c begin include file cirfur1.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c Variables in common /irfur1/ are specifically for furrow c irrigation and must be initialized in INIDAT. common /irfur1/ aflow(0:xsteps,2),infltr(0:xsteps,2), 1 irapld(mxplan),irqin,nsurge,qflow(0:xsteps,2), 1 spavz,tstart(mxsrg),iraplo(mxplan) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer nsurge real aflow,infltr,irapld,irqin,spavz,tstart,qflow, 1 iraplo c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c aflow () : flow area at time-distance nodes (m**2) c infltr() : infiltration at time-distance nodes (m**2) c irapld(mxplan) : irrigation water volume supplied to an overland c flow element per unit area (m) c irqin : maximum inflow rate per unit width (m**2/s) c nsurge : number of surges for next overland flow element c qflow() : flow rate at time-distance nodes (m**3) c spavz : space averaging coefficient for infiltration c tstart(mxsrg) : begin time for irrigation inflow (s) c cd Added by S. Dun 03/03/2004, irapld is use for irrigation depth on cd effective length, iraplo is added only for current OFE c c iraplo(mxplan) : irrigation water volume supplied to an overland c flow element per unit area (m) c end include file cirfur1.inc