subroutine evap(elevm) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Calculate the evaporation from bare soil. First, compute the c amount of potential evaporation as if all the soil were bare c (EO); second, prorate EO by the fraction of soil that actually c is bare (EAJ) to estimate water demand (EOS); third, determine c how much water is actually available to satisfy this demand. c Calculations are performed using Ritchie's model. c c Note: this routine is now in SI (meters) c c c Called from WATBAL c Author(s): Williams, Savabi, Meyer c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 7. Also see EPIC MOdel c Documentation printed Sept. 1990. Also see c "Microclimate, the Biological Environment" by c Norman J. Rosenberg, et. al. 1983. c c Changes: c 1) Common block UPDATE not used. Dereferenced. c 2) Include files PMXTLS.INC and PMXTIL.INC not c used. Dereferenced. c 3) Combined some equations like: c ramm = ralb1 / xl c eo = 1.28 * ramm * dlt / xx c eo = eo / 1000.0 c to look like: c eo = 0.00128 * ralb1 * dlt / (xx * xl) c This resulted in some minor differences in rounding c in TEST-2. c 4) Eliminated the following local variables: c RAMM, TK2, TK4, X1, X2, X3, X4, HC, ZM, ZH, ZOM, c ZOH, D1, K, EA, VPD, R1 & R2. c 5) The line: c hc = 0.5 c was replaced with: c hc = canhgt(iplane) c as per Reza's 8/27/92 instructions. c 6) Local variable TMPVR1 was introduced to reduce c computations required. To make it agree more c closely with the original results, it was made c double precision. c 7) Removed RTO from evaporation calculations. c 8) The last time the following equation appeared: c tv(iplane)=(s2(iplane)/.0035)**2 c it was incorrectly entered as: c tv(iplane)=(s2(iplane)/3.5)**2 c This was corrected following 9/2/92 conversation c with Reza Savabi. c 9) In the following initialization: c data esd/.10/,tv/10*0./,cej/-2.9e-5/ c '10' was changed to the parameter that value c represented (MXPLAN): c data esd/.10/,tv/mxplan*0./,cej/-2.9e-5/ c 10) Savabi changes to use rainfall interception added c 7/30/93. dcf c c 11) esd, cej replaced since they were constants; tv(mxplan) c added to jca2 8/31/93 c c 12) added ability to determine what et equation to use c depending on the iwind flag. sjl 10/2/93 c c 13) changed cej value to -0.5 from -2.9e-5 c in equation 7.2.3 c c 14) variable eo (daily pet) placed in common block c and removed from local variable list c 2/1/94 jca2 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 92.25. c Date recoded: 08/25/92 - 09/02/92. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real elevm c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c elevm - elevation of the climate station in meters c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c read: radpot c include '' c read: tave, radly, tdpt, iwind c modify: vwind c include '' c modify: lai c include '' c include '' c read mon=month include '' c read obmint obmaxt c c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c read: salb, cv, tu, nsl, resint(mxplan) c modify: ep, es, fin, st, su, j1, j2, s1, s2, et, eo c include '' c read: canhgt(mxplan) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real eaj, tk, delta, gma, alb, eos, sp, sb, esx, xx, yy, rto, 1 d1, datd, dlt, ed, ee, eon, etoh, fwv, harrad, hc, pb, 1 ra, ra1, ralb1, rbo, rc, rhd, rn, rso, ttdd, xl, xxll, zm, zom double precision tmpvr1 integer xitflg, ievap c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c eaj - soil cover index (actually, the fraction UN-covered.) c tk - daily average air temperature (degree Kelvin) c delta - slope of the saturated vapor pressure c gma - the second part of Priestly Taylor equation c alb - Albedo (fraction) c eos - potential daily evapotranspiration adjusted for c cover m/day c sp - soil evaporation - infiltrated water (stage 1) c sb - adjusted soil evaporation for water infiltration c esx - evaporation from the infiltrated water c xx - soil evaporation (potential of stage 1 and 2) c yy - depth of soil layer which provide water for soil c evaporation 7.3.1 c rto - available water for soil evaporation/m c ho - net radiation, used in the Priestly Taylor equation (unused) c aph - is 1.28, conversion factor ETp/ETeq (not used) c xitflg - flag. 1=exit do-140 loop. c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c ************************************************************************ c ** This section of the code computes evapotranspiration (EO). ** c ************************************************************************ c c ---- compute the fraction of soil that is uncovered (EAJ) c (WEPP Equation 7.2.3) eaj = exp(-0.5*(cv+.1)) c c ---- convert average daily temp to degrees Kelvin tk = tave + 273. c c ... Compute vapor pressure slope, SVP c (WEPP Equation 7.2.4) c (EPIC Equation 2.53) c delta = exp(21.255-5304.0/tk) * 5304.0 / tk ** 2 gma = delta / (delta+0.68) c c ---- Compute corrected soil albedo (ALB), using albedo input by user c (SALB) and soil cover index (EAJ). c (WEPP Eq. 7.2.2) c if (lai(iplane).gt.0.0) then alb = 0.23 * (1.0-eaj) + salb(iplane) * eaj else alb = salb(iplane) end if c c ... Compute potential evaporation from bare soil (EO) c c ievap - flag that determines which equation is used c for PET calculations. c ievap = 1 HARGRAVES c ievap = 2 PRIESTLEY-TAYLOR c ievap = 3 PENMAN c ievap = 4 PENMAN-MONTIETH c c if wind data not available use HARGRAVES equation c ---- (Select the HARGRAVES Equation) c if(iwind .eq. 1)ievap = 1 c c ---- (Select the Priestley-Taylor Equation) if (iwind.eq.1) ievap = 2 c c ---- (Select the Penman-Montieth Equation) c ievap = 4 c c ---- (Select the Penman Equation) c if wind data available use PENMAN equation if (iwind.eq.0) ievap = 3 c c c c c ** L0 IF ** c PRIESTLEY-TAYLOR EQUATION c ievap = 1 HARGRAVES c ievap = 2 PRIESTLEY-TAYLOR c ievap = 3 PENMAN c ievap = 4 PENMAN-MONTIETH c c (WEPP Eq. 7.2.1) c c*************************************** c HARGRAVES equation * c iwind=1 * c*************************************** if (ievap.eq.1) then c print*,'Hargraves' xxll = 2.501 - 0.002361 * tave if (radly.le.0.0) then c c c EOHA not used 12-16-93 02:04pm sjl c eoha = 0.0 else harrad = radly / xxll c ---- Note that harrad is extraterrestral radiation mm/day c ttdd = sqrt(obmaxt(mon)-obmint(mon)) datd = tave + 17.8 if ( datd = 0.0 etoh = 0.0023 * harrad * datd * ttdd c ------ etoh is daily potential et in mm/day calculated by c------- Hargraves 1985 equation c eo = etoh / 1000. c eo = daily potential et in m/day end if c c ** L0 ELSE IF** else if (ievap.eq.2) then c print*,'Priestley-Taylor' eo = 0.00128 * (radly*(1.0-alb)/58.3) * gma c c calculate PENMAN and PENMAN-MONTIETH common portions else ra = radly / 23.9 c c ------ estimate latent heat of vaporization (XL) c (EPIC Equation 2.38) xl = 2.501 - 0.0022 * tave c c Estimate Saturation vapor pressure (EE), using the average c temperature in degrees Kelvin (TK). c (EPIC Equation 2.39) ee = 0.1 * exp(54.879-5.029*alog(tk)-6790.5/tk) c c ------ calculate relative humidity (RHD) [fraction] from dewpoint c temperature (TDPT) and average temperature (TAVE). c (Rosenberg, Equations 5.17 & 5.18) rhd = exp((17.27*tdpt)/(237.3+tdpt)) / 1 exp((17.27*tave)/(237.3+tave)) if ( rhd = 1.0 c c Calculate the vapor pressure (ED) from the saturation vapor c pressure (EE) and the relative humidity (RHD). c (EPIC Equation 2.40) ed = ee * rhd c ralb1 = ra * (1-alb) c c Estimate the slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve (DLT). c (EPIC Equation 2.41) dlt = ee * (6790.5/tk-5.029) / tk c c ------ compute barometric pressure in kpa (PB) c (Approximation of EPIC Equation 2.43) pb = 101.3 - (0.01055*elevm) c c ------ compute psychrometric constant kpa/c (GMA) c (EPIC Equation 2.42) gma = 0.00066 * pb c xx = dlt + gma c end if c if (ievap.eq.3) then c print*,'Penman' c radpot is calculated in winter routines only in the winter c it needs to be calculated every day therefore the calculation c in sunmap must be called from contin not in winter c as in this version JEF 3/20/91 rso = radpot / 23.9 c c -------- calculate mean daily wind speed (vwind) c (Modified EPIC Equation 2.50) c fwv = 2.7 + 0.537 * vwind c c NOTE - The value 1.63 is used below because the wind generated c by CLIGEN is for a 10 meter height (not at 2 meters which would c use the 0.537 value above). dcf 6/2/94 c fwv = 2.7 + 1.63 * vwind c c -------- estimate the net outgoing longwave radiation (RBO) c (EPIC Equation 2.46) rbo = (0.34-0.14*sqrt(ed)) * 4.9e-9 * tk ** 4 c c -------- calculate net radiation (RN) c (EPIC Equation 2.45) rn = ralb1 - rbo * (0.9*ra/rso+0.1) if (rn.le.0.0) rn = 0.0 c c -------- Compute potential evaporation (EO) c (Approximation of EPIC Equation 2.37, assuming the soil c flux is close to zero, and thus negligible.) eo = ((dlt*rn)/xl+gma*fwv*(ee-ed)) * 0.001 / xx c c ** L0 ELSE-IF ** c PENMAN-MONTEITH EQUATION c (This is the only one of the four equations that takes plants c (and therefore, evapotranspiration, into consideration.) else if (ievap.eq.4) then if (lai(iplane).lt.1.0) then rc = 1.0 else rc = 200.0 / lai(iplane) end if c if (vwind.le.0.0) vwind = 1.0e-10 c c c Logically Equivalent to: c c c changed back to old code - hc=0.5, because when canhgt is very c small or zero - causes et to go negative with Penman-Montieth c equation - (using strips.dat,soil2.dat,slope2.dat,clim.dat) hc = canhgt(iplane) if ( hc = 0.01 zm = 2.0 zom = 0.123 * hc d1 = 0.67 * hc tmpvr1 = alog((zm-d1)/zom) ra1 = tmpvr1 * (tmpvr1+1.0) / (0.1681*vwind) c eon = (dlt*ralb1+(gma*(1710.