subroutine wshini c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR WSHINI initializes hillslope, channel, and impoundment c variables for hydrologic and erosion routing through c the watershed. c c Called from: SR WSHDRV c Author(s): Ascough II, C. Baffaut c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c read: chnlen(mxplan) c include '' c modify: uparea(0:mxplan),loarea(0:mxplan), c charea(0:mxplan),toarea(0:mxplan), c chleng(0:mxplan),chmann(mxplan), c chslop(mxplan) c include '' c modify: ncltmp(mxelem),ncrtmp(mxelem),ncttmp(mxelem), c nhltmp(mxelem),nhrtmp(mxelem),nhttmp(mxelem) c include '' c read: chnn(mxplan) c include '' c read: npond c include '' c modify: dia(mxpart,mxelem) c read: npart c include '' c read: avgslp(mxplan) c include '' c read: fwidth(mxplan) c include '' c modify: sand(mxnsl,mxelem), silt(mxnsl,mxelem), c clay(mxnsl,mxelem), orgmat(mxnsl,mxelem) c include '' c modify: wsarea(0:mxelem) c read: hlarea(0:mxelem) c include '' c read: nhill c include '' c read: elmt(mxelem),ichan,nelmt,ncleft(mxelem), c ncrght(mxelem),nctop(mxelem) c include '' c modify: iwsbyr,maxyrs c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c integer i, j, jpond, l c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c i - c j - c jpond - c l - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c chncon c eatcom c impint c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c Section I. Calculation/manipulation of watershed routing c variables c ichan = 0 c do 20 i = nhill + 1, nelmt c c set channel index arrays c ncltmp(i) = ncleft(i) ncrtmp(i) = ncrght(i) ncttmp(i) = nctop(i) c c set hillslope index arrays c nhltmp(i) = nhleft(i) nhrtmp(i) = nhrght(i) nhttmp(i) = nhtop(i) c if (elmt(i).eq.2) then c ichan = ichan + 1 c c use watershed structure information to determine channel c relationships (ignore impoundments on watershed and c assume channels only flow into channels, i.e., if c impoundment is feeding a channel, is it masking feeds c from other channels?) c c correction claire, april 96 c if (( then if (( then c c impoundment feeding channel - write the channel c feed element information into an index array as c if no impoundments were present on the watershed c c ncltmp(i) = ncleft(i-1) c ncrtmp(i) = ncrght(i-1) c ncttmp(i) = nctop(i-1) ncltmp(i) = ncleft(nitop(i)) ncrtmp(i) = ncrght(nitop(i)) ncttmp(i) = nctop(nitop(i)) c end if c c calculate channel areas c charea(ichan) = chnlen(idelmt(i)) * fwidth(idelmt(i)) c c put channel texture and particle variables into correct c element slots c sand(1,i) = sand(1,ichan) silt(1,i) = silt(1,ichan) clay(1,i) = clay(1,ichan) orgmat(1,i) = orgmat(1,ichan) c do 10 j = 1, npart dia(j,i) = dia(j,ichan) 10 continue c end if c 20 continue c c read in remainder of non-temporal variables from c hillslope/watershed pass file (maximum watershed c simulation years and beginning year of hillslope c climate files) c read (49,*) maxyrs read (49,*) iwsbyr c c continue reading pass file c do 30 i = 1, 5 read (49,*) 30 continue c c read in particle size diameters (m), overland flow lengths (m), c overland flow areas (m^2), overland flow average slopes (m/m), c and overland flow manning's n from hillslope to watershed pass file c do 40 i = 1, nhill read (49,1000) (dia(l,i),l = 1,npart), hlarea(i) wsarea(i) = hlarea(i) 40 continue c do 50 i = 1, 3 read (49,*) 50 continue c c determine the contributing area at each of the subwatersheds c ichan = 0 c do 60 i = nhill + 1, nelmt c if (elmt(i).eq.2) then c ichan = ichan + 1 c c hillslope feeding channel - write