subroutine yalin(effsh,tottc) c******************************************************************** c * c This routine is called from FN TRCOEF to compute sediment * c transport capacity using the Yalin equation. It is called * c FN SHIELD. * c * c******************************************************************** real effsh c * c Arguments * c effsh - effective sheer stress * c tottc - total sediment transport capacity * c * c******************************************************************** c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c******************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c tcfrac variables updated * c tcf1(mxpart,mxplan) * c * c******************************************************************** c c******************************************************************** c * c local variables: * c ws : sediment transport capacity for particle calss k * c (kg/m*s) * c coef : portion of yalin equation solution * c ycrit : ordinate from shields diagram for dimensionless * c critical shear for transport * c delta : portion of yalin equation solution * c sigma : portion of yalin equation solution * c p : sediment transport capacity for particle class * c k (nondimensional) * c dltrat : portion of yalin equation solution * c tottc : total sediment transport capacity (kg/m*s) * c * c******************************************************************** c save real ws(mxpart), coef(mxpart), ycrit(mxpart), delta(mxpart), 1 sigma(mxpart), p(mxpart), dltrat(mxpart), tottc, reyn, shield, 1 t, vstar, yalcon, oldtot, adjtc integer k c c Initialization: c yalcon = 0.635 t = 0.0 tottc = 0.0 c c The constant 0.635 was derived empirically by Yalin c c compute shear velocity (vstar): c vstar = sqrt(effsh/msdens) c c compute coefficient coef=vstar*msdens*dia*spg for each c particle classes: c coef(npart) = vstar * msdens do 10 k = 1, npart coef(k) = coef(npart) * dia(k,iplane) * spg(k) 10 continue c c compute Reynold's number (reyn), dimensionless critical shear c parameter from the Shields diagram (ycrit), parameters delta and c sigma, and the dimensionless sediment transport capacity (p) for c each particle class: c do 20 k = 1, npart reyn = vstar * dia(k,iplane) / kinvis ycrit(k) = shield(reyn) delta(k) = (vstar**2/(spg(k)-1.0)/accgav/dia(k,iplane)/ 1 ycrit(k)) - 1.0 c if (delta(k).gt.0.0) then sigma(k) = delta(k) * 2.45 * spg(k) ** (-0.4) * 1 sqrt(ycrit(k)) p(k) = yalcon * delta(k) * (1.0-1.0/sigma(k)* 1 alog(1.0+sigma(k))) t = t + delta(k) else delta(k) = 0.0 p(k) = 0.0 end if 20 continue c c c c compute the transport capacity (mass per unit width per unit time) c ws for each particle class: c if (t.eq.0.0) t = 1000.0 do 30 k = 1, npart dltrat(k) = delta(k) / t ws(k) = p(k) * dltrat(k) * coef(k) c c RISSE 9/20/94 Add weighting scheme to transport capacity to account c for the amount of each sediment class being transported c NOTE: This will increase TC for clays and silts and decrease for sands c c ws(k)=ws(k)*(frac(k,iplane)/0.2) c Replaced above equation with following to take care of situation c where other than 5 particle size classes have been used. c dcf 11/18/94 c XXX Additional question on this is whether we want to use c XXX "frac(k,iplane)" OR "frcflw(k,iplane)" for the weighting????? c ws(k)=ws(k)*(frac(k,iplane)*float(npart)) c tottc = tottc + ws(k) 30 continue c c c XXX Add changes to include Nearing alteration to Tc that was c XXX previously included in TCEND calculation in PARAM.FOR. dcf oldtot = tottc if(sand(1,iplane).gt.0.5)then adjtc=0.3 + 0.7 * exp(-12.52*(sand(1,iplane)-0.5)) if( tottc = tottc * adjtc endif c do 35 k= 1,npart if( ws(k) = (ws(k)/oldtot)*tottc 35 continue c do 40 k = 1, npart c c Lines added 10/16/89 to prevent divide by zero c if tottc is zero. c if ( then tcf1(k,iplane) = ws(k) / tottc else tcf1(k,iplane) = 0.0 end if 40 continue return end