)) 1 - (27.39 * fresi(iplane)*rescov(iplane)) 1 + (64.14 * fbasi(iplane)*bascov(iplane)) endif c c Limit EFFECTIVE baseline conductivity value to 0.2 mm/hr c minimum. c if (ssc(i,iplane).lt.0.2) ssc(i,iplane) = 0.2 c c Convert from mm/hr to meters/second c ssc(i,iplane) = ssc(i,iplane) / 3.6e6 c c reset the unfrozen Ke to newly-computed Ke sscunf(i,iplane) = ssc(i,iplane) 33 continue endif c c *** M1 ENDIF *** end if c c correct saturated hydraulic conductivity for frozen ground c frozen ground factor, smf= soil water at freezing do 35 kk = 1, nsl(iplane)-1 c cd Added by S. Dun, Dec 03, 2007 sscv(kk,iplane) = 0.0 cd End adding c cd if((frdp(iplane)-thdp(iplane)) .le. 0.0) goto 35 cd smf=amtfrz(iplane)/(frdp(iplane)-thdp(iplane)) cd pfc=smf/thetfc(kk,iplane)*100. cd if( 100) then cd frof = 0.1 cd else cd frof=3.75*exp(-0.026*pfc) cd if( cd endif c 35 continue c cd Added by S. Dun, Dec 03, 2007 if (frdp(iplane) .gt. 0.) then call frsoil(sscunf) endif cd End adding c c cd do 40 i = 1, nsl(iplane) cd ---------- reset FROZEN to zero cd if (frozen(i,iplane).gt.0.0) frozen(i,iplane) = 0.0 cd 40 continue c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c c *** L0 ELSE *** else c ---- FIRST DAY IN MODEL SEQUENCE. c c ------ initialize unfrozen Ksat's to initial Ksat's do 50 i = 1, nsl(iplane) sscunf(i,iplane) = ssc(i,iplane) 50 continue c c if there is tillage such that the initial ridge height >= 1/10 m c then set the initial ridge height to 1/10 m. c if((tilseq(nowcrp,iplane).gt.0) .and. c 1 (iridge(tilseq(nowcrp,iplane)).eq.1)) rhinit(iplane)=0.10 c c ********************************************************************* c * NOTE: The above lines set the initial ridge height to 1/10 meter * c * in a ridge-till system, REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE USER INPUTS. * c * This was changed at the request of D. Flanagan following * c * 10/28/92 conversation. -- CRM -- 10/28/92. * c ********************************************************************* c c c (Assume the bulk density of soil layers 1 and 2 are equal c on day 1.) c c *** L1 IF *** c CROPLAND if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) then c do 60 i = 1, 2 daycnt(iplane,i) = daydis(iplane) bdtll(i,iplane) = bdtill(iplane) c c ---------- calculate maximum adjustment to bulk density due to c rainfall (the amount predicted to occur with 1/10 meter c cumulative rainfall; ie, when RFCUM = 0.1.) c (WEPP Equation 6.7.14) ao(i,iplane) = 1650. - (2900.*clay(i,iplane)) + 3000. * ( 1 clay(i,iplane)**2) - (0.92*bdtill(iplane)) if (ao(i,iplane).lt.0.0) ao(i,iplane) = 0.0 c c ---------- BD increase from rainfall using the bulk density for 0.1 m. c cumulative rainfall since last tillage (AO), and the current c cumulative rainfall since last tillage (RFCUM). c (WEPP Equation 6.7.13) bdirf = ao(i,iplane) * (rfcum(iplane)/(.01+rfcum(iplane))) c c ---------- difference between maximum bulk density (BDCONS), and the c current bulk density after tillage (BDTLL) plus BD after c 0.1 m. rainfall (AO). c (WEPP Equation 6.7.15) bddiff = bdcons(i,iplane) - (bdtll(i,iplane)+ao(i,iplane)) c c ---------- daily increase in bulk density due to weathering and longer-- c term soil consolidation. c (Combination WEPP Equations 6.7.16 & 6.7.17) bdiwt = bddiff * (1.0-(exp(-0.005*daycnt(iplane,i)))) c c ---------- calculate bulk density from BD after tillage, increase due c to rainfall (BDIRF), and increase due to weathering (BDIWT). bd(i,iplane) = bdtll(i,iplane) + bdirf + bdiwt c c ---------- ensure the current bulk density (BD) doesn't exceed the c maximum value for bulk density (BDCON). if (bd(i,iplane).gt.bdcons(i,iplane)) bd(i,iplane) = 1 bdcons(i,iplane) c 60 continue c c -------- ridge height coefficient rh(iplane) = rhinit(iplane) c -------- random roughness coefficient rrc(iplane) = rrinit(iplane) c c c *** L1 ELSE *** c OTHER (Range or Forest) else c c RANGELAND if (lanuse(iplane).eq.2) then c if there are shrubs or the maximum plant height exceeds c 0.3 m, then calculate rill spacing. if (spop(plant).gt.0.0.or.hmax(plant).gt.0.30) then rspace(iplane) = 100.0 / (spop(plant)+gpop(plant)+ 1 tpop(plant)+1) c if there aren't shrubs and the maximum plant height is less c than 0.3 meter ... else c set space between rills (temporarily assumed constant): rspace(iplane) = 1.0 end if if (rspace(iplane).gt.5.0) rspace(iplane) = 5.0 if (rspace(iplane).lt.0.5) rspace(iplane) = 0.5 c c NEW KIDWELL EQUATION AS OF June 7, 1995 dcf c cdcf do 70 i=1,2 cdcf if(rilcov(iplane).lt.0.45)then cdcf ssc(i,iplane) = 57.99 cdcf 1 - (14.05 * alog(cec(1,iplane))) cdcf 1 + (6.20 * alog(rooty(1,iplane))) cdcf 1 - (473.39 * (fbasr(iplane)*bascov(iplane))**2) cdcf 1 + (4.78 * fresi(iplane)*rescov(iplane)) cdcf else cdcf ssc(i,iplane) = -14.29 cdcf 1 - (3.40 * alog(rooty(1,iplane))) cdcf 1 + (37.83 * sand(1,iplane)) cdcf 1 + (208.86 * orgmat(1,iplane)) cdcf 1 + (398.64 * rrough(iplane)) cdcf 1 - (27.39 * fresi(iplane)*rescov(iplane)) cdcf 1 + (64.14 * fbasi(iplane)*bascov(iplane)) cdcf endif c c Limit EFFECTIVE baseline conductivity value to 0.2 mm/hr c minimum. c cdcf if (ssc(i,iplane).lt.0.2) ssc(i,iplane) = 0.2 c c Convert from mm/hr to meters/second c cdcf ssc(i,iplane) = ssc(i,iplane) / 3.6e6 c c CORRECTION - to fix incorrect setting of minimum c conductivity value that is used to compute the c profile saturation equations of Savabi in c subroutine GRNA. dcf 10/6/99 c cdcf if (i.eq.1) then cdcf sscmin(iplane) = ssc(i,iplane) cdcf else cdcf if (ssc(i,iplane).lt.sscmin(iplane)) cdcf 1 sscmin(iplane) = ssc(i,iplane) cdcf end if c c70 continue end if c c -------- ridge height coefficient rh(iplane) = rrough(iplane) c -------- random roughness coefficient rrc(iplane) = rrough(iplane) c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L0 ENDIF *** end if c c c Call the infiltration parameter subroutine (INFPAR) after c the saturated hydraulic conductivity loop has ended. c call infpar(nowcrp,jdplt(nowcrp,iplane),plant,irsyst) c c Update the cumulative rainfall since last tillage here - c after the infiltration parameters for the current day have c been computed - thus rainfall and irrigation today affects c crusting, infiltration, erodibility tomorrow. dcf 2/3/93 c c XXX PROBLEM HERE - Winter is called after SOIL - and it is WINTER c XXX routines which now determine whether PRECIP is rain or snow. c XXX Temporary fix 6/3/94 dcf c rfcum(iplane) = rfcum(iplane) + rain + irdept(iplane) c c XXX Another question here is whether FURROW irrigation water should c XXX be added to RFCUM ? Furrow water excluded here now. dcf 12/15/94 c if(irsyst.le.1)then if( rfcum(iplane) = rfcum(iplane) + prcp + irdept(iplane) else rfcum(iplane) = rfcum(iplane) + irdept(iplane) endif else if( + prcp endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c FREEZE AND THAW ADJUSTMENTS TO ERODIBILITY VALUES (Ki,Kr,Tauc) c c 7/9/91 add adjustment based on effective matric potential (sm) c Improved equations from Bob Young added 2/13/92 by dcf c Corrections added 4/21/93 to compute the correct soil matric c potential needed in these calculations (dcf and savabi) c cd Modified by S. Dun, 04/09/2008 for frozen soil fzrati = (dg(1,iplane)-frozen(1,iplane))/dg(1,iplane) if (fzrati. gt.0.01) then pwater = (st(1,iplane)/fzrati + thetdr(1,iplane)*dg(1,iplane)) 1 /dg(1,iplane) else pwater = (st(1,iplane)+thetdr(1,iplane)*dg(1,iplane)) / 1 dg(1,iplane) endif cd End modifying c if (frdp(iplane).gt.0.0.and.thdp(iplane).le.0.0) then ifrost(iplane) = 1 ckiaft = 0.0 ckraft = 0.0 tcaft = 1.0 else if (pwater.le.thetfc(1,iplane)) then ifrost(iplane) = 0 ckiaft = 1.0 ckraft = 1.0 tcaft = 1.0 else if (ifrost(iplane).gt.0) then ifrost(iplane) = 2 else ckiaft = 1.0 ckraft = 1.0 tcaft = 1.0 end if c c ---- Once thawing of a frozen soil is detected.... if (ifrost(iplane).eq.2) then c c compute the soil matric potential in kiloPascals. The c following equation is an approximation valid only between c the range of saturation and field capacity. (from Savabi) c c NOTE replaced Savabi code of setting te33=33 and t33=log10(te33) c with the constant value 1.518514 in equation for slo c dcf 5/14/93 c slo = (100.*(thetfc(1,iplane)-por(1,iplane))) / 1.518514 c c if the water present is less than the porosity compute c the matric potential in kilopascals c if (,iplane)) then tenkpa = 10. ** ((100.*(por(1,iplane)-pwater))/abs(slo)) c c else if the water present is greater than or equal to the c porosity set the matric potential to 1.0 kilopascal c else tenkpa = 1.0 end if c c The WINTER model needs to store water tension in units of m. c tens(iplane) = tenkpa / 10. c c The main constant for the interrill erodibility adjustment c due to frost and thaw is based upon the number of freeze-thaw c cycles - once reach 10 cycles - set equal to 1.31 c if (fcycle(iplane).lt.11) then acyc = 1.0 + 0.0586 * float(fcycle(iplane)) - 0.0027 * 1 float(fcycle(iplane)**2) else acyc = 1.31 end if c c ------ compute interrill erodibility adjustment due to freeze-thaw ckiaft = acyc * exp((-alog(acyc))*tenkpa/33.0) c c once 1/10 bar effective matric potential is reached the c adjustments for rill erodibility and critical shear are stopped c c ------ if soil matric potential > 1/10-bar.... (10 kiloPascals) if ( then ckraft = 1.0 tcaft = 1.0 c c ------ if soil matric potential <= 1/10-bar.... (10 kiloPascals) else ckraft = 2.0 * (0.933) ** tenkpa tcaft = 0.875 + 0.0543 * alog(tenkpa) end if c end if c c c *** P0 IF *** c CROPLAND if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) then c c----------------------------------------------------------------- c Interrill erodibility (Ki) adjustments for cropland c----------------------------------------------------------------- c c Move updating of days since disturbance parameter from SR CONTIN c to SR SOIL. This