subroutine wshdrv c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c Contains the main simulation subroutines for the continuous c water balance WATERSHED model. c c Initializes and reads the input through calls to subroutines c INPUT, INIT1, SOIL, AND WATBAL. c c Controls the simulation and programs output through c calls to subroutines STMGET, MONOUT, ANNOUT, UPDPAR, IRS, c SUMRNF, WATBAL, ROUTE, SEGOUT, STMOUT, HYDOUT, SLOSS, SUMRUN, c and ENDOUT. c c Called from: MAIN c Author(s): Jim Ascough II, C. Baffaut c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: This module not yet recoded. c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c c modify: ioutpt,dsavg(mxplan,100),avsoly,dsmon(mxplan,100), c avsolm,iroute,avsolf,dsyear(mxplan,100),avsole c include '' c include '' c read: ipeak c include '' include '' c include '' c modify: nyear, ibyear, numyr c include '' c include '' c read: accgav c include '' c modify: cnfail(mxplan) c include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c modify: isimyr, ncount(mxplan) c include '' include '' c include '' c modify: daydis(mxplan), ntill(mxtlsq) c include '' include '' c include '' c modify: dur,ninten(mxplan) c include '' c read: efflen(mxplan) c include '' c modify: width(mxplan), rspace(mxplan), qsout, qout c include '' c modify: enryy1,enryy2, frcyy1(10), frcyy2(10), enrmm1, enrmm2, c frcmm1(10),frcmm2(10), enrmon, frcmon(10), enryr, c frcyr(10), enravg, frcavg(10), enrato c include '' c read: ifile c include '' c read: frctrl(mxplan) c include '' c read: snoflg,yldflg c modify: bigflg,iflag,idflag c include '' c modify: depa,depb,wida,widb c include '' c read: prcp c modify: rain(mxplan),runoff(mxelem),peakro(mxelem) c include '' c modify: ipond c include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c modify: rkecum(mxplan), rkine c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c modify: nnc(mxplan) c include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c read: be,otemp,hi,hia,vdmx,beinp,daymin,daylen,ytn,y4 c include '' c modify: norun(mxplan) c include '' include '' include '' c include '' c read: fwidth(mxplan) c include '' c include '' c modify: peakin(mxelem),peakot(mxelem),runvol(mxelem) c include '' c modify: jyear, nmon c include '' c modify: iplane c include '' c modify: ichan, ipond c include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c modify: indxy(mxplan), sdate, year c added by S.Dun include '' c impoundment simulation date c end add c include '' include '' c include '' c read: azm(mxplan) c include '' c modify: iwsbyr,maxyrs c include '' c read: sumyld(ntype,mxplan), iyldct(ntype,mxplan), yldflg c modify: yldflg c cd Added by S. Dun Feb. 04, 2004 include '' include '' cd End adding c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c integer nday(12,2), nowcrp(mxplan), ncrop, nmonth, 1 i, j, lp, ijk, i9, jj, k, switch(mxplan), iiyear, oldind, 1 iofe, itemp, limyr, lyear, myear, nomelt, nrots, 1 nsurf, nyears, jstruc, froday(mxplan), l, norflg, nptsc, 1 minyr, lun1, luns, lunp, lunw, idout, bigcrp(mxplan), mm, nn, 1 ipart,i1,i2 c cd real dslost(mxplan,100), xmxint(mxplan), mxint, effdrr(mxplan), real dslost(mxplan,100),mxint, effdrr(mxplan), 1 rcalsl, avdatm, hday, sumrtm, sumsrm, warain, dsunmp, toplen c character*8 inifil c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Integer Variables: c c nday(12,2) - a day for a specific month in a specific year c nowcrp(mxplan) - current crop number for the current year c iuprun(mxplan) - flag to indicate flow onto an OFE from above c ( 1 - yes ; 0 - no ) c ncrop - number of different crops in simulation c nmonth - c i - c j - c lp - c ijk - c i9 - c jj - c k - c