c begin include file cirriga.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c Variables in common /irriga/ are common to all types of irrigation c systems and irrigation scheduling schemes. common /irriga/ irdept(mxplan),irfrac,irofe,irschd(mxplan), 1 irsyst,noirr,irabrv c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer irofe,irschd,irsyst,noirr,irabrv real irdept,irfrac c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c irabrv : irrigation flag to be used in abbrev.raw, c same as irsyst except it is not reset to 0 at end c of simulation c irdept(mxplan) : depth of water applied by irrigation (m) c irfrac : ratio of irrigation amount to total water applied c (rainfall plus irrigation) for the day (m/m) c irofe : flag used to determine the overland flow element c dependent parameters to be used for the c irrigation c irschd(mxplan) : irrigation scheduling option for each overland c flow element c irsyst : flag indicating irrigation system type (0-no c irrigation, 1-sprinkler irrigation, 2-furrow c irrigation) c noirr : flag indicating whether irrigation occurs on the c current simulation day and the type of irrigation c scheduling used if irrigation does occur (0-no c irrigation, 1-depletion level scheduling, 2-fixed c date scheduling) c c end include file cirriga.inc