subroutine tfail(efflen,nowcrp) c******************************************************************** c * c This subroutine called from SR CONTIN determines if the * c contours for a flow element and storm fail or not. * c If failure occurs then cnfail(iplane)=1, if contour holds * c then cnfail(iplane) = 0. * c * c******************************************************************** c******************************************************************** c * c Arguments * c nowcrp - current crop * c * c******************************************************************** c * c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c integer nowcrp c c******************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c******************************************************************** c include '' include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c Local Variables * c s : * c h : * c w : * c qr : * c term1 : * c term2 : * c term3 : * c term4 : * c slpang : * c rowang : * c delcon : * c chezch : Chezy discharge coef. * c sinrms : * c dtest : * c dfail : * c * c******************************************************************** c real chezch, qr, h, w, s, slpang, rowang, dfail, dtest, sinrms real term1, term2, term3a, term3b, term3, term4, efflen, delcon c c Assume a triangular cross section, with dimensions defined by c user inputs - rowspc and rdghgt. c c Determine the values of the controlling geometric angles. c s = avgslp(iplane) h = rdghgt(conseq(nowcrp,iplane)) w = rowspc(conseq(nowcrp,iplane)) slpang = atan(s) rowang = atan(h/(0.5*w)) c c Test to see if the contour slope is the same as the average c slope of the OFE - if it is predict that contours fail c since water is moving in same direction as profile description c if (cntslp(conseq(nowcrp,iplane)).ge.avgslp(iplane)) then c cnfail(iplane)=1 write (6,1000) fail(1,iplane) = fail(1,iplane) + 1 return end if c c Test to see if slope angle exceeds the row angle. If it does c the contours will fail. c if ( then c cnfail(iplane) = 1 write (6,1100) fail(2,iplane) = fail(2,iplane) + 1 return end if c c c If the row angle is greater than the slope angle, determine if c the portion of the wetted perimeter on the downslope ridge c exceeds the actual ridge length c c qr is the volume of runoff (m3/s) at the end of the first c contour row, including rainfall excess plus flow from c the upper flow element. c qin = qout delcon = ((efflen*peakro(iplane))-qin) / slplen(iplane) if (delcon.le.0.0) then qr = qin * rowspc(conseq(nowcrp,iplane)) else qr = (qin+(delcon*rowlen(conseq(nowcrp,iplane)))) * 1 rowspc(conseq(nowcrp,iplane)) end if c chezch = sqrt(8.0*accgav/frctrl(iplane)) c term1 = (chezch/(2.0*qr)) * 1 sqrt(0.5*cntslp(conseq(nowcrp,iplane))) sinrms = sin(rowang-slpang) term2 = sinrms * sinrms * sinrms cc c original code 10/1/91 c term3 = ((1.0/tan(rowang+slpang))+(1.0/tan(rowang-slpang)))**1.5 c c code changed because of problem with Lahey compiler and tangent c function on AT&T 6300 machine dcf c term3a = (sin(rowang+slpang)) / (cos(rowang+slpang)) term3b = (sin(rowang-slpang)) / (cos(rowang-slpang)) term3 = (1.0/term3a+1.0/term3b) ** 1.5 c c term4 = sqrt(1.0+sin(rowang-slpang)/sin(rowang+slpang)) c c Compute the length of the downslope portion of wetted perimeter c dtest = (term1*term2*term3/term4) ** (-0.4) c c Compute the actual length of the ridge side. c dfail = sqrt(h*h+0.25*w*w) c c Test for failure c if ( then c c CONTOURS FAIL c c cnfail(iplane)=1 write (6,1200) fail(3,iplane) = fail(3,iplane) + 1 c else c c CONTOURS HOLD c c cnfail(iplane)=0 write (6,1300) end if return 1000 format (1x,/,10x,'Contours Failed - contour slope is > = the ', 1 'average slope') 1100 format (1x,/,10x,'Contours Failed slope angle exceeds the row ', 1 'sideslope angle') 1200 format (1x,/,10x,'Contours Failed') 1300 format (1x,/,10x,'Contours Held') end