subroutine strout(elem,flag,npart,darea,ielmt,ichan,sdate,nelmt) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR STROUT prints the channel and impoundment erosion output c for each runoff event. c c Called from: SR CHNERO c Author(s): Ascough II, R. van der Zweep, V. Lopes c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c real darea integer elem, flag, npart, ielmt, ichan, sdate,nelmt c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c darea - c elem - c flag - c npart - c ielmt - c ichan - c sdate - c nelmt - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real concpc, dacree, dacres, frac, ppm, solose, soloss, tcncpc, 1 tconc, tgs(mxelem), tppm integer k c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Real Variables c c concpc - c dacree - c dacres - c frac - c ppm - c solose - c soloss - c tcncpc - c tconc - c tgs - c tppm - c c Integer Variables c c k - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c enrcmp c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c tgs(ielmt) = 0.0 c do 10 k = 1, npart tgs(ielmt) = tgs(ielmt) + ggs(k,ielmt) 10 continue c if ( then c c write heading c if (elem.eq.2) write (38,1000) ichan c if (elem.eq.3) write (38,1100) end if c if ( then c if (elem.eq.3) then c c impoundment output not in yet c else if (elem.eq.2) then c c write channel information c if (cflags.eq.1) write (38,1200) if ( write (38,1300) if ( write (38,1400) c write (38,1500) qb, qe, ycr, ynor, ye, sfe c end if c end if c if (tgs(ielmt).gt.2.205) then c if ( go to 30 c if ( then write (38,1600) tconc = 0.0 tcncpc = 0.0 tppm = 0.0 c do 20 k = 1, npart concpc = conc(k,ielmt) / wtdh2o ppm = concpc * 1.0e+06 frac = ggs(k,ielmt) / tgs(ielmt) write (38,1700) k, frac, ggs(k,ielmt), conc(k,ielmt), 1 concpc, ppm tconc = tconc + conc(k,ielmt) tcncpc = tcncpc + concpc tppm = tppm + ppm 20 continue c end if c c convert soil loss from lbs/ft^2 to tons/acre and kgs/ha c (darea is in m^2) c dacres = darea * 0.0001 dacree = darea * ((3.281**2)/43560.0) c soloss = (tgs(ielmt)*0.4536) / dacres solose = (tgs(ielmt)/2000.0) / dacree c if (flag.eq.4) go to 30 write (38,1800) tgs(ielmt), tconc, tcncpc, tppm, soloss c c compute channel sediment enrichment c call enrcmp(2,ielmt,nelmt,tgs,elem) write (38,1900) c return c end if c if ( return c write (38,2000) return c 30 continue c c compute channel sediment enrichment c call enrcmp(1,ielmt,nelmt,tgs,elem) c if ( return c if (tgs(ielmt).gt.2.205) then write (38,2100) soloss, solose, enrich else write (38,2000) end if c return 1000 format (/28x,'results from channel ',i3,/,28x,23('-')) c1100 format (/29x,'results from impoundment',/,29x,24('-')) 1200 format (19x,'friction slope from energy gradline curves',/) 1300 format (25x,'friction slope = channel slope',/) 1400 format (18x,'friction slope = channel slope except at end',/) 1500 format (19x,'peak discharge upper end',f8.3,' cfs',/,20x, 1 'peak discharge lower end',f8.3,' cfs',/,20x, 1 'critical depth ',f8.3,' ft',/,20x, 1 'normal depth ',f8.3,' ft',/,20x, 1 'control depth ',f8.3,' ft',/,20x, 1 'friction slope at end ',f9.4) 1600 format (/21x,'the quantity of eroded sediment in runoff',//,6x, 1 'part. frac. in soil loss ', 1 'concentrations (soil/water) ',/,6x, 1 'type sed. load lbs. ', 1 ' lbsf/ft**3 lbsf/lbsf ppm (wt)',/,6x, 1 '---- ----- ------- ', 1 ' ------ ----- --------') 1700 format (6x,i2,6x,f5.2,4x,f9.0,4x,f9.4,4x,f9.4,4x,f10.0) 1800 format (/10x,'total',9x,f9.0,4x,f9.4,4x,f9.4,4x,f10.0,//,19x, 1 'average soil loss for area ',f6.2,' tons/acre') 1900 format (//) 2000 format (/19x,'*** total soil loss < 1 kg (2.205 lbs) ***') 2100 format (24x,'annual soil loss for area',/,24x,'--> ',f10.2, 1 ' kgs/ha (',f10.2,' tons/acre)',//,24x,'enrichment ratio ',f7 1 .3,/) end