subroutine wshinp(jstruc) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR WSHINP reads the watershed structure and channel files c and performs rudimentary checks. c c Called from: SR WSHDRV c Author(s): Ascough II c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer jstruc c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c jstruc - number of planes (channels) read in from the c management file c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c modify: ishape(mxplan),chnlen(mxplan),chnz(mxplan), c chnnbr(mxplan),ncsseg(mxplan), c chnx(mxplan,mxcseg),chnslp(mxplan,mxcseg), c chnwid(mxplan),flgout(mxplan) c include '' c modify: ipeak c include '' c modify: icntrl(mxplan), ctlz(mxplan), ctln(mxplan), c ctlslp(mxplan), rccoef(mxplan), c rcexp(mxplan), rcoset(mxplan), ycntrl(mxplan), c ienslp(mxplan) c include '' c modify: chnn(mxplan),chntcr(mxplan),chnedm(mxplan), c chneds(mxplan),chnk(mxplan) c include '' c read: slplen(mxplan) c include '' c modify: ipd(mximp),npond c include '' c read: ks(mxplan) c include '' c read: nslpts(mxplan) c include '' c read: sand(mxnsl,mxelem), silt(mxnsl,mxelem), c clay(mxnsl,mxelem), orgmat(mxnsl,mxelem) c include '' c read: fwidth(mxplan) c include '' c read: nhill c include '' c modify: nchan,ich(0:mxplan),nelmt,idelmt(0:mxplan), c elmt(mxelem),nhleft(mxelem),nhrght(mxelem), c nhtop(mxelem),ncleft(mxelem),ncrght(mxelem), c nctop(mxelem),nileft(mxelem),nirght(mxelem), c nitop(mxelem), hill(0:mxelem) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c integer chntmp, hiltmp, i, nhchk, nhmax c c removed 10-9-2003 jrf c character*3 hildat(0:mxhill), chndat(0:mxplan), impdat(0:mximp) character*7 elmtyp(3) c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c chntmp - local variable for number of channels read in from c channel file c hiltmp - local variable for number of hillslopes read in from c hillslope/watershed pass file c i - loop counter c nhchk - counter for the maximum hillslope element read in c from the watershed structure file c nhmax - the maximum hillslope element read in from the c watershed structure file c hildat(0:mxhill) - c chndat(0:mxplan) - c impdat(0:mximp) - c elmtyp(3) - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c eatcom c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c data elmtyp /'HILLSLP', 'CHANNEL', 'IMPOUND'/ c c changed 10-9-2003 - Jim Frankenberger c Calculate the hillslope, channel and impoundment names c directly to handle more hillslopes and channels character(len=6) :: hleftstr character(len=6) :: hrightstr character(len=6) :: htopstr character(len=6) :: cleftstr character(len=6) :: crightstr character(len=6) :: ctopstr character(len=6) :: ileftstr character(len=6) :: irightstr character(len=6) :: itopstr c removed following tables 10-9-2003 - jrf- now generated through code c to handle more channels, hillslopes and impoundments c data hildat /' ', 'H1 ', 'H2 ', 'H3 ', 'H4 ', 'H5 ', 'H6 ', c 1 'H7 ', 'H8 ', 'H9 ', 'H10', 'H11', 'H12', 'H13', 'H14', 'H15', c 1 'H16', 'H17', 'H18', 'H19', 'H20', 'H21', 'H22', 'H23', 'H24', c 1 'H25', 'H26', 'H27', 'H28', 'H29', 'H30', 'H31', 'H32', 'H33', c 1 'H34', 'H35', 'H36', 'H37', 'H38', 'H39', 'H40', 'H41', 'H42', c 1 'H43', 'H44', 'H45', 'H46', 'H47', 'H48', 'H49', 'H50', 'H51', c 1 'H52', 'H53', 'H54', 'H55', 'H56', 'H57', 'H58', 'H59', 'H60', c 1 'H61', 'H62', 'H63', 'H64', 'H65', 'H66', 'H67', 'H68', 'H69', c 1 'H70', 'H71', 'H72', 'H73', 'H74', 'H75'/ c c data chndat /' ', 'C1 ', 'C2 ', 'C3 ', 'C4 ', 'C5 ', 'C6 ', c 1 'C7 ', 'C8 ', 'C9 ', 'C10', 'C11', 'C12', 'C13', 'C14', 'C15', c 1 'C16', 