subroutine wshcqi c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR WSHCQI calculates the inflow volume into a channel and c the duration of the event for that channel. c c Called from: SR WSHDRV c Author(s): Ascough II, Baffaut c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' c include '' include '' c include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c Compute the runoff volume coming onto the channel element and c convert it into runoff depth over the channel area c c total runoff volume entering channel laterally (may come from c hillslopes or impoundments) c cx Modified by Arthur Xu, Incoporated in by S. Dun 01/06/2004 cx All subsurface flow from upsteam hillslopes is added into cx channel directly. cx rvolat(ielmt) = tmpvol(nhleft(ielmt)) + tmpvol(nileft(ielmt)) + cx 1 tmpvol(nhrght(ielmt)) + tmpvol(nirght(ielmt)) rvolat(ielmt) = tmpvol(nhleft(ielmt)) + tmpvol(nileft(ielmt)) + 1 tmpvol(nhrght(ielmt)) + tmpvol(nirght(ielmt)) 1 + tmpsbv(nhleft(ielmt)) + tmpsbv(nhrght(ielmt)) cx End Modifying. c c c total runoff volume entering channel from top (may be fed c from hillslope, impoundment, or multiple channels) c c even though channels are read in as feeding from the left, c right, or top, all channels really feed another channel from c the top only - for this reason ncleft(ielmt), ncrght(ielmt), and c nctop(ielmt) are summed under rvotop(ielmt) c cx Modified by Arthur Xu, Incoporated in by S. Dun 01/06/2004 cx All subsurface flow from upsteam hillslopes is added into cx channal directly. cx rvotop(ielmt) = tmpvol(nhtop(ielmt)) + tmpvol(ncleft(ielmt)) + cx 1 tmpvol(ncrght(ielmt)) + tmpvol(nctop(ielmt)) + cx 1 tmpvol(nitop(ielmt)) rvotop(ielmt) = tmpvol(nhtop(ielmt)) + tmpvol(ncleft(ielmt)) + 1 tmpvol(ncrght(ielmt)) + tmpvol(nctop(ielmt)) + 1 tmpvol(nitop(ielmt)) 1 + tmpsbv(nhtop(ielmt)) cx End Modifying. c c total runoff volume and depth added to channel through c lateral and top runon c rvolon(ielmt) = rvolat(ielmt) + rvotop(ielmt) roffon(ielmt) = rvolon(ielmt) / charea(iplane) c cd Added by S. Dun, April 10, 2008 c To fix the problem of too large peakrunoff volume by traeting c surface and subsurface from hillslopes differently. c Subsurface flow has a duration of 24 hours c sbrunv(0) = 0. tmpsbv(0) = 0. sbrunv(ielmt) = tmpsbv(nhleft(ielmt)) + tmpsbv(nhrght(ielmt)) 1 + tmpsbv(nhtop(ielmt)) 1 + sbrunv(ncleft(ielmt)) + sbrunv(ncrght(ielmt)) 2 + sbrunv(nctop(ielmt)) + sbrunv(nitop(ielmt)) 3 + sbrunv(nileft(ielmt)) + sbrunv(nirght(ielmt)) cd End adding c c the duration for the channel element is the maximum c duration of the watershed elements that may feed it c and is calculated in case there is no runoff produced c on the channel (in which case SR TRNLOS may be called c to estimate transmission losses) c watdur(ielmt) = amax1(watdur(nhleft(ielmt)), 1 watdur(nhrght(ielmt)),watdur(nhtop(ielmt)), 1 watdur(ncleft(ielmt)),watdur(ncrght(ielmt)), 1 watdur(nctop(ielmt)),watdur(nileft(ielmt)), 1 watdur(nirght(ielmt)),watdur(nitop(ielmt)),dur,irdur) cd Added by S. Dun 1/08/2004 if ((rvolon(ielmt).gt.0.0).and.(watdur(ielmt).le.0.0)) 1 watdur(ielmt) = 24.0*60.0*60.0 cd End adding c efflen(ichan) = amax1(efflen(idelmt(ncleft(ielmt))), 1 efflen(idelmt(nctop(ielmt))), 1 efflen(idelmt(ncrght(ielmt))), 1 0.0) efflen(ichan) = efflen(ichan) + slplen(ichan) c return end