switch(mxplan) - c iiyear - c oldind - c iofe - c ibrkpt - c itemp - c limyr - c lyear - c myear - c nomelt - c nrots - c nsurf - c nyears - c jstruc - c froday(mxplan) - c l - c norflg - c nptsc - c minyr - minimum of maxyrs and limyr and nyear c lun1 - flag indicating that user wants plotting c output (1 - yes ; 0 - no ) c luns - flag indicating that user wants soil output c (1 - yes ; 0 - no ) c lunp - flag indicating that user wants plant output c (1 - yes ; 0 - no ) c lunw - flag indicating that user wants water output c (1 - yes ; 0 - no ) c idout - c bigcrp(mxplan) - c mm - c nn - c c Real Variables: c c c dslost(mxplan,100) - net soil loss/gain for each point on a channel c for a storm event c xmxint(mxplan) - c mxint - maximum rainfall intensity c effdrr(mxplan) - c avdatm - c hday - c sumrtm - c sumsrm - c warain - c dsunmp - c toplen - c c Character Variables: c c inifil - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c annchn aspect bighdr chnero close c cutgrz decomp endchn impday impeos c impmon impyr infile init1 initd c input irrig monchn newtil nowup c outfil prtcmp rngint runout scon c soil stmget strip sunmap tilage c watbal winit winter winthd wshcqi c wshimp wshini wshinp wshiqi wshirs c wshred wshrun c c + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c data nday /31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 29, 1 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/ c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c initialize plotting variables c lun1 = 0 luns = 0 lunp = 0 lunw = 0 c c initialize other local variables c jyear = 0 lyear = 0 oldind = 0 c c open output files c call outfil(lunp,luns,lunw,lun1) c c open input files c call infile(ncrop,jstruc,nsurf,nrots,nyears,iofe,0) c c convert index values from infile to input parameters c call input(ncrop,jstruc,nsurf,0) c c assign plant/management input parameters c call tilage(nowcrp) c c initialize effective duration of rainfall parameter for c furrow irrigation c do 10 i = 1, mxplan effdrr(i) = 0.0 froday(i) = 0 10 continue c c print heading for winter output file c if (snoflg.eq.1) then call winthd(snodpy,frdp,thdp,nplane,2) end if c do 20 iplane = 1, nplane c c generate default set of particles for soil if not input c call prtcmp(iplane) c iflag = 0 c c initialize slope, water balance and crop/range routines c if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) then c c initialize residue mass and decomposition parameters c call init1(nowcrp(iplane)) c else c c initialize range plant growth parameters c call rngint(ncrop,nowcrp(iplane)) c end if c iflag = 0 c c SR SCON computes constants for bulk density (bd) c and surface roughness (rro) c c compute soil constants c call scon(lanuse(iplane)) c c initialize soil parameters c call soil(nowcrp(iplane)) c c initialize soil water content c call watbal(lunp,luns,lunw,nowcrp(iplane),elev) c c initialize decomposition indices c call initd(iplane) c c initialize winter parameters c call winit c 20 continue c c read in watershed structure and channel parameters c call wshinp(jstruc) c c initialize miscellaneous watershed variables and c impoundment routines (if impoundments exsit on watershed) c call wshini c iflag = 1 isimyr = 1 c c start loop calls c c nday = a day for a specific month in a specific year c nyear = number of years in simulation c if (imodel.eq.1) then c c determine maximum number of years available in management file c myear = nyears * nrots limyr = min0(numyr,myear) c write (6,1200) c c read in number of years to run the simulation c nyear = 0 read (5,*,err=30) nyear c 30 if ( then nyear = 1 write (6,2600) end if c c determine limiting datafile, either limyr (minimum of