subroutine verchk(un,verson,check,mesg,ver) c c This SR compares CHECK and VERSION to determine c if the datafile is compatible with the read formats. c c parameter: c un - the file unit c version - version as read c check - version to check against c mesg - message to show if bad c integer un real verson,check, ver character*21 mesg c c c read the version from the file. c read (un,*) verson c print *, 'data file version= ', version c print *, 'check file version= ', check c c check against the acceptable version. c if ( then write (6,*) ' *** ERROR ***' write (6,1000) mesg, ver c print *, 'data file version= ', version c print *, 'check file version= ', check stop end if c c return 1000 format (1x,a21,' FILE IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH WEPP VERSION ', 1 f7.3,'.') end