subroutine wshtc c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c Calculates the time of concentration at the outlet of a channel c element. c c Called from: SR WSHPEK c Author(s): C. Baffaut, Ascough II c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real qcstar, cltmp(mxplan), cstmp(mxplan), cmtmp(mxplan), 1 tcc(mxplan), tcil, tcir, tcit, tcimax, tcmax, tcsmx integer idrout(mxplan), idl, idr, idt, impr, impl, impt c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c qcstar - average channel flowrate c cltmp(mxplan) - temporary length of channel path that c contributes to largest tc c cstmp(mxplan) - temporary slope of channel path that c contributes to largest tc c cmtmp(mxplan) - temporary manning's n of channel path that c contributes to largest tc c tcc(mxplan) - travel time for channel path that c contributes to largest tc c tcil - tc from impoundment contributing to channel c from the left c tcir - tc from impoundment contributing to channel c from the right c tcit - tc from impoundment contributing to channel c from the top c tcimax - maximum tc from a contributing impoundment c tcmax - maximum channel tc depending on c contributing elements c tcsmx - maximum hillslope or impoundment tc for a first c order channel. c idrout(mxplan) - local variable to track upstream channel c that contributes to largest tc c idl - tracking variable for elements feeding channel c from the left c idr - tracking variable for elements feeding channel c from the right c idt - tracking variable for elements feeding channel c from the top c impr - tracking variable for impoundment element feeding c channel from the right c impl - tracking variable for impoundment element feeding c channel from the left c impt - tracking variable for impoundment element feeding c channel from the top c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c if (runvol(ielmt).lt.0.0001) then htcc(ielmt) = 0 return end if c c calculate the average flowrate in the channel c qcstar = runvol(ielmt) / watdur(ielmt) c c first order channels (no channels feeding) c if ((ncltmp(ielmt).eq.0).and.(ncrtmp(ielmt).eq.0).and.( 1 ncttmp(ielmt).eq.0)) then c c calculate the slope length, manning's n, and slope c of individual first order channels that make up the c longest flow path towards the subwatershed c chleng(ichan) = chnlen(ichan) chslop(ichan) = avgslp(ichan) chmann(ichan) = chnn(ichan) c c set channel time of concentration for this channel c tcc(ichan) = 0.4 * chleng(ichan) * 1.0e-3 * (chmann(ichan)**0.75 1 ) / ((qcstar**0.25)*(chslop(ichan)**0.375)) c c hillslope(s) contributing directly to the channel c hill(ichan) = nhleft(ielmt) c if (htcs(nhtop(ielmt)).gt.htcs(hill(ichan))) hill(ichan) = 1 nhtop(ielmt) if (htcs(nhrght(ielmt)).gt.htcs(hill(ichan))) hill(ichan) = 1 nhrght(ielmt) c c set time of concentration for the subwatershed at the outlet c of this channel c htcc(ielmt) = tcc(ichan) + htcs(hill(ichan)) tcsmx = htcs(hill(ichan)) c c set routing flag to track longest flow path through watershed c idrout(ichan) = ich(ichan) c c impoundment feeds the channel and contributes runoff c if (runvol(nileft(ielmt)).gt.0.001) then impl = nileft(ielmt) tcil = amax1(htcs(nhleft(impl)),htcs(nhrght(impl)), 1 htcs(nhtop(impl)),tcf(idelmt(impl))) htcc(nileft(ielmt)) = tcil c if ( then htcc(ielmt) = tcc(ichan) + tcil hill(ichan) = 0 tcsmx = tcil end if c end if c if (runvol(nirght(ielmt)).gt.0.001) then impr = nirght(ielmt) tcir = amax1(htcs(nhleft(impr)),htcs(nhrght(impr)), 1 htcs(nhtop(impr)),tcf(idelmt(impr))) htcc(nirght(ielmt)) = tcir c if ( then htcc(ielmt) = tcc(ichan) + tcir hill(ichan) = 0 tcsmx = tcir end if c end if c if (runvol(nitop(ielmt)).gt.0.001) then impt = nitop(ielmt) tcit = amax1(htcs(nhleft(impt)),htcs(nhrght(impt)), 1 htcs(nhtop(impt)),tcf(idelmt(impt))) htcc(nitop(ielmt)) = tcit c if ( then htcc(ielmt) = tcc(ichan) + tcit hill(ichan) = 0 end if c end if c else c c higher order channel (at least one channel or one c impoundment feeding) c c calculate the slope length, manning's n, and slope c of the higher order channels that make up the longest c time of concentration through the subwatersheds towards c the watershed outlet c idl = idelmt(ncleft(ielmt)) idr = idelmt(ncrght(ielmt)) idt = idelmt(nctop(ielmt)) c c find upstream channel element that has the largest tc c and compare with possible hillslopes and impoundments c tcmax = 0.0 idrout(ichan) = ich(ichan) c c channel tc c if (htcc(ncleft(ielmt)).gt.0.0) then idrout(ichan) = ich(idl) hill(ichan) = hill(idl) tcmax = htcc(ncleft(ielmt)) end if c if (htcc(nctop(ielmt)).gt.tcmax) then idrout(ichan) = ich(idt) hill(ichan) = hill(idt) tcmax = htcc(nctop(ielmt)) end if c if (htcc(ncrght(ielmt)).gt.tcmax) then idrout(ichan) = ich(idr) hill(ichan) = hill(idr) tcmax = htcc(ncrght(ielmt)) end if c c hillslope tc c if (htcs(nhleft(ielmt)).gt.tcmax) then idrout(ichan) = ich(ichan) hill(ichan) = nhleft(ielmt) tcmax = htcs(nhleft(ielmt)) end if c if (htcs(nhrght(ielmt)).gt.tcmax) then idrout(ichan) = ich(ichan) hill(ichan) = nhrght(ielmt) tcmax = htcs(nhrght(ielmt)) end if c c impoundment tc c tcimax = 0.0 c if (runvol(nileft(ielmt)).gt.0.001) then impl = nileft(ielmt) tcil = amax1(htcs(nhleft(impl)),htcs(nhrght(impl)), 1 htcs(nhtop(impl)),tcf(idelmt(impl))) htcc(nileft(ielmt)) = tcil c if ( then idrout(ichan) = ich(ichan) hill(ichan) = 0 tcmax = tcil tcimax = tcil end if c end if c if (runvol(nirght(ielmt)).gt.0.001) then impr = nirght(ielmt) tcir = amax1(htcs(nhleft(impr)),htcs(nhrght(impr)), 1 htcs(nhtop(impr)),tcf(idelmt(impr))) htcc(nirght(ielmt)) = tcir c if ( then idrout(ichan) = ich(ichan) hill(ichan) = 0 tcmax = tcir tcimax = tcir end if c end if c if (runvol(nitop(ielmt)).gt.0.001) then impt = nitop(ielmt) tcit = amax1(htcs(nhleft(impt)),htcs(nhrght(impt)), 1 htcs(nhtop(impt)),htcc(ncleft(impt)), 1 htcc(ncrght(impt)),htcc(nctop(impt)),tcf(idelmt(impt))) htcc(nitop(ielmt)) = tcit c if ( then idrout(ichan) = ich(ichan) hill(ichan) = 0 tcmax = tcit tcimax = tcit end if c end if c if (idrout(ichan).eq.ich(ichan)) then chleng(ichan) = chnlen(ichan) chslop(ichan) = avgslp(ichan) chmann(ichan) = chnn(ichan) else chleng(ichan) = chnlen(ichan) + 1 chleng(idelmt(idrout(ichan))) cltmp(ichan) = chleng(idelmt(idrout(ichan))) cstmp(ichan) = chslop(idelmt(idrout(ichan))) cmtmp(ichan) = chmann(idelmt(idrout(ichan))) chslop(ichan) = ((cltmp(ichan)*cstmp(ichan))+(chnlen(ichan)* 1 avgslp(ichan))) / chleng(ichan) chmann(ichan) = ((cltmp(ichan)*cmtmp(ichan))+(chnlen(ichan)* 1 chnn(ichan))) / chleng(ichan) end if c c set time of concentration for channel c tcc(ichan) = 0.4 * chleng(ichan) * 1.0e-3 * (chmann(ichan)**0.75 1 ) / ((qcstar**0.25)*(chslop(ichan)**0.375)) c c set time of concentration for the subwatershed at the outlet c of the channel c htcc(ielmt) = tcc(ichan) + htcs(hill(ichan)) + tcimax c end if c return end