c management and climate years), nyear (user requested number c of years), or maxyrs (hillslope pass file number of years) c minyr = min0(nyear,limyr,maxyrs) c if (( then nyear = minyr write (6,1000) nyear, nyear end if c c check channel climate file beginning year with c hillslope\watershed pass file beginning year - c if different then stop the simulation c if ( then write (6,1100) ibyear, iwsbyr stop end if c year = ibyear - 1 nmonth = 12 c if (bigflg.eq.1) call bighdr(nyear,iofe,ver) c else c c single event simulation c nyear = 1 nmonth = 1 j = 1 lp = 1 nday(j,1) = 1 ioutpt = 1 end if c c ******************** yearly loop ******************** c do 230 i = 1, nyear c iiyear = i c if (imodel.eq.1) then jyear = jyear + 1 lyear = ibyear + jyear - 1 c c check to see if year is a leap year c lp = 1 if (mod(year+1,4).eq.0) lp = 2 else lyear = ibyear end if c sdate = 0 c write (6,*) ' ' if (imodel.eq.1) write (6,*) 'SIMULATION YEAR =', jyear c do 40 iplane = 1, nplane c if (tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).gt.0) then call newtil(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 ntill(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane)),iplane,oldind) end if c if (nycrop(iplane).gt.1) then c if (tilseq(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane).gt.0) then call nowup(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 ntill(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane)), 1 jdplt(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 jdstop(nowcrp(iplane),iplane),switch(iplane)) else call nowup(0,0,jdplt(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 jdstop(nowcrp(iplane),iplane),switch(iplane)) end if c else switch(iplane) = 0 end if 40 continue c c ******************** monthly loop ************************ c do 210 j = 1, nmonth c nmon = j c c ******************** daily loop ************************** c do 200 k = 1, nday(j,lp) c dur = 0.0 c c initialize channel runoff variables c tmpvol(0) = 0.0 tmprof(0) = 0.0 tmppkr(0) = 0.0 cx Added by Arthur. Icorperated in by S. Dun Dec 05, 2003 tmpsbv(0) = 0.0 tmpsbf(0) = 0.0 cx End adding c do 50 l = 1, nelmt c tmpvol(l) = 0.0 tmprof(l) = 0.0 tmppkr(l) = 0.0 cx Added by Arthur. Icorperated in by S. Dun Dec 05, 2003 tmpsbv(l) = 0.0 tmpsbf(l) = 0.0 sbrunv(l) = 0.0 sbrunf(l) = 0.0 cx End adding c runvol(l) = 0.0 sbrunv(l) = 0.0 chnvol(l) = 0.0 runoff(l) = 0.0 chnrun(l) = 0.0 rvolon(l) = 0.0 roffon(l) = 0.0 rofave(l) = 0.0 c peakin(l) = 0.0 peakot(l) = 0.0 peakro(l) = 0.0 c rtrans(l) = 0.0 htcc(l) = 0.0 c 50 continue c sdate = sdate + 1 c c mxint is equal to the maximum rainfall intensity c before irs is called there is a test for mxint > ks c call stmget(mxint) c do 70 mm = 1, nplane c do 60 nn = 1, 100 dslost(mm,nn) = 0.0 60 continue c 70 continue c do 80 l = 1, nplane norun(l) = 0 iuprun(l) = 0 wmelt(l) = 0 dpress(l) = 0.0 bigcrp(l) = itype(nowcrp(l),l) 80 continue c c do parameter updating and rainfall runoff computations c qsout = 0.0 qout = 0.0 idout = 0 c c if temperature less than zero then precipitation c for this day is snowfall c snow = 0.0 nomelt = 0 warain = 0.0 c do 90 iplane = 1, nplane c rain(iplane) = prcp c if (snodpy(iplane) 1 rain(iplane).gt.0.0) warain = rain(iplane) c c set maximum water input rate of each plane/channel c if (norain(iplane).eq.1) then xmxint(iplane) = mxint else xmxint(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c perform tillage on cropland - update soil and residue c if (imodel.eq.1) then if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) call decomp(nowcrp(iplane)) call soil(nowcrp(iplane)) end if c c calculate aspect of the channel c call aspect(deglat,azm(1),avgslp(iplane)) c c reset frost cycle variable when 50 days have passed c and no frost has been present in the soil c if (frdp(iplane).le.0.0) then if (froday(iplane).lt.51) froday(iplane) = 1 froday(iplane) + 1 else froday(iplane) = 0 end if c if (froday(iplane).gt.50) fcycle(iplane) = 0 c wmelt(iplane) = 0.0 avdatm = tave c c call SR WINTER - if snowdepth > 0.0 or minimum c temperature < 0.0 or the frost depth > 0.0 c if ((snodpy(iplane).gt.0.0).or.