subroutine trncap(effsh,qs,ielmt,tc) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR TRNCAP computes transport capacity based on new c potential sediment load for each particle class. c c Called from: SRS CASE34, CHNRT, DETACH, ENDDET c Author(s): Ascough II, R. van der Zweep, V. Lopes c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c real effsh, qs(mxpart), tc(mxpart) integer ielmt c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c effsh - c qs(mxpart) - c tc(mxpart) - c ielmt - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real ws(mxpart), wsqrat(mxpart), coef(mxpart), ycrit(mxpart), 1 delta(mxpart), sigma(mxpart), p(mxpart), dltrat(mxpart), a, 1 excap, reyn, shield, smdrat, smdrqt, t, vstar integer flagd1, flagd2, flagd3, k c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Real Variables c c ws(mxpart) - c wsqrat(mxpart) - c coef(mxpart) - c ycrit(mxpart) - c delta(mxpart) - c sigma(mxpart) - c p(mxpart) - c dltrat(mxpart) - c a - c excap - c reyn - c shield - c smdrat - c smdrqt - c t - c vstar - c c Integer Variables c c flagd1 - c flagd2 - c flagd3 - c k - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c shield c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c vstar = sqrt(effsh/msdh2o) coef(cnpart) = vstar * agrav * msdh2o c t = 0.0 c do 10 k = 1, cnpart coef(k) = coef(cnpart) * crdia(k,ielmt) * crspg(k) 10 continue c do 20 k = 1, cnpart c if (qs(k).eq.0.0) qs(k) = 1.0e-10 reyn = vstar * crdia(k,ielmt) / knvis ycrit(k) = shield(reyn) delta(k) = (vstar**2/(crspg(k)-1.0)/agrav/crdia(k,ielmt)/ 1 ycrit(k)) - 1.0 c if (delta(k).le.0.0) then delta(k) = 0.0 p(k) = 0.0 else sigma(k) = delta(k) * 2.45 * crspg(k) ** (-0.4) * 1 sqrt(ycrit(k)) p(k) = yalcon * delta(k) * (1.0-1.0/sigma(k)* 1 alog(1.0+sigma(k))) end if c t = t + delta(k) 20 continue c if (t.eq.0.0) t = 1000.0 c do 30 k = 1, cnpart dltrat(k) = delta(k) / t c ws(k) = p(k)*dltrat(k)*coef(k) ws(k) = p(k) * dltrat(k) * coef(k) 30 continue c 40 continue c flagd1 = 0 flagd2 = 0 flagd3 = 0 c do 50 k = 1, cnpart wsqrat(k) = ws(k) / qs(k) if (wsqrat(k).gt.1.0) flagd3 = flagd3 + 1 if (wsqrat(k).ge.1.0) flagd1 = flagd1 + 1 if (wsqrat(k).le.1.0) flagd2 = flagd2 + 1 50 continue c if ( then c if ( then if (flagd1.eq.cnpart) go to 100 go to 70 end if c end if c do 60 k = 1, cnpart tc(k) = ws(k) 60 continue c return c 70 continue c smdrqt = 0.0 smdrat = 0.0 c do 80 k = 1, cnpart c if (wsqrat(k).ge.1.0) then smdrqt = smdrqt + qs(k) / coef(k) / p(k) ws(k) = qs(k) else if (wsqrat(k).lt.1.0) smdrat = smdrat + dltrat(k) end if c 80 continue c excap = 1.0 - smdrqt c do 90 k = 1, cnpart if (smdrat.eq.0.0) smdrat = 1000000.0 if (wsqrat(k).lt.1.0) ws(k) = dltrat(k) / smdrat * excap * 1 p(k) * coef(k) 90 continue c go to 40 c 100 continue c smdrat = 0.0 c do 110 k = 1, cnpart smdrat = smdrat + qs(k) / (coef(k)*p(k)) 110 continue c a = 1.0 / smdrat if (( a = 1.000000 c do 120 k = 1, cnpart tc(k) = a * qs(k) 120 continue c return end