'C17', 'C18', 'C19', 'C20', 'C21', 'C22', 'C23', 'C24', c 1 'C25', 'C26', 'C27', 'C28', 'C29', 'C30', 'C31', 'C32', 'C33', c 1 'C34', 'C35', 'C36', 'C37', 'C38', 'C39', 'C40', 'C41', 'C42', c 1 'C43', 'C44', 'C45', 'C46', 'C47', 'C48', 'C49', 'C50', 'C51', c 1 'C52', 'C53', 'C54', 'C55', 'C56', 'C57', 'C58', 'C59', 'C60', c 1 'C61', 'C62', 'C63', 'C64', 'C65', 'C66', 'C67', 'C68', 'C69', c 1 'C70', 'C71', 'C72', 'C73', 'C74', 'C75'/ c c data impdat /' ', 'I1 ', 'I2 ', 'I3 ', 'I4 ', 'I5 ', 'I6 ', c 1 'I7 ', 'I8 ', 'I9 ', 'I10', 'I11', 'I12', 'I13', 'I14', 'I15', c 1 'I16', 'I17', 'I18', 'I19', 'I20', 'I21', 'I22', 'I23', 'I24', c 1 'I25'/ c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c read in number of hillslopes from hillslope/watershed pass file c read (49,*) hiltmp c c check #1 - # of hillslopes requested in main input must be less c than or equal to # hillslopes in the hillslope/watershed pass file c if ( then write (6,1400) nhill, hiltmp stop end if c c assign hillslope id variables c idelmt(0) = 0 c do 10 i = 1, nhill idelmt(i) = i elmt(i) = 1 hill(i) = 0 10 continue c c read in watershed structure file information c nchan = 0 npond = 0 nhmax = 0 c write (38,1300) nhill c ich(0) = 0 ipd(0) = 0 hill(0) = 0 c do 20 i = nhill + 1, mxelem c read (17,*,end=30) elmt(i), nhleft(i), nhrght(i), nhtop(i), 1 ncleft(i), ncrght(i), nctop(i), nileft(i), nirght(i), 1 nitop(i) c if (elmt(i).eq.2) then nchan = nchan + 1 ich(nchan) = i idelmt(i) = nchan ieltyp(i) = 'channel ' else if (elmt(i).eq.3) then npond = npond + 1 ipd(npond) = i idelmt(i) = npond ieltyp(i) = 'impoundment' end if c nhchk = max0(nhleft(i),nhrght(i),nhtop(i)) if ( nhmax = nhchk c c check #2 --> each channel or impoundment element c must receive contributions either from the top or c laterally by a hillslope, channel, or impoundment c if (((nhleft(i).eq.0).and.(nhrght(i).eq.0).and.(nhtop(i).eq.0)) 1 .and.(((ncleft(i).eq.0).and.(ncrght(i).eq.0).and.(nctop(i) 1 .eq.0))).and.(((nileft(i).eq.0).and.(nirght(i).eq.0).and.( 1 nitop(i).eq.0)))) then write (6,1500) stop end if c c write out structure file information c if (nhleft(i) > 0) then write (hleftstr,'(a,i0)') 'H',nhleft(i) else write (hleftstr,'(a)') ' ' end if if (nhrght(i) > 0) then write(hrightstr,'(a,i0)') 'H',nhrght(i) else write(hrightstr,'(a)') ' ' end if if (nhtop(i) > 0) then write(htopstr,'(a,i0)') 'H',nhtop(i) else write(htopstr,'(a)') ' ' end if if (idelmt(ncleft(i)) > 0) then write(cleftstr,'(a,i0)') 'C',idelmt(ncleft(i)) else write(cleftstr,'(a)') ' ' end if if (idelmt(ncrght(i)) > 0) then write(crightstr,'(a,i0)') 'C',idelmt(ncrght(i)) else write(crightstr,'(a)') ' ' end if if (idelmt(nctop(i)) > 0) then write(ctopstr,'(a,i0)') 'C',idelmt(nctop(i)) else write(ctopstr,'(a)') ' ' end if if (idelmt(nileft(i)) > 0) then write(ileftstr,'(a,i0)') 'I',idelmt(nileft(i)) else write(ileftstr,'(a)') ' ' end if if (idelmt(nirght(i)) > 0) then write(irightstr,'(a,i0)') 'C',idelmt(nirght(i)) else write(irightstr,'(a)') ' ' end if if (idelmt(nitop(i)) > 0) then write(itopstr,'(a,i0)') 'C',idelmt(nitop(i)) else write(itopstr,'(a)') ' ' end if write (38,1200) i, elmtyp(elmt(i)), idelmt(i), 1 hleftstr, hrightstr, htopstr, 1 cleftstr, crightstr, ctopstr, 1 ileftstr, irightstr, itopstr c removed 10-9-2003 jrf c write (38,1200) i, elmtyp(elmt(i)), idelmt(i), c 1 hildat(nhleft(i)), hildat(nhrght(i)), hildat(nhtop(i)), c 1 chndat(idelmt(ncleft(i))), chndat(idelmt(ncrght(i))), c 1 chndat(idelmt(nctop(i))), impdat(idelmt(nileft(i))), c 1 impdat(idelmt(nirght(i))), impdat(idelmt(nitop(i))) c 20 continue c 30 nelmt = i - 1 c c check #3 --> highest hillslope element in watershed structure c file must equal requested number of hillslopes c if ( then write (6,1600) nhmax, nhill stop end if c c read in information from channel file c call eatcom(18) read (18,*) chntmp c c check #4 --> a) cross check all of the # channel inputs c w.r.t. structure (nchan) vs. management (jstruct) vs. channel c file (chntmp); b) number of channels read in must be less c than or equal to mxplan c if (( then write (6,1700) chntmp, jstruc, nchan stop else if ( then write (6,1800) nchan, mxplan stop end if c read (18,*) ipeak read (18,*) lw c do 40 ichan = 1, nchan c c write (38,2400) ichan c ncsseg(ichan) = nslpts(ichan) c read (18,*) read (18,*) read (18,*) c read (18,*) ishape(ichan) if (ishape(ichan).ge.2) ishape(ichan)=3 read (18,*) icntrl(ichan) read (18,*) ienslp(ichan) read (18,*) flgout(ichan) c flgout(ichan) = watsum chnlen(ichan) = slplen(ichan) c read (18,*) chnz(ichan), chnnbr(ichan) c chnwid(ichan) = fwidth(ichan) c read (18,*) chnn(ichan), chnk(ichan), chntcr(ichan), 1 chnedm(ichan), chneds(ichan) c c if channel is naturally eroded then set the hydraulic c roughness equal to the bare soil roughness c if ((ishape(ichan).eq.3).and.(chnn(ichan).gt.chnnbr(ichan))) 1 then c chnn(ichan) = chnnbr(ichan) c write (38,1900) end if c if (chnn(ichan).lt.chnnbr(ichan)) then chnn(ichan) = chnnbr(ichan) write (38,2000) end if c chnks(ichan) = ks(ichan) c c read in control section parameters c read (18,*) ctlslp(ichan), ctlz(ichan), ctln(ichan) c c modify ctln(ichan), ctlz(ichan) if no control section c if (icntrl(ichan).eq.0) then ctln(ichan) = chnn(ichan) ctlz(ichan) = chnz(ichan) ctlslp(ichan) = slplst c end if c if (icntrl(ichan).eq.4) then read (18,*) rccoef(ichan), rcexp(ichan), rcoset(ichan) write (38,2100) write (38,2200) rccoef(ichan), rcexp(ichan), rcoset(ichan) end if c ctlslp(ichan) = sin(atan(ctlslp(ichan))) c 40 continue c return c1000 format ('ichan ',i1,' nslpts ',i2,' pchnslp ',f5.4,' pctlslp ',f5 c 1 .4) c1100 format ('ichan ',i1,' nslpts ',i2,' chnslp ',f5.4,' ctlslp ',f5 c 1 .4) c 1200 format (i4,3x,a7,i4,1x,9(2x,a4)) 1300 format (//18x,'WATERSHED STRUCTURE INPUT FILE',/,18x,30('-'),//, 1 'Hillslope Elements: 1-',i4,//,28x,'(CONTRIBUTING ', 1 'ELEMENTS MATRIX)',/,23x,'HILLSLOPE',10x,'CHANNEL',8x, 1 'IMPOUNDMENT',/,'ELEM.',4x,'ELEMENT',/,1x,'#',5x,'FED',4x, 1 'NUM',4x,3('L',5x,'R',5x,'T',5x),/,3('-'),4x,3('-'),4x,3('-'), 1 3x,3(3('-'),3x,3('-'),3x,3('-'),3x)/) 1400 format (//' Hillslopes requested in main input : ',i2,/, 1 ' Hillslopes read in pass file : ',i2,//, 1 ' Program stop - # input hillslopes must be less than',/, 1 ' or equal to # pass file hillslopes') 1500 format (//' Program stop - element read in having no', 1 ' hydrologic link',/,' with the rest of the watershed') 1600 format (//' Hillslopes read in structure file : ',i2,/, 1 ' Hillslopes requested in main input : ',i2,//, 1 ' Program stop - # input hillslopes must be equal to',/, 1 ' # structure file hillslopes') 1700 format (//' Channels read in channel file : ',i2,/, 1 ' Channels read in management file : ',i2,//, 1 ' Channels read in structure file : ',i2,//, 1 ' Program stop - # channels must be the same in all', 1 ' three files') 1800 format (//' Number of channels in watershed : ',i3,/, 1 ' Maximum allowable channels : ',i3,//, 1 ' Program stop - reduce number of channels') c1900 format (/1x,'**** ISHAPE=3, SO CHNN SET EQUAL TO CHNNBR **** ') 2000 format (/1x,'**** CHNN CANNOT BE LESS THAN CHNNBR - CHNN SET', 1 ' EQUAL TO CHNNBR **** ') 2100 format (9x,' RCOEF RCEXP RCOSET') 2200 format ('Line 10: ',3f7.2/) end