(tmin.le.0.0).or.( 1 frdp(iplane).gt.0.0)) then call winter(rain(iplane),snoflg) rain(iplane) = 0.0 norain(iplane) = 0 wntflg(iplane) = 1 if (wmelt(iplane).gt.0.0001) nomelt = 1 c next line has been added so that grna would not be called c when it is winter and there is no snowmelt on that plane. c (CB/23OCT,95) if (wmelt(iplane).le.0.0001) xmxint(iplane) = 0.0 else wntflg(iplane) = 0 c c call SR SUNMAP to get the amount of heat unit c calories available for melting snow c call sunmap(rcalsl,hday,dsunmp) end if c if (norain(iplane).eq.0.and.nomelt.eq.0) ninten(iplane) = 1 0 c tave = avdatm c if ( then rain(iplane) = warain norain(iplane) = 1 wmelt(iplane) = 0.0 nomelt = 0 end if c 90 continue c if ( call irrig(iiyear,nowcrp,0.0,0.0) c if (lanuse(1).eq.2.and.imodel.eq.1) then c if ( then c do 100 iplane = 1, nplane r5(iplane,sdate) = rain(iplane) + wmelt(iplane) + 1 irdept(iplane) am(iplane) = am(iplane) + r5(iplane,sdate) / 1 rx(sdate) am2(iplane) = am(iplane) if (am(iplane).gt.0.01) am(iplane) = 0.01 100 continue c else c do 120 iplane = 1, nplane c r5(iplane,6) = rain(iplane) + wmelt(iplane) + 1 irdept(iplane) am(iplane) = 0.0 c do 110 i9 = 1, 5 r5(iplane,i9) = r5(iplane,i9+1) am(iplane) = am(iplane) + r5(iplane,i9) / rx(i9) 110 continue c am2(iplane) = am(iplane) if (am(iplane).gt.0.01) am(iplane) = 0.01 120 continue c end if c am2(iplane) = am(iplane) if (am(iplane).gt.0.01) am(iplane) = 0.01 c end if c c check for occurrence of rainfall and/or irrigation c (if rainfall norain = 1, if stationary sprinkler irrigation c noirr > 0 and irsyst = 1) or for snow melt nomelt > 0 c norflg = 0 c do 130 l = 1, nplane if (norain(l).gt.norflg) norflg = norain(l) 130 continue c c read hillslope hydrology and erosion information from the c watershed master pass file c call wshred c c save hillslope variables in slots to recover them after c runoff calculations on each channel element (plane) c do 140 l = 1, nhill tmpvol(l) = runvol(l) tmprof(l) = runoff(l) tmppkr(l) = peakro(l) cx Added by Arthur. Icorperated in by S. Dun Dec 05, 2003 tmpsbf(l) = sbrunf(l) tmpsbv(l) = sbrunv(l) cx End adding 140 continue c c reinitialize the runoff volume, runoff depth, and c peak runoff variables c do 150 l = 1, nelmt runvol(l) = 0.0 sbrunv(l) = 0.0 runoff(l) = 0.0 peakro(l) = 0.0 cx Added by Arthur. Icorperated in by S. Dun Dec 05, 2003 sbrunf(l) = 0.0 sbrunv(l) = 0.0 cx End adding 150 continue c c ****** loop through channel flow elements ****** c iplane = 0 ichan = 0 ipond = 0 c do 170 ielmt = nhill + 1, nelmt c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.3) then c c if impoundment element call SR WSHIQI to calculate c inflow and SR WSHIMP to control hydraulic and c sediment routing c c SR WSHIMP is called even if there is no inflow c for infiltration and evaporation calculations as c well as sedimentation volume c call wshiqi c if (runvol(ielmt).lt.0.001) idflag = 0 c c added by S.Dun ddate=sdate dyear=year c end add call wshimp(elev) c end if c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2) then c iplane = iplane + 1 ichan = ichan + 1 c c if channel element call SR WSHCQI to calculate inflow c call wshcqi c c calculate runoff on the channel element if there is c rainfall, snow melt or sprinkler irrigation (furrow c irrigation runoff calculations are in SR FURROW) c if ((norflg.eq.1).or.