subroutine watdst(qwater,flxtim,fgfzft) c c +++PURPOSE+++ c This function is for unfrozen soil water redistribution when frost exist c c The purpose of this program is to better track water redistribution c cause by frozen front. Saxton and Rawls, 2006 model was used c to estimate soil water potential and hydraulic conductivity. c c Author(s): Shuhui Dun, WSU c Date: 02/25/2008 c Verified and tested by: c c c +++ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS+++ real qwater,flxtim integer fgfzft c c +++ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS+++ c qwater - water flux c flxtim - time for water redistribution c fgfzft - flag for what type of water redistribution, c 0 for no frozen front, 1 for around frozen front, c 2 for unfrozen layers with frozen front in the soil profile c c +++PARAMETERS+++ include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c +++COMMON BLOCKS+++ c include '' c read: iplane include '' c read: sdate include '' c read: snodpt(iplane),tfrdp(mxplan),tthawd(mxplan),frdp(mxplan), c thdp(mxplan),densg(mxplan) c include '' c fine layer for frost simulation c include '' c include '' c Saxton and Ralwls model coefficients c include '' c read: dg(i,iplane) c c c +++LOCAL VARIABLES+++ c integer j,i,ffztuf,wklyn,wkflyn,lyblwk,flblwk,flgcal, 1 ftthln,ftthfl,varki,varwtk,vardrk,varwfk,vardfk, 1 jend real wtPkpa,wpmj,wpmjp1,kusj,kusjp1,vartim, 1 smoist,sdepth,varwtp,varkus,varsmc,varflx,varsm, 1 surthd,topthd,topfdp,btmfdp,varj,varjp1, 1 varwet,vardry,varsmw,varsmd,swavg, 1 flthck,flbltk,ftthtk,vartkw,vartkd c c +++LOCAL DEFINITIONS+++ c c c wtPkps - water potential of a soil layer in kpa. c wpmj - j layer water potential in meter. c wpmjp1 - j + 1 layer water potential in meter. c kusj - j layer unsatuareated hydraulic conductivity (m/s.) c kusjp1 - j+1 layer unsatuareated hydraulic conductivity (m/s.) c c ffztuf - number of frozen to unfrozen c c wklyn : soil layer number where freezong or thawing front is (working) c wkflyn: finer layer number of the working position c lyblwk - the soil layer of the finer layer right blew the working finer layer c flblwk - the finer soil layer blew the working layer c c smoist - limit for minimum soil moisture (from David Hall) c sdepth - limit for minimum depth value (from David Hall) c c varwtp - depth variable c varsm - soil moisture variable c vartim - time of water flux c varkus - thickmess variable c varsmc - variable for soil moisture change c c surthd - thawed thickness at surface c topthd - thawed thickness below the first frost layer (fist sandwitch frost) c topfdp - thickness of the first frost layer c btmfdp - depth of the bottom frost layer c pdthdp - previous hour surface thaw depth c c ftthln - frozen to unfrozen soil layer number c ftthfl - frozen to unfrozen fine soil layer number c c flgcal - calculation flag c 0 for to get depth of the bottom frost layer (btmfdp) c 1 for thickness of the surface tahwed layer (surthd) c 2 for thickness of the first frost layer (topfdp) c 3 for thickness of the thawed layer below the first frost layer (topthd) c c c +++DATA INITIALIZATIONS+++ c c +++END SPECIFICATIONS+++ c smoist = 0.001 sdepth = 0.001 if(frdp(iplane) .lt. sdepth) frdp(iplane) = 0.0 if(tfrdp(iplane) .lt. sdepth) tfrdp(iplane) = 0.0 c cd Added by S. Dun, July 28,2008 cd to turn off the water redistribution calculations in winter subroutines if (wintRed.eq.1) then cd end adding ffztuf = 0 c do 10 i = 1, nsl(iplane) c jend = nfine(i) if(i.eq.nsl(iplane)) jend = jend -1 c do 15 j = 1, jend c the two adjecent layers wkflyn = j wklyn = i varflx = 0.0 if ((j+1).gt.nfine(i)) then lyblwk = wklyn + 1 flblwk = 1 else flblwk = j+1 lyblwk = wklyn endif c flthck = dg(wklyn,iplane)/nfine(wklyn) flbltk = dg(lyblwk,iplane)/nfine(lyblwk) c if ((fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).ne.0).and. 1 (fgfrst(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane).eq.0)) then c From frozen to unfrozen layer c one more sandwitch layer ffztuf = ffztuf + 1 if ((ffztuf.eq.1) .and. (fgfzft.eq.1)) then c End of first frost layer and water distribution around frozen front vartim = flxtim slsw(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane) =slsw(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane) 1 - qwater* vartim/flbltk c We need to figure out how to do with negative values c Now the soil water would not be drained to lower than its wilting point value. c because