will ensure that updating of all variables that c affect soil parameters (Ki, Kr, Tauc, etc.) adjustments are done c in the same place. dcf 1/29/93 c c ------ canopy effects (Laflen equation 4/13/93 dcf ) c if (canhgt(iplane).gt.0.0) then ckiacc = 1.0 - (2.941*cancov(iplane)/canhgt(iplane)) * 1 (1.0-exp(-0.34*canhgt(iplane))) else ckiacc = 1.0 - cancov(iplane) end if c c ------ ground cover effects (originally in function INRDET) c ckiagc = exp(-2.5*inrcov(iplane)) c c ------ live root biomass (WEPP Equation 6.11.2) ckialr = exp(-0.56*rtm15(iplane)) c c ------ dead root biomass (WEPP Equation 6.11.1) ckiadr = exp(-0.56*(rtm(1,iplane)+rtm(2,iplane)+ 1 rtm(3,iplane))) c c c ------ sealing and crusting c c Variable produc is used in a trap to prevent numeric underflows c It is also used below in Kr and Tauc consolidation equations c produc = bconsd(iplane) * daydis(iplane) c if ( then ckiasc = kicrat(iplane) + (1-kicrat(iplane)) * exp(-produc) else ckiasc = kicrat(iplane) end if c c Interrill slope adjustment (0 < denom < .707) c ------ equivalent of "sin(S)", assuming the furrows are triangular. c c Change suggested by Nearing 11/22/93 to use OFE average slope c if it is steeper than row sideslopes for slope factor c adjustment. dcf 11/22/93 c if ((rh(iplane)/(rspace(iplane)/2.)).gt.avgslp(iplane)) then denom = rh(iplane) / 1 sqrt((rspace(iplane)/2.)**2+rh(iplane)**2) else c c Logic added 3/4/97 to prevent a decrease in predicted c interrill detachment for extremely steep slopes (300%) c dcf if(avgslp(iplane) .lt. 0.7854)then denom = sin(avgslp(iplane)) else denom = 0.707 end if end if c c ------ constrain row sideslope to <= 45 degrees if ( denom = .707 c ------ (Equation 3 -- NSERL Report No. 3) ckiasa = 1.05 - .85 * exp(-4.*denom) c c ------ wheel compaction ckiawc = 1.0 c c ------ Total Ki adjustment factor kiadjf(iplane) = ckiacc * ckiagc * ckialr * ckiadr * ckiasc * 1 ckiaft * ckiasa * ckiawc if (kiadjf(iplane).lt.0.03) kiadjf(iplane)=0.03 c c------------------------------------------------------------- c cropland rill erodibility (Kr) and critical shear stress c------------------------------------------------------------- c c ------ incorporated residue and roots c (WEPP Eq. 6.14.1, adapted to include 3 types of residue) c c ... adjustment of kr to buried residue ckrbgb = exp(-.40*(smrm(1,iplane)+smrm(2,iplane)+ 1 smrm(3,iplane))) c c ... adjustment of kr to dead root ckradr = exp(-2.2 * (rtm(1,iplane)+rtm(2,iplane)+rtm(3,iplane))) c ... adjustment of kr to live root ckralr = exp(-3.5*rtm15(iplane)) c c ... adjustment of tc to random roughness ctcarr = 1. + 8.0 * (rrc(iplane)-0.006) c c Consolidation model c ------ increase in soil resistance due to drying and time c -- XXX -- (WEPP Eq. -- NOT FOUND. This equation is a function only c of "days since disturbance by tillage". -- CRM -- 10/6/92) c c *********************************************************************** c * NOTE: This equation is not included in the WEPP User Documentation. * c * Nearing reports it is based on Larry Brown's thesis. It is * c * presently a function only of "days since disturbance by til- * c * lage". Intentions to also include drying effects were * c * stymied by inability to understand the water balance code. * c * CRM -- 