(( 1 .or.( then c cd Modified by S. Dun 03/18/2004 cd call wshirs(xmxint,nowcrp,wmelt,ibrkpt, cd iuprun(iplane),effdrr) call wshirs(nowcrp,wmelt,ibrkpt, 1 effdrr) cd End Modifying end if c c c update cumulative kinetic energy c if (wmelt(iplane).gt.0.0) rkine = 0.0 rkecum(iplane) = rkecum(iplane) + rkine c c update water balance and plant growth c if (imodel.eq.1) then call watbal(lunp,luns,lunw,nowcrp(iplane),elev) if ((runoff(iplane).gt.0.0).and.(watdur(ielmt).le.0.0) 1 .and.(ivers.eq.3).and.(dur.le.0.0)) then watdur(ielmt) = 24.0*60.0*60.0 endif endif cx Added by Arthur. Modified by S. Dun Dec 05, 2003 tmpsbf(ielmt) = sbrunf(iplane) cx End adding c if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) then c c update tillage index to next tillage date on day of c tillage c if (tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).gt.0.and. 1 indxy(iplane).gt.0) then if (sdate.eq. 1 mdate(indxy(iplane), 1 tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane))) call newtil( 1 tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 ntill(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane)),iplane, 1 oldind) end if end if c c check for occurrence of runoff (if runoff norun = 1) c if (norun(iplane).eq.1) then c c write routing information to screen c c continuous simulation - write event date to screen c if (imodel.eq.1) then write (6,1300) iplane, sdate, lyear else write (6,1400) iplane, sdate, lyear end if c c calculate runoff volume and depth on channel c and put variables in appropriate watershed c element slots c chnvol(ielmt) = chnrun(iplane) * charea(iplane) chnrun(ielmt) = chnrun(iplane) c runvol(ielmt) = runoff(iplane) * charea(iplane) cd Added by S. Dun 02/08/2004 cd 1 *efflen(iplane)/slplen(iplane) cd End adding runoff(ielmt) = runoff(iplane) cd Added by S. Dun 02/08/2004 for debug cd write (60,*) sdate,runoff(iplane),charea(iplane) cd End adding c tmpvol(ielmt) = runvol(ielmt) tmprof(ielmt) = runoff(ielmt) c rtrans(ielmt) = rvolon(ielmt) + chnvol(ielmt) - 1 runvol(ielmt) c idout = 1 c else c qsout = 0.0 qout = 0.0 runvol(ielmt) = 0.0 sbrunv(ielmt) = 0.0 tmpvol(ielmt) = 0.0 tmprof(ielmt) = 0.0 chnvol(ielmt) = 0.0 c effint(iplane) = 0.0 effdrn(iplane) = 0.0 peakro(ielmt) = 0.0 irdgdx(iplane) = 0.0 rtrans(ielmt) = rvolon(ielmt) + chnvol(ielmt) - 1 runvol(ielmt) c end if c if (imodel.eq.1.and.lanuse(iplane).eq.1) call 1 cutgrz(nowcrp(iplane),sdate,iplane) c if (sdate.eq.switch(iplane)) then nowcrp(iplane) = nowcrp(iplane) + 1 write (6,*) 'NEW CROP #', nowcrp(iplane), ' ON DATE', 1 sdate nnc(iplane) = 1 indxy(iplane) = 0 c if (tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).gt.0) call newtil( 1 tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 ntill(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane)),iplane,oldind 1 ) c if (nowcrp(iplane).lt.nycrop(iplane)) then c if (tilseq(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane).gt.0) then call nowup(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 ntill(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane)), 1 jdplt(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 jdstop(nowcrp(iplane),iplane),switch(iplane)) else call nowup(0,0,jdplt(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 jdstop(nowcrp(iplane),iplane),switch(iplane)) end if end if end if c c end of plane (channel) hydrology routines c c calculate runoff and peak runoff on the watershed only c if a channel runoff event OR a hillslope runoff event c OR both events occur c c calculate peak runoff and call erosion routines c if (runvol(ielmt).gt.0.001) then call wshrun cd Following line modified by S. Dun Temperarily 01/14/2004 do 155 ipart = 1, npart tgsd(ipart,ielmt) = 0.0 155 continue c c 8-8-2007 statement commented out because it prevents subsurface and c runoff events from existing on the same day c if ((solwpv.eq.2006).or.