------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEPP parameters referenced through watbal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer nowcrp ! current crop integer iflag ! flag for hillslope initialization calls integer nsl ! number of soil layers integer cntflg ! flag indicating contour farming is used integer iflget ! type of ET method (1 - WEPP original Penman, 2 - Penman_Monteith) integer idrain ! flag for tile drainage (0 - no tile 1 - tile drainage) integer sdate ! date of year in Julian date integer lanuse ! flag for land use (1 - cropland; 2 - rangeland; 3 - forest ) integer imngmt(mxcrop) ! cropping system 1) annual 2) perennial 3) fallow integer year ! year of simulation integer itype(mxcrop) ! plant type, plant growth scenario index(?) integer iresd(mxres) ! residue type integer iroot(mxres) ! ? integer iwind ! wind data flag in climate input file ( 0 - wind data, 1 - no wind data ) integer mon ! month of year integer j1 ! soil layers subjected to soil evaporation integer j2 ! soil layers(?) integer drseq(mxnsl) real elevm ! elevation of the climate station in meters real por(mxnsl) ! ? real thetdr(mxnsl) ! 15-bar soil water content (wilting point) real dg(mxnsl) ! depth of each soil layer, meters real thetfc(mxnsl) ! 1/3-bar soil water content (field capacity) real solthk(mxnsl) ! cumulative thickness of soil layer (m) real rain ! daily rainfall amount (m) real wmelt ! amount of snow melt occurring in a day on an OFE real irdept ! depth of water applied by irrigation (m) real iraplo ! irrigation water volume supplied to an overland flow element per unit area (m) real roffon(0:mxelem) ! ? real fwidth ! width of field (m) real slplen ! slope length (m) real efflen ! effective flow length of an overland flow element for continuous flow planes - efflen is the sum of ! the plane lengths having flow - for a Case 4 plane on which runoff ends - efflen is the length of the ! portion of the Case 4 OFE on which runoff is present real tillay(2) ! depth of secondary (tillay (1)) and primary (tillay (2)) tillage for the current crop on the OFE real coca(mxnsl) ! entrapped air correction factor real radinc ! ? real ddrain ! depth of drain tiles from surface, m real ytn ! funtion of latitude - used in day length calculation (EPIC 2.194) real inrcov ! interrill cover (0-1, unitless) real rilcov ! rill cover (0-1, unitless) real smrm(mxres) ! submerged residue mass today (kg/m^2) real tmnavg ! five day minimum temperature average (deg C) real ks ! saturated hydraulic conductivity (m/s) real sm ! effective matric potential (m) for Green-Ampt real rrc ! random roughness coefficient real kiadjf ! ki adjustment factor real kradjf ! kr adjustment factor real tcadjf ! consolidation adjustment factor for critical shear stress real prcp ! daily precipitation amount (m) real tave ! average daily temperature (degrees C) real salb ! soil albedo (0-1) real radly ! daily solar radiation (Langleys/day) real obmaxt(12) ! observed average monthly maximum temperature (degrees C) real obmint(12) ! observed average monthly minimum temperature (degrees C) real eo ! potential daily evapotranspiration (m/day) real tdpt ! mean daily dew point temperature (degrees C) real radpot ! potential radiation at slope (cal/cm^2/day) real vwind ! mean daily wind speed (m/s) real tu ! upper limit soil evaporation, stage 1 real su ! soil water available for evaporation real tv ! ? real et ! ? real tmax ! maximum daily temperature (degrees C) real tmin ! minimum daily temperature (degrees C) real kcb(mxcrop) ! mid-season crop coefficient for Penman-Monteith real kcbcon ! basal crop coefficient. real rawp(mxcrop) ! coefficient p for readily available root zone real sdrain ! drainage spacing, m real drdiam ! drain tile diameter, m real drainc ! drainage coefficient, m/day real pltol ! plant drought resistance factor (0 to 1), unitless real ul4 ! parameter to adjust potential water use by plants integer norun ! flag for runoff occurrence real s1 ! stage 1, soil evaporation real s2 ! stage 2, soil evaporation real surdra ! surface drainage water (m) real resint ! interception of rain water by flat residue(m) real plaint ! interception of rain water by live plants (m) real sbrunf ! daily subsurface lateral flow (m) real ul(mxnsl) ! upper limit of water content per