10/29/92. * c *********************************************************************** c c ------ adjustment to Kr due to consolidation c (WEPP Eq. 6.14.2) c Changed by mark nearing 1/22/93 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c rprime=1.0+alog10(daydis(iplane)+1) c ckrasc = 1.0/rprime c ------ critical shear adj. factor for consolidation c (Combination of WEPP Eq. 6.14.2 and 6.16.3) c tcadjf(iplane) = (1.0 + rprime)/2.0 * tcaft cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c new adjustment by mark nearing cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c ------ adjustments to Kr and Tauc due to consolidation c c Variable produc is computed above in interrill computations. c This is a trap used to prevent numeric underflow. c if ( then ckrasc = krcrat(iplane) + (1.0 - krcrat(iplane)) * 1 exp(-produc) ctcasc = tccrat(iplane) - (tccrat(iplane)-1.0) * 1 exp(-produc) else ckrasc = krcrat(iplane) ctcasc = tccrat(iplane) end if c c ------ wheel compaction ckrawc = 1.0 c c ------ Total Kr adjustment factor kradjf(iplane) = ckrbgb * ckrasc * ckraft * ckrawc * 1 ckradr * ckralr if (kradjf(iplane).lt.0.03) kradjf(iplane)=0.03 c c ------ Total critical shear stress adjustment factor tcadjf(iplane) = tcaft * ctcasc * ctcarr if (tcadjf(iplane).gt.2.0) tcadjf(iplane)=2.0 c c *** P0 ELSEIF *** c RANGELAND else if (lanuse(iplane).eq.2) then c c--------------------------------------------------------------- c rangeland interrill erodibility c--------------------------------------------------------------- c c ------ canopy cover (originally in function INRDET) rkiacc = 1.0 c c ------ ground cover (originally in function INRDET) c c Following change in calculation of RKIAGC from c Mary Kidwell, 3/95 c c if (thgt(plant).gt.0.0.or.shgt(plant).gt.0.0) then c rkiagc = exp(-5.0*inrcov(iplane)) c else c rkiagc = exp(-7.0*inrcov(iplane)) c end if rkiagc = exp(-7.0*(inrcov(iplane) + cancov(iplane))) c c ------ tillage rkiatl = 1.0 c c ------ live and dead root biomass rkiacr = 1.0 c c ------ freezing and thawing (See adjustments made above) c rkiaft=ckiaft c c ------ livestock compaction rkialc = 1.0 c c ------ Total Ki adjustment factor kiadjf(iplane) = rkiacc * rkiagc * rkiatl * rkiacr * ckiaft * 1 rkialc c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c c rangeland rill erodibility c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c c ------ tillage rkratl = 1.0 c c ------ live and dead root biomass rkracr = 1.0 c c ------ freezing and thawing (See adjustments made above) c rkraft=ckraft c c ------ livestock compaction rkralc = 1.0 c c ------ Total Kr adjustment factor kradjf(iplane) = rkratl * rkracr * ckraft * rkralc c c ------ Tc adjustment factor tcadjf(iplane) = tcaft c c *** P0 ELSE *** c FOREST else c c (This Loop Left Intentionally Blank.) c c *** P0 ENDIF *** end if c c saves bd of top layer on ofe 1 after last tillage for use in initial c condition scenario creation c saves rfcum of 1st ofe c if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) then ibd = bdtll(1,1) else ibd = bdcons(1,1) end if c irfcum = rfcum(1) c c Write(61, 1505) sdate, year,iplane,kradjf(iplane), c 1 rkratl,rkracr,ckraft,rkralc, c 1 ckrbgb,ckrasc,ckrawc,ckradr,ckralr 1505 format(1x, 3I6, 10E12.3) return end