subroutine wshout(bigcrp,iiyear) c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c read: efflen(mxplan) c include '' include '' include '' c include '' c read: bigflg c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c parameters c c local values c c static local (hence the `save') c integer tint(8), bigcrp, iiyear, intmin(8), intmax(8), i, kk real treal(83), ralmax(83), ralmin(83), watcon save intmin, intmax, ralmin, ralmax c data ralmin /83 * 1e6/ data ralmax /83 * -1e6/ data intmin /8 * 1e4/ data intmax /8 * -1e4/ c c update current minimums and maximums and write daily c if (bigflg.eq.0) then c c first time through c if (sdate.eq.1.and.iiyear.eq.1) then intmin(1) = 1 intmax(1) = 1 c c increment the date c else if (iplane.eq.1) then intmax(1) = intmax(1) + 1 end if c c determine total soil water content for all the c Channels this date c watcon = 0.0 c do 10 i = 1, nsl(iplane) watcon = watcon + soilw(i,iplane) 10 continue c c c determine the current minimums and maximums c c hillslope values which are constant for the c hillslope are first c tint(1) = intmax(1) c tint(2) = itype(nowcrp,iplane) tint(2) = bigcrp c do 20 kk = 1, 3 tint(2+kk) = iresd(kk,iplane) tint(5+kk) = iroot(kk,iplane) 20 continue c treal(1) = prcp * 1000.0 c if ( then treal(2) = avedet treal(3) = maxdet treal(4) = ptdet treal(5) = avedep * (-1.0) treal(6) = maxdep * (-1.0) treal(7) = ptdep else treal(2) = 0.0 treal(3) = 0.0 treal(4) = 0.0 treal(5) = 0.0 treal(6) = 0.0 treal(7) = 0.0 end if c treal(8) = avsole treal(9) = tmnavg treal(10) = tmxavg treal(11) = tmin treal(12) = tmax c if ( then treal(13) = irdept(iplane) * 1000.0 treal(14) = irapld(iplane) * 1000.0 else treal(13) = 0.0 treal(14) = 0.0 end if c treal(15) = (runoff(iplane)*efflen(iplane)/totlen(iplane)) * 1 1000.0 c if ( then treal(16) = irdgdx(iplane) else treal(16) = 0.0 end if c treal(17) = canhgt(iplane) treal(18) = cancov(iplane) treal(19) = lai(iplane) treal(20) = inrcov(iplane) treal(21) = rilcov(iplane) treal(22) = vdmt(iplane) treal(23) = rtmass(iplane) treal(24) = rtm15(iplane) treal(25) = rtm30(iplane) treal(26) = rtm60(iplane) treal(27) = rtd(iplane) treal(28) = rmagt(iplane) c do 30 kk = 1, 3 treal(28+kk) = rmogt(kk,iplane) treal(31+kk) = smrm(kk,iplane) treal(34+kk) = rtm(kk,iplane) 30 continue c treal(38) = avpor(iplane) * 100.0 treal(39) = avbd(iplane) / 1000.0 treal(40) = ks(iplane) * 3.6e6 treal(41) = sm(iplane) * 1000.0 treal(42) = (es(iplane)+ep(iplane)) * 1000.0 c treal(39) = thetfc(1,iplane) c treal(40) = thetdr(1,iplane) treal(43) = drainq(iplane) treal(44) = solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane) - satdep(iplane) treal(45) = effint(iplane) * 3.6e6 c if ( then treal(46) = peakro(iplane) * 3.6e6 c else c if (wsarea(ich(iplane)).gt.0) then treal(46) = peakot(ich(iplane)) * 3.6e6 / 1 wsarea(ich(iplane)) else treal(46) = 0 end if c end if c treal(47) = effdrn(iplane) / 3600.0 c if ( then treal(48) = enrato(iplane) else treal(48) = 0.0 end if c treal(49) = (ki(iplane)*kiadjf(iplane)) / 1000000.0 treal(50) = (kr(iplane)*kradjf(iplane)) * 1000.0 treal(51) = shcrit(iplane) * tcadjf(iplane) treal(52) = width(iplane) treal(53) = ep(iplane) * 1000.0 treal(54) = es(iplane) * 1000.0 treal(55) = sep(iplane) * 1000.0 treal(56) = watstr(iplane) treal(57) = temstr(iplane) treal(58) = watcon * 1000.0 c do 40 kk = 1, mxnsl treal(58+kk) = soilw(kk,iplane) * 1000.0 40 continue c treal(69) = rrc(iplane) * 1000.0 treal(70) = rh(iplane) * 1000.0 treal(71) = frdp(iplane) * 1000.0 treal(72) = thdp(iplane) * 1000.0 treal(73) = snodpy(iplane) * 1000.0 treal(74) = wmelt(iplane) * 1000.0 treal(75) = densg(iplane) treal(76) = frccov(iplane) treal(77) = frlive(iplane) treal(78) = frctrl(iplane) treal(79) = frcteq(iplane) treal(80) = frrres(iplane) treal(81) = fribas(iplane) treal(82) = frican(iplane) treal(83) = daydis(iplane) c effdrn(iplane) = 0.0 temstr(iplane) = 1.0 frccov(iplane) = 0.0 frlive(iplane) = 0.0 frctrl(iplane) = 0.0 frcteq(iplane) = 0.0 frrres(iplane) = 0.0 fribas(iplane) = 0.0 frican(iplane) = 0.0 c c c determine the minimums and maximums c do 50 i = 1, 83 call mxreal(treal(i),ralmin(i),ralmax(i)) 50 continue c do 60 i = 1, 8 call mxint(tint(i),intmin(i),intmax(i)) 60 continue c c write the daily information c write (40,1000) tint(1), treal, (tint(i),i = 2,8) c c WEPP has completed - append min/max values c else c write (40,*) '#' write (40,*) '# Minimum/Maximum values:' write (40,*) '#' c write (40,1000) intmin(1), ralmin, (intmin(i),i = 2,8) write (40,1000) intmax(1), ralmax, (intmax(i),i = 2,8) c end if c return c 1000 format (i6,83(1x,f10.5),7(1x,i2)) end