soil layer real hk(mxnsl) ! a parameter that causes SC approach zero as soil water approaches FC real soilw(mxnsl) ! soil water content per layer real sep ! seepage real fin ! infiltrated water amount real pintlv ! plant interception left over from the day before real st(mxnsl) ! current available water content per soil layer (m) real cv ! residue amount real ep ! plant transpiration (m/day) real es ! soil evaporation (m/day) real unsdep ! unsaturated depth from surface to water table (m) real drawat(mxnsl) ! potential water which can be drained from a soil layer real satdep ! ? real drainq ! drainage spacing, m real runoff ! daily runoff amount (m) real daylen ! day length (hours) real watstr ! water stress parameter for plant growth (0-1) real fc(mxnsl) ! soil field capacity (m) real canhgt ! canopy height (m) real vdmt ! vegetative dry matter (kg/m^2) real lai ! leaf area index real cancov ! canopy cover (0-1, unitless) real rmagt ! surface residue mass above ground today (kg/m^2) real rtd ! root depth (m) real rtm(mxres) ! non living root mass (kg/m^2) real rmogt(mxres) ! surface residue mass on the ground today (kg/m^2) real ssc(mxnsl+1) ! saturated hydraulic conductivity real fwidthPrev ! width of field (m) for previous OFE real slplenPrev ! slope length (m) for previous OFE real runoffPrev ! daily runoff amount (m) for previous OFE real efflenPrev ! effective flow length of a previous overland flow element for continuous flow planes - efflen is the sum of ! the plane lengths having flow - for a Case 4 plane on which runoff ends - efflen is the length of the ! portion of the Case 4 OFE on which runoff is present. real sbrunfPrev ! daily subsurface lateral flow (m) for previous OFE ! The following are constants integer, parameter :: mxplan = 75 integer, parameter :: mxnsl = 10 integer, parameter :: mxhill = 75 integer, parameter :: ntype = 100 integer, parameter :: mxres = 3 integer, parameter :: mxcrop = 6 integer, parameter :: mxtill = 20 integer, parameter :: mxtlsq = 30 integer, parameter :: mxgraz = 10 integer, parameter :: mxelem = 175 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEPS parameters refrenced from hyro submode; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- real thetaf(mnsz) ! soil water content at field capacity (m^3/m^3) real thetas(mnsz) ! soil water content at saturation (m^3/m^3) real thetaw(mnsz) ! soil water content at wilting point (m^3/m^3) real thetar(mnsz) ! residual soil water cotent (m^3/m^3) real thetes(mnsz) ! effective saturated water content (m^3/m^3) real theta(0:mnsz) ! surface soil water content (m^3/m^3) (theta(0)), soil layer water content (m^3/m^3) real swci ! initial soil profile water content (mm) integer wc_type ! Water content type (specifies units for soil wc variables) ! wc_type = 0 !1/3bar(vol) 15bar(vol) ! wc_type = 1 !1/3bar(vol) 15bar(grav) ! wc_type = 2 !1/3bar(grav) 15bar(grav) ! wc_type = 3 !ignore and compute internally ! wc_type = 4 !compute everything from texture, om, and cec real gmd(mnsz) ! particle size distribution geometric mean dia. (mm) real gsd(mnsz) ! particle size distribution geometric std. dev. (mm) logical am0ifl ! am0ifl - flag to run initialization of submodels real ahrwca(mnsz, mnsub) ! Available soil layer water content (kg/kg) real ahzwid(mnsub) ! Water infiltration depth (mm) real ahzeasurf(mnsub) ! accumulated surface evaporation since last complete rewetting (mm) real ahtsav(mnsz,mnsub) ! Mean daily soil temperature (deg C) real ahfice(mnsz,mnsub) ! fraction of soil water in layer which is frozen real ahzsno(mnsub) ! Water content of snow (mm) real ahtsno(mnsub) ! temperature of snow layer (C) real ahfsnfrz(mnsub) ! fraction of snow layer water content which is frozen real ahzsnd(mnsub) ! snow depth (mm) real initswc(mnsub) ! initial soil water content (mm) real aszlyt(mnsz+1, mnsub) ! Soil layer thicknesses for each subregion (mm) real initsnow(mnsub) ! initial snow water content (mm) real initday(mnsub) ! initial day real cumprecip(mnsub) ! ccumulation of rainfall (mm) real cumrunoff(mnsub) ! accumulation of runoff (mm) real cumevap(mnsub) ! accumulation of evaporation (mm) real cumtrans(mnsub) ! accumulation of transpiration (mm) real cumdrain(mnsub) ! accumulation of drainage (mm) integer hprevrotation(mnsub) ! otation count number of