the hillslope c feed element information into an index array as c if no impoundments were present on the watershed c if (nhltmp(i).eq.0) then c c if no hillslope feeding channel from the left c if (nileft(i).gt.0) then c c check and see if impoundment is feeding channel c c if a hillslope fed the impoundment set the index c array nhltmp to the hillslope element number (repeated c for next two sections for right and top feeding) c if (nhleft(nileft(i)).gt.0) nhltmp(i) = 1 nhleft(nileft(i)) if (nhrght(nileft(i)).gt.0) nhltmp(i) = 1 nhrght(nileft(i)) if (nhtop(nileft(i)).gt.0) nhltmp(i) = 1 nhtop(nileft(i)) end if end if c if (nhrtmp(i).eq.0) then if (nirght(i).gt.0) then if (nhleft(nirght(i)).gt.0) nhrtmp(i) = 1 nhleft(nirght(i)) if (nhrght(nirght(i)).gt.0) nhrtmp(i) = 1 nhrght(nirght(i)) if (nhtop(nirght(i)).gt.0) nhrtmp(i) = 1 nhtop(nirght(i)) end if end if c if (nhttmp(i).eq.0) then if (nitop(i).gt.0) then if (nhleft(nitop(i)).gt.0) nhttmp(i) = 1 nhleft(nitop(i)) if (nhrght(nitop(i)).gt.0) nhttmp(i) = 1 nhrght(nitop(i)) if (nhtop(nitop(i)).gt.0) nhttmp(i) = nhtop(nitop(i)) end if end if c c use nc*tmp variables so that impoundments are ignored c if ((ncltmp(i).eq.0).and.(ncrtmp(i).eq.0).and.(ncttmp(i).eq.0) 1 ) then c c upper area of the first order channels (no channel is c feeding current channel) - area is contributing c top hillslope c uparea(ichan) = hlarea(idelmt(nhttmp(i))) c else c c higher order channels - upper area is total area of c contributing channels to current channel c uparea(ichan) = toarea(idelmt(ncltmp(i))) + 1 toarea(idelmt(ncrtmp(i))) + toarea(idelmt(ncttmp(i))) end if c c lower area is area of contributing lateral hillslopes + c area of current channel c loarea(ichan) = hlarea(idelmt(nhltmp(i))) + 1 hlarea(idelmt(nhrtmp(i))) + charea(ichan) c c total area is the sum of the upper and lower areas c toarea(ichan) = uparea(ichan) + loarea(ichan) wsarea(i) = toarea(ichan) c end if c c element is an impoundment c if (elmt(i).eq.3) then c c calculate area feeding into the impoundment c wsarea(i) = wsarea(nhleft(i)) + wsarea(nhrght(i)) + 1 wsarea(nhtop(i)) + wsarea(ncleft(i)) + wsarea(ncrght(i)) + 1 wsarea(nctop(i)) c end if c 60 continue c c Section II. Initialize channel variables c call chncon c c Section III. Initialize the impoundment routines c if ( then c c check #1 --> number of impoundment elements read in the c structure file must be less than or equal to number of c elements read in the impoundment file c call eatcom(20) read (20,*) jpond c if ( then write (6,1100) npond, jpond stop end if c c check #2 --> number of impoundments read in from the c structure or impoundment files must be less than or c equal to mximp c if ( then write (6,1200) npond, mximp stop else if ( then write (6,1300) jpond, mximp stop end if c write (6,1400) c call impint end if c return c 1000 format (68x,5(e11.5,1x),5x,e10.5) 1100 format (//' Impoundments read in structure file : ',i2,/, 1 ' Impoundments read in impoundment file : ',i2,//, 1 ' Program stop - number of impoundments read in',/, 1 ' structure file must be less than or equal to number',/, 1 ' of impoundments read in impoundment file') 1200 format (//' Impoundments read in structure file : ',i2,/, 1 ' Maximum allowable impoundments : ',i2,//, 1 ' Program stop - maximum number of impoundments exceeded') 1300 format (//' Impoundments read in impoundment file : ',i2,/, 1 ' Maximum allowable impoundments : ',i2,//, 1 ' Program stop - maximum number of impoundments exceeded') 1400 format (/'INITIALIZING IMPOUNDMENTS on watershed '//) end