a limit is set to qwater in its calculation. endif endif if((ffztuf.eq.1) .and. (fgfzft.eq.2)) then c for unfrozen soil with first frozen front in the unfrozen zone vartim = flxtim - sltime(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) else vartim = flxtim endif c c if ( then c time is greater than 1 minute if ((fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.0).and. 1 (fgfrst(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane).eq.0)) then c For two adjecent unfrozen layers sltime(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) = sltime(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) 1 + vartim c varj = slsw(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) call saxfun(wklyn,varj, varwtp, varkus) wpmj = varwtp kusj = varkus c varjp1 = slsw(flblwk, lyblwk, iplane) call saxfun(lyblwk,varjp1, varwtp, varkus) wpmjp1 = varwtp kusjp1 = varkus c varkus = ( kusjp1+kusj)/2. c c Apply Darcy's law c Because we are using the maximum hydraulic gradient to estimate c soil water migration rate. Therefore we divided by 2. for assuming c migration rate slows dowm due to water depletion in the adjecent layer. varflx = -varkus * (1. + (wpmj - wpmjp1)/flthck)/2. c c find which layer gave water and which layer receive water if ( then varsmw = varjp1 varwtk = lyblwk varwfk = flblwk vartkw = flbltk varsmd = varj vardrk = wklyn vardfk = wkflyn vartkd = flthck else varsmw = varj varwtk = wklyn varwfk = wkflyn vartkw = flthck varsmd = varjp1 vardrk = lyblwk vardfk = flblwk vartkd = flbltk endif c potential soil moisture change in the wetter layer varwet = (abs(varflx)*vartim)/vartkw c potential soil moisture change in the drier layer vardry = (abs(varflx)*vartim)/vartkd if (( 1 (varsmw .gt. thetdr(varwtk,iplane))) then c if wetter layer is drier than its wilting point, c then do not redistribute water. c if ( (varsmw -thetdr(varwtk,iplane))) then c averaging the soil moisture c if the wetter layer could drain to its wilting point swavg =(slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane)*flthck 1 + slsw(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane)*flbltk) 1 / (flthck + flbltk) c if(swavg .gt. thetdr(vardrk,iplane)) then if(swavg .lt. thetdr(varwtk,iplane)) then slsw(vardfk,vardrk,iplane)=slsw(vardfk,vardrk,iplane) 1 +(slsw(varwfk,varwtk,iplane)-thetdr(varwtk,iplane)) 1 *vartkw/vartkd slsw(varwfk,varwtk,iplane) = thetdr(varwtk,iplane) else slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) = swavg slsw(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane) = swavg endif endif c elseif ((vardry + varsmd).ge. varsmw) then c average the soil moisture c if soil moisture in the drier layer is larger than the wetter after recieving c water from the wetter layer. swavg=(slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane)*flthck 1 + slsw(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane)*flbltk) 1 / (flthck + flbltk) c if ((swavg .gt.thetdr(varwtk,iplane)).and. 1 (swavg .gt.thetdr(vardrk,iplane))) then c slsw(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane) = swavg slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) = swavg endif c else slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) =slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) 1 + varflx* vartim/flthck slsw(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane) =slsw(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane) 1 - varflx* vartim/flbltk endif endif c endif endif if(fgfzft.eq.1) then c For water redistribution arounf frozen front if ((fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.0).and. 1 (fgfrst(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane).ne.0)) then c reached another frozen layer anf forced to go out of do loop return endif endif 15 continue 10 continue c cd Added by S. Dun, July 28,2008 cd to turn of the water redistribution calculations in winter subroutines endif cd end adding c -------------------------------------- c Update frost information if (fgfzft .ne. 1) then c not for the call for water redistribution around freezing front surthd = 0 topthd = 0 topfdp = 0 btmfdp = 0 c flgcal = 1 frsttk(iplane) = 0.0 c c check through all the layers do 20 i = 1, nsl(iplane) c jend = nfine(i) c do 25 j = 1, jend c if(slfsd(j,i,iplane).le. 0.001) then c Only considering frost depth larger tahn 1mm in a fine layer. slfsd(j,i,iplane) = 0. endif c c the two adjecent layers wkflyn = j