previously printed hydro balance integer am0irr(mnsub) ! Flag for type of irrigation real ahzirr(mnsub) ! Irrigation water applied (mm/day) integer daysim ! This variable contains the curret day number of the simulation run. integer nslay(mnsub) ! umber of soil layers being used for each subregion. real ahrwcf(mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer field capacity water content (kg/kg) real ahrwcw(mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer wilting point water content (kg/kg) real asdblk(0:mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer bulk density for each subregion (Mg/m^3) real amzele ! Average site elevation (m) real awzdpt ! Daily precipitation (mm) real awdurpt ! precip duration ? real awpeaktpt ! Normalized time to peak of Daily precipitation (time to peak/duration) real awtdmxprev ! Maximum daily air temperatureof the previous day (deg C) real awtdmn ! Minimum daily air temperature (deg C) real awtdmx ! Maximum daily air temperature (deg C) real awtdmnnext ! Minimum daily air temperature of the next day (deg C) real awtdav ! Mean daily air temperature (deg C) real awtyav ! Average yearly air temperature (deg C) obtained from CLIGEN. real awrrh ! daily relative humidity. real awtdpt ! Daily dew point air temperature (deg C) real aweirr ! Daily global radiation (MJ/m^2) real awudav ! Average daily wind speed (m/s) real amrslp(mnsub) ! Average subregion slope (m/m) real adrlaitot(mnsub) ! total of leaf area index across pools (m^2/m^2) real adrsaitot(mnsub) ! total of stem area index across pools (m^2/m^2) real abzht(mnsub) ! Composite weighted average biomass height (m) real acrlai(mnsub) ! Crop leaf area index (m^2/m^2) real acrsai(mnsub) ! Crop stem area index (m^2/m^2) real aczht(mnsub) ! Crop height (m) real acxrow(mnsub) ! Crop row spacing (m) integer ac0rg(mnsub) ! Crop seeding location in relation to ridge real acftcv(mnsub) ! acftcv - Crop biomass cover - total (m^2/m^2) real acfliveleaf(mnsub) ! fraction of standing plant leaf which is living (transpiring) real abmf(mnsub) ! abmf - Flat biomass (kg/m^2) real abevapredu(mnsub) ! composite evaporation reduction from crop and residue materials (ea/ep ratio) real aczrtd(mnsub) ! Crop root depth (m) real ahfwsf(mnsub) ! Crop growth water stress factor (unitless) real aszlyd(mnsz, mnsub) ! Depth to bottom of each soil layer for each subregion (mm) real asdblk0(mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer bulk density from previous day real asdpart(mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer particle density adjusted from mineral only real asdwblk(mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer bulk density at 1/3 bar for each subregion (Mg/m^3) real ahrwc(mnsz,mnsub) ! Soil water content (Kg/Kg) real ahrwcs(mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer saturated water content (kg/kg) real ahrwcr(mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer residual water content (kg/kg) real ah0cb(mnsz,mnsub) ! Power of Brooks and Corey water release curve model (unitless) real aheaep(mnsz,mnsub) ! Soil air entry potential (J/kg) real ahfredsat(mnsz, mnsub) ! fraction of soil porosity that will be filled with water ! while wetting under normal field conditions due to entrapped air real asfsan(0:mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer sand content (Mg/Mg) real asfsil(0:mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer silt content (Mg/Mg) real asfcla(0:mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer clay content (Mg/Mg) real asfom(0:mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer organic matter content (Mg/Mg) real asfcec(mnsz, mnsub) ! Soil layer cation exchange capacity (cmol/kg) (meq/100g) real abdstm(mnsub) ! Total number of stems (#/m^2) (live and dead) May be a weighted summation real abffcv(mnsub) ! Biomass cover - flat (m^2/m^2) real asxrgs(mnsub) ! Ridge spacing (mm) real aszrgh(mnsub) ! Ridge height (mm) real aslrro(mnsub) ! original random roughness height, after tillage, mm real aslrr(mnsub) ! Allmaras random roughness parameter (mm) real ah0cng(mnsub) ! SCS runoff curve no. (good) real ah0cnp(mnsub) ! SCS runoff curve no. (poor) real ahzper(mnsub) ! daily deep percolation (mm/day) real ahzrun(mnsub) ! daily surface runoff (mm/day) real ahzinf(mnsub) ! daily surface infiltration real ahzsmt(mnsub) ! Snow melt (mm) real ahrsk(mnsz,mnsub) ! Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity (m/s) real ahtsmx(mnsz,mnsub) ! Maximum daily soil temperature (deg C) real ahtsmn(mnsz,mnsub) ! Minimum daily soil temperature (deg C) real ahrwc0(mnhhrs, mnsub) ! surface soil water content (kg/kg) real asfald(mnsub) ! Dry soil albedo real asfalw(mnsub) ! Wet soil albedo real presswc(mnsub) ! present soil water content (mm) real pressnow(mnsub) ! present snow water content (mm) real presday(mnsub) ! present day real amalat ! latitude of simulation site (degrees) real amalon ! Longitude of simulation site (degrees) real swc ! soil profile water content (mm) integer am0hfl ! flag to print HYDROlogy output real ah0drat ! dryness ratio real awzzo ! Weather station aerodynamic roughness height (mm) real awzdisp ! Weather station zero plane displacement height (mm) real anemht ! Standardized anemometer height (m) real ahzetp ! potential evapotranspiration (mm/day) real ahzep ! Potential bare soil evaporation (mm/day) real ahzptp ! potential plant transpiration (mm/day) real ahzea ! Actual bare soil evaporation (mm/day) real ahzpta ! Actual plant transpiration (mm/day) real ahzeta ! Actual evapotranspiration (mm/day) integer am0csr ! Current subregion integer nsubr ! Number of subregions integer wzoflg ! Flag = 0 for anem. and constant awwzo at wx. stations Flag = 1 for anem. and variable awwzo at field. integer luohydro ! File descriptor real max_real ! maximum real number integer am0jd real tlay(mnsz) ! soil layer thickness (m) real t ! time since last LSODA initialization, preserved between days real ksat(mnsz) ! saturated hydraulic conductivity (m/s) real soiltemp(mnsz) ! soil temperature (C) real dist(mnsz) ! distance from center of soil layer(index-1) real depth(mnsz) ! distance from surface to center of soil layer (m) real lastvolw(mnsz+7) ! value saved from previous entry into dvolw real prevvolw(mnsz+7) ! initial values of water content at beginning of hour real rwork(lrw) ! lsoda: real work array integer iwork(lrw) ! lsoda: integer work array real airtmaxprev ! maximum air temperature of the previous day (C) real airtmin ! minimum air temperature today (C) real airtmax ! maximum air temperature today (C) real airtminnext ! minimum air temperature of the next day (C) real tdew ! dewpoint temperature (C) real lenday ! length of the daylight (seconds) real sunrise ! time of sunrise (seconds) real sunset ! time of sunset (seconds) real evapendconstant ! cumulative evaporation where falling rate stage begins (mm) real evapdaypot ! potential evaporation for day (mm) real evaptrans ! soil vapor transmissivity (mm/d^0.5) real evapamp ! amplitude of the daily evaporation curve (m) real raindepth ! total depth of a rainfall event (m) real rainstart ! time of the start of a rainfall event (seconds) real rainend ! time of the end of a rainfall event (seconds) real rainmid ! time of the peak of a rainfall event (seconds) real soilslope ! slope of the soil surface (m/m) real pondmax ! maximum depth of soil surface ponding before runoff (m) real dw_friction ! darcy weisbach friction factor for runoff flow rate calculation real slopelength ! ength of sheet flow runoff (overland flow element) (m) real atmpres ! pressure of the ambient atmosphere (kPa) integer istate ! LSODA input control and result flag, preserved between days real beginday ! time of the beginning of the day (seconds) real soilrh(mnsz) ! value used from previous entry into dvolw real cond(mnsa) ! value used from previous entry into dvolw real soilvapden(mnsz) ! value used from previous entry into dvolw real soildiffu(mnsz) ! value used from previous entry into dvolw integer layer_weighting ! specifies layer weighting method to use, 0=arith mean, 1=layer thick proportional weighted, 2=intermodal method, darcian mean real swm(mnsz) ! value used from previous entry into dvolw ! The following are contstants real min_snow_den ! min_snow_den - minimum density of new snow (kg/m^3) real max_snow_den ! max_snow_den - maximum possible snow density (kg/m^3) real mtomm ! mtomm - Unit conversion constant (mm/m) integer mnsz ! mnsz - Maximum number of soil layers real atmstand ! atmstand - standard atmosphere (kilopascals) real tempstand ! tempstand - standard temperature used to find standard atmosphere (degree K) real templapse ! templapse - temperature lapse rate for troposphere (degree K/meter) real gravconst ! gravconst - acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2) real rair ! rair - gas constant for air (J/kg/K or m^2/s^2/K) integer lrw ! lrw - lsoda: length of real work array integer liw ! liw - lsoda: length of integer work array integer luowater ! file descriptor real mmtom ! mmtom - Unit conversion constant (m/mm) real claygrav80rh ! claygrav80rh - gravimetric water content of soil clay at 80% rh real orggrav80rh ! orggrav80rh - gravimetric water content of soil organics at 80% rh real potwilt ! potwilt - matric potential for wilting point (15 bar) in meters of water real hrtosec ! hrtosec - Unit conversion constant (seconds/hour) integer luohlayers ! file descriptor real zerokelvin ! zerokelvin - kelvin equivalent of zero degree centigrade real melt_snow_den ! melt_snow_den - snow density above which melt water is released (kg/m^3) real pi ! pi - The constant PI (radians) real sandheatcap ! sandheatcap - heat capacity of sand (J/kg C) real siltheatcap ! siltheatcap - heat capacity of silt (J/kg C) real clayheatcap ! clayheatcap - heat capacity of clay (J/kg C) real organheatcap ! organheatcap - heat capacity of organic matter (J/kg C) real waterheatcap ! waterheatcap - heat capacity of water (J/kg C) real iceheatcap ! iceheatcap - heat capacity of ice (J/kg C) real den_ice real den_quartz ! den_quartz - density of soil quartz articles (Mg/m^3) real den_organic ! den_organic - density of soil organic particles (Mg/m^3) real quartzheatcond real mineralheatcond real organicheatcond ! organicheatcond - thermal conductivity of organic matter (J/s m C) or (W/m C) real iceheatcond ! iceheatcond - thermal conductivity of ice (J/s m C) or (W/m C) real rgas ! rgas - universal gas constant (joules/(mole degree K) real molewater ! molewater - molecular weight of water (kg/mole) real fractopercent ! fractopercent - convert fraction to percent real potfcs ! potfcs - matric potential for field capacity (1/10 bar) in meters of water real potfc ! potfc - matric potential for field capacity (1/3 bar) in meters of water real denwat ! denwat - density of the liquid (water) (kg/m^3) integer mnsub ! Maximum number of subregions integer mnhhrs real beamrise ! Solar altitude angle at which the upper edge of the sun is visible real heat_fusion real daytosec ! Unit conversion constant (seconds/day) real WZZO_MAX ! Maximum wwzo value allowed for grid cell real WZZO_MIN ! Minimum wwzo value allowed for grid cell real degtorad ! To convert Degrees to Radians, multiply by pi/180 (rad/deg) real radtodeg ! To convert Radians to Degrees, multiply by 180/pi (deg/rad) parameter (denwat = 1000.0) parameter (potfc = -3.3989) !in meters of water at max density parameter (potfcs = -1.01967) !in meters of water at max density parameter (fractopercent = 100.0) parameter (molewater = 0.018) parameter (rgas = 8.3143) parameter( iceheatcond = 2.18) parameter( organicheatcond = 0.25) parameter( mineralheatcond = 2.9) parameter( quartzheatcond = 8.8) parameter(den_organic = 1.23) parameter(den_quartz = 2.65) parameter(den_ice = .92) parameter (tempstand = 288.0) parameter (atmstand = 101.3) parameter(min_snow_den = 100.0) parameter(max_snow_den = 522.0) parameter (mtomm = 1000.0) parameter (mnsz = 100) parameter (templapse = 0.0065) parameter (gravconst = 9.807) parameter (rair = 287.0) parameter (liw = 126) parameter (lrw = 1824) parameter (mmtom = 0.001) parameter( claygrav80rh = 0.3 ) parameter( orggrav80rh = 0.3 ) parameter (potwilt = -152.95) !in meters of water at max density parameter (hrtosec = 3600.0) parameter (luohlayers=152) parameter (luowater=12) parameter (zerokelvin = 273.16) parameter(melt_snow_den = 350.0) parameter (pi = 3.1415927) parameter( sandheatcap = 730.0 ) parameter( siltheatcap = 730.0 ) parameter( clayheatcap = 730.0 ) parameter( organheatcap = 1900.0 ) parameter( waterheatcap = 4180.0 ) parameter( iceheatcap = 2040.0 ) parameter (mnsub = 4) parameter (mnhhrs = 24) parameter( beamrise = 90.833 ) parameter(heat_fusion = 337000.0) parameter (daytosec = 86400.0) parameter (WZZO_MAX = 30.0) parameter (WZZO_MIN = 0.5) parameter (degtorad = 0.017453293) parameter (radtodeg = 57.2957795)