subroutine winthd(snodp,frdp,thdp,n,type) c******************************************************************** c Verified and tested by Reza Savabi, USDA-ARS, NSERL 317-494-5051 c August 1994 c c c c c******************************************************************** c c c Arguments c c snodp - c c n - c c c c******************************************************************** c include '' include '' include '' integer n, i, type real snodp(mxplan), frdp(mxplan), thdp(mxplan) cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c WEPP version control c c c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc include '' c write (42,1000) ver, vermon, veryr if(type.eq.1)write (42,1100) if(type.eq.2)write (42,1200) do 10 i = 1, n write (42,1300) i, snodp(i)*1000., frdp(i)*1000., thdp(i)*1000. 10 continue write (42,1400) c added flags output to see what winter settings are c jrf - 8/1/2008 if (wintRed.eq.1) then write(42,1450) 'On' else write(42,1450) 'Off' endif write (42,1460) finetop,10./fineTop write (42,1470) fineBot,20./fineBot if(type.eq.1)write (42,1500) if(type.eq.2)write (42,1600) return 1000 format ('USDA WATER EROSION PREDICTION PROJECT : HILLSLOPE ', 1 ' AND WATERSHED VERSION',f9.3,/,10x,a10,1x,i4,/) 1100 format (10x,'HILLSLOPE WINTER OUTPUT FILE',//, 1 ' Initial conditions:',/,3x, 1 'OFE',1x,'snow',3x,'frost',2x,'thaw',2x,/,7x, 1 'depth',2x,'depth',2x, 1 'depth',/,8x,'(mm)',4x,'(mm)',3x,'(mm)') 1200 format (10x,'WATERSHED WINTER OUTPUT FILE',//, 1 ' Initial conditions:',/,1x, 1 'chan ',1x,'snow',3x,'frost',2x,'thaw',/,7x,'depth',2x, 1 'depth',2 1 x,'depth',/,8x,'(mm)',4x,'(mm)',3x,'(mm)') 1300 format (2x,i3,3(f7.1,1x)) 1400 format (/,2x,'Initial Snow Density Assumed = 100 kg/m**3') 1450 format (/,2x,'Water Redistribution in frost: ',3a) 1460 format (/,2x,'Freeze/thaw fine layers (top): ',i2,', thickness: ', 1 f5.1, 'cm') 1470 format (/,2x,'Freeze/thaw fine layers (remainder): ',i2, 1 ', thickness: ',f5.1,'cm') 1500 format(/, 1'date hr year snow rain ground falling melt snow ', 1 'snow frost thaw frost residue cycle OFE',/, 1 ' fall fall drift drift water depth ', 1 'density depth depth thickness depth # #',/, 1 ' (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) ', 1 '(kg/m^3) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)') 1600 format(/, 1'date hr year snow rain ground falling melt snow ', 1 'snow frost thaw frost cycle CHN',/, 1 ' fall fall drift drift water depth ', 1 'density depth depth thickness # #',/, 1 ' (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) ', 1 '(kg/m^3) (mm) (mm) (mm)') end