( then call chnero(ichplt,sdate,nptsc,toplen) c end if end if c c when primary tillage occurs on a naturally eroded c channel (e.g., ephemeral gully) then reset the c channel depth and width to initial values c if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) then c c tillage variables indexed to iplane, channel c variables indexed to ichan, however, both c are the same within the channel if statement c i1 = oldind i2 = tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane) c if (( then if (sdate.eq.mdate(i1,i2)) then c c reset if primary tillage and naturally eroded c channel c if ((typtil(i1,i2).eq.1).and.(ishape(ichan).eq.3)) 1 then c do 160 l = 1, 11 depa(ichan,l) = chnedm(ichan) depb(ichan,l) = chnedm(ichan) wida(ichan,l) = chnwid(ichan) widb(ichan,l) = chnwid(ichan) 160 continue c end if end if end if end if c end if c 170 continue c do 180 l = 1, nelmt runvol(l) = tmpvol(l) if (elmt(l).ne.3) runoff(l) = tmprof(l) if (l.le.nhill) peakro(l) = tmppkr(l) 180 continue c c generate detailed runoff output c if (idout.eq.1) call runout c if (imodel.eq.2) then call endchn(npart,nraint,traint,nptsc,toplen,nyear,ichplt) c c event summary output for watershed c if (ievt.eq.1) then call sedout(iiyear,dslost,isum,ievt,ifofe,lun1,0, 1 2,nowcrp(nplane)) end if return end if c c call daily output impoundment routine c if ( call impday(iiyear,sdate) c c event summary output for watershed c if (ievt.eq.1) then call sedout(iiyear,dslost,isum,ievt,ifofe,lun1,0,2, 1 nowcrp(nplane)) end if c c write daily output for large graphical output file c if ( then c do 190 iplane = 1, nplane bigflg = 0 call wshout(bigcrp(iplane),iiyear) 190 continue c end if c 200 continue c c monthly impoundment output c if ( call impmon(nmon) c c monthly erosion output c call monchn(npart,nmon,lyear,nrainm,trainm,nptsc,toplen,ichplt 1 ) c 210 continue c do 220 jj = 1, nplane indxy(jj) = 0 switch(jj) = 0 ncount(jj) = 0 nnc(jj) = 0 220 continue c c get next years tillage information c isimyr = 2 c if ( call tilage(nowcrp) if (yldflg.eq.1) write (46,*) ' ' c c yearly impoundment output c if ( call impyr(iiyear) c c yearly erosion output c call annchn(npart,lyear,nrainy,trainy,nptsc,toplen,ichplt) c 230 continue c c write minimum and maximum values for large graphical output file c if ( then bigflg = 1 call wshout(1,iiyear) end if c c end of simulation impoundment output c if ( call impeos c c end of simulation erosion output c call endchn(npart,nraint,traint,nptsc,toplen,nyear,ichplt) c c write note to unit 45 if no grazing occured c if (rngout.eq.2) then c if ( then if (rnganm.eq.2) write (45,1600) end if c end if c c final values for creating initial condition scenario c if (ifile.eq.2) then c c write initial condition scenario output file c idshar = sdate - jdharv(nowcrp(1),1) itill1 = 0.1 itill2 = 0.2 irspac = 1 itemp = 1 icanco = cancov(1) idaydi = daydis(1) ifrdp = frdp(1) iinrco = inrcov(1) iiresd = itype(nowcrp(1),1) irilco = rilcov(1) irrini = rrc(1) irhini = rh(1) isnodp = snodpy(1) ithdp = thdp(1) iwidth = width(1) irmagt = rmagt(1) irmogt = rmogt(1,1) + rmogt(2,1) + rmogt(3,1) icrypt = cancov(1) j = itype(nowcrp(1),1) c write (47,2200) c c write plant name from management file c write (47,2400) crpnam(j) write (47,2500) (mancom(i),i = 1,3) c c write plant associated with ofe 1 at end of simulation for c cropland residue parameters c write (47,1700) lanuse(1) c if (lanuse(1).eq.1) then c write (47,*) 'WeppWillSet' write (47,*) bb(j), bbb(j), beinp(j), btemp(j), cf(j), 1 crit(j), critvm(j), cuthgt(j), decfct(j), diam(j) write (47,*) dlai(j), dropfc(j), extnct(j), fact(j), 1 flivmx(j), gddmip(j), hi(j), hmax(j) c if (mfocod(j).eq.1) then write (47,*) mfocod(j), ' # mfo - ' else write (47,*) mfocod(j), ' # mfo - ' end if c write (47,*) oratea(j), orater(j), otemp(j), pltol(j), 1 pltsp(j), rdmax(j), rsr(j), rtmmax(j), spriod(j), 1 tmpmax(j) write (47,*) tmpmin(j), xmxlai(j), yld(j) c else if (lanuse(1).eq.2) then c write (47,*) aca(j), aleaf(j), ar(j), bbb(j), bugs(j), 1 cf1(j), cf2(j), cn(j), cold(j), ffp(j) write (47,*) gcoeff(j), gdiam(j), ghgt(j), gpop(j), gtemp(j), 1 hmax(j), plive(j,1), pltol(j), pscday(j), rgcmin(j) c if (scday2(j).gt.365) then write (6,*) 'WARNING - calculated value for SCDAY2 = ', 1 scday2(j) write (6,*) ' resetting value for SCDAY2 to 365 in initial', 1 ' condition scenario file' scday2(j) = 365 end if c write (47,*) root10(j), rootf(j), scday2(j), scoeff(j), 1 sdiam(j), shgt(j), spop(j), tcoeff(j), tdiam(j), 1 tempmn(j) write (47,*) thgt(j), tpop(j), wood(j) c else c c no other plant types supported at this time c c initial condition creation section c end if c write (47,2300) call strip(scefil,inifil) c write (47,2400) inifil if (inifil.eq.' ') inifil = crpnam(j) c write (47,2500) (mancom(i),i = 1,3) c write (47,1700) lanuse(1) c if (lanuse(1).eq.1) then write (47,1800) ibd / 1000, icanco, idaydi, idshar, ifrdp, 1 iinrco write (47,1500) itemp, '# iresd' write (47,1500) imngm1(j), '# mgmt' write (47,1900) irfcum * 1000, irhini, irilco, irrini, irspac write (47,1500) rwflag(1), '# rtyp' write (47,1900) isnodp, ithdp, itill1, itill2, iwidth c c initial condition values for dead root mass and c submerged residue mass c sumrtm = 0.0 sumsrm = 0.0 c do 240 ijk = 1, 3 sumrtm = sumrtm + rtm(ijk,1) sumsrm = sumsrm + smrm(ijk,1) 240 continue c write (47,2000) sumrtm, sumsrm c else if (lanuse(1).eq.2) then c write (47,2500) frdp(1), pptg(1), rmagt(1), irmogt, 1 rrough(1), snodpy(1), thdp(1), tillay(1,1), tillay(2,1) write (47,2500) rescov(1), bascov(1), rokcov(1), crycov(1), 1 fresr(1), frokr(1), fbasr(1), fcryr(1), cancov(1) c end if c write (47,2100) nyear c end if c c close all open files c call close(lunp,luns,lunw,lun1) close (59) c return c 1000 format (' ***WARNING***'/ 1 ' Number of years to simulate can"t be larger than ',i3,/,i3, 1 ' years used ') 1100 format (' *** WARNING ***',/, 1 ' Channel climate file beginning year ',i4,' is not equal',/, 1 ' to Hillslope\watershed pass file beginning year ',i4,//, 1 ' *** SIMULATION STOPPED ***') 1200 format (/,' Enter number of years to simulate --> ') 1300 format (1x,'ROUTING runoff event on channel ',i3,' on day ',i4, 1 ' of year ',i4) 1400 format (12x,'ROUTING channel ',i3,' on day ',i4,' of ',i4) 1500 format (i3,a20) 1600 format (//,' NO GRAZING OCCURED DURING THIS SIMULATION') 1700 format (i1,10x,'# land use class') 1800 format (2(f10.5,1x),f10.1,1x,i10,2(1x,f10.5)) 1900 format (5(f10.5,1x)) 2000 format (2(f10.5,1x)) 2100 format ('#',/, 1 '####################################################',/, 1 '# Number of years simulated to create this initial #',/, 1 '# condition scenarios: ',i3,' #',/, 1 '####################################################',/,'#') 2200 format (/,'#################',/,'# Plant Section #',/, 1 '#################',/,'#',/, 1 '1 # looper; number of plant scenerios') 2300 format (/,'##############################',/, 1 '# Initial Conditions Section #',/, 1 '##############################',/,'#',/, 1 '1 # looper;', 1 ' number of initial conditions scenerios') 2400 format (a) 2500 format (a60,/,a60,/,a60) 2600 format ('*** WARNING *** Assuming 1 year simulation') end