wklyn = i if ((j+1).gt.nfine(wklyn)) then lyblwk = wklyn + 1 flblwk = 1 else flblwk = j+1 lyblwk = wklyn endif c flthck = dg(wklyn,iplane)/nfine(wklyn) c frsttk(iplane) = frsttk(iplane) + 1 slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) c if (flgcal .eq. 1) then c calculating surthd if(fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.1) then c complete frozen topfdp = topfdp + flthck flgcal = 2 c get topfdp next elseif (fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.0) then c complete thawed surthd = surthd + flthck flgcal = 1 c get surthd next c elseif (fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.2) then c frozen on top topfdp = topfdp + slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) topthd = topthd + flthck - 1 slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) flgcal = 3 c get topthd next c elseif (fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.3) then c frozen on bottom surthd = surthd + flthck - 1 slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) topfdp = topfdp + slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) flgcal = 2 c get topfdp next endif c elseif (flgcal .eq. 2) then c calculating topfdp if(fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.1) then c complete frozen topfdp = topfdp + flthck flgcal = 2 c get topfdp next elseif (fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.0) then c complete thawed topthd = topthd + flthck flgcal = 3 c get topthd next c elseif (fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.2) then c frozen on top topfdp = topfdp + slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) topthd = topthd + (dg(wklyn,iplane)/nfine(wklyn)) - 1 slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) flgcal = 3 c get topthd next c elseif (fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.3) then c frozen on bottom topthd = topthd + flthck - 1 slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) flgcal = 0 c get btmfdp next ftthln = wklyn ftthfl = wkflyn endif c c elseif (flgcal .eq. 3) then c calculating topthd if(fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.1) then c complete frozen flgcal = 0 c get btmfdp next ftthln = wklyn ftthfl = wkflyn elseif (fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.0) then c complete thawed topthd = topthd + flthck flgcal = 3 c get topthd next c elseif (fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.2) then c frozen on top flgcal = 0 c get btmfdp next ftthln = wklyn ftthfl = wkflyn c elseif (fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).eq.3) then c frozen on bottom topthd = topthd + flthck - 1 slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) flgcal = 0 c get btmfdp next ftthln = wklyn ftthfl = wkflyn endif c c elseif (flgcal .eq. 0) then c calculating btmfdp if (fgfrst(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane).ne.0) then if ((wklyn.eq.nsl(iplane)) 1 .and.(wkflyn.eq.jend)) then c bottom layer ftthln = wklyn ftthfl = wkflyn elseif (fgfrst(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane).eq.0) then c form frozen to unfrozen ftthln = wklyn ftthfl = wkflyn endif endif endif 25 continue 20 continue c c Update globle frost variables c if (flgcal .eq. 0) then c Sandwitch layer exists ftthtk = dg(ftthln,iplane)/nfine(ftthln) c btmfdp = ftthtk* ftthfl c depth in the soil layer frost bottom resides c c add in the depth of the top of the soil layer with frost bottom if (ftthln .gt. 1) then btmfdp = btmfdp + solthk(ftthln-1,iplane) endif c if (fgfrst(ftthfl,ftthln,iplane).eq.2) then c top frost in a fine layer btmfdp = btmfdp + slfsd(ftthfl,ftthln,iplane) 1 - ftthtk endif c frdp(iplane) = btmfdp thdp(iplane) = surthd tfrdp(iplane) = thdp(iplane) + topfdp tthawd(iplane) = tfrdp(iplane) + topthd c elseif (flgcal .eq. 1) then c no frost layer frdp(iplane) = 0. thdp(iplane) = 0. tfrdp(iplane) = 0. tthawd(iplane) = 0. c else c no sandwitch layers, flagcal equals 2 or 3. thdp(iplane) = surthd frdp(iplane) = thdp(iplane) + topfdp tfrdp(iplane) = 0. tthawd(iplane) = 0. endif c c c frost cycle c if((fgcycl(iplane) .eq. 1).and. (thdp(iplane).gt.0.01)) then c account a frost cycle when thawing processes alters freezing in 1 cm depth fcycle(iplane) = fcycle(iplane) + 1 endif c thawed through 1 cm depth if (thdp(iplane).gt. 0.01) then fgcycl(iplane) = 0 else fgcycl(iplane) = 1 endif endif c ---------------------------------------------- c return end