-6.85*tave)*(ee-ed))/ra1) / (dlt+gma 1 *(1.+rc/ra1)) eo = 0.00001712 * eon c c c ** L0 ENDIF ** end if c c c ... Compute potential evaporation from bare soil (EOS), bare soil c water demand (EO), and fraction of soil bare (EAJ). eos = eo * eaj c c 7/27/93 total intercepted rain by residue needs c to evaporate first reza c eos = eos - resint(iplane) if (eos.le.0.0) eos = 0.0 c c ************************************************************************ c ** The following section computes how much soil water is available to ** c ** satisfy bare soil evaporation potential (EOS). The physical pro- ** c ** cess is assumed to occur in two stages. The first (stage 1) is ** c ** limited by the amount of energy stiking the soil surface. During ** c ** stage 1 the amount of water evaporated is linearly related to the ** c ** amount of energy striking the soil surface. During the second ** c ** stage (stage 2), the relationship becomes non-linear. Increas- ** c ** ingly more energy is required per unit of water evaporated; ie, ** c ** evaporation is limited by the soil water content (the amount of ** c ** water available to be evaporated). The variable TU represents the ** c ** value on the current soil, at which this transition between stages ** c ** occurs. Presently TU is set to 6 mm for all soil types. The var- ** c ** iable S1 represents cumulative evaporation. It is reset whenever ** c ** precipitation occurs. ** c ************************************************************************ c c c ** M0 IF ** c If the cumulative water evaporated doesn't go beyond stage 1.... if (s1(iplane).lt.tu(iplane)) then c ------ compute adjusted stage 1 evaporation by subtracting infiltration. s2(iplane) = 0.0 sp = s1(iplane) - fin c c ------ if adjusted evaporation is greater than infiltration, set c stage 1 evaporation (S1) equal to the difference. if ( then s1(iplane) = sp else s1(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c ------ add evapotranspiration (EOS) to stage 1 evaporation (S1) s1(iplane) = s1(iplane) + eos c c ------ compute the water deficit (SU) by subtracting the upper limit c for soil evaporation (TU) from the stage 1 evaporation (S1). su = s1(iplane) - tu(iplane) c c If there is a water deficit, compute stage 2 evaporation. if ( then c -------- set soil evaporation (ES) equal to evapotranspiration (EOS) c minus 0.4 of the water deficit (SU). es(iplane) = eos - .4 * su c -------- set stage 2 evaporation (S2) equal to 0.6 of the water deficit. s2(iplane) = .6 * su c -- XXX -- What does TV represent? -- CRM -- 9/2/92. tv(iplane) = (s2(iplane)/.0035) ** 2 c c If there is NOT a water deficit.... else c ------- set soil evaporation (ES) equal to adjusted evapotranspiration es(iplane) = eos end if c c c ** M0 ELSE ** c If the cumulative water evaporated DOES go beyond stage 1.... else c sb = fin - s2(iplane) c c ** M1 IF ** c Is stage 2 evap > 0? c if ( then tv(iplane) = tv(iplane) + 1 es(iplane) = .0035 * sqrt(tv(iplane)) - s2(iplane) c c If there is infiltration.... if ( then esx = 0.8 * fin c ---------- if soil evaporation (ES) exceeds 0.8 infiltration (FIN) if (es(iplane).gt.esx) esx = es(iplane) + fin if ( esx = eos es(iplane) = esx c c Otherwise, if soil evaporation (ES) is greater than the c adjusted evapotranspiration (EOS).... else if (es(iplane).gt.eos) then c ---------- set soil evap. equal to evapo-trans. es(iplane) = eos end if c s2(iplane) = s2(iplane) + es(iplane) - fin tv(iplane) = (s2(iplane)/.0035) ** 2 c c ** M1 ELSE ** c Stage 2 evap <= 0 c else fin = sb s1(iplane) = tu(iplane) - fin tv(iplane) = 0.0 s2(iplane) = 0.0 if (s1(iplane).lt.0) s1(iplane) = 0.0 s1(iplane) = s1(iplane) + eos su = s1(iplane) - tu(iplane) c c Soil water avail for evap > 0? c if ( then es(iplane) = eos - .4 * su s2(iplane) = .6 * su tv(iplane) = (s2(iplane)/.0035) ** 2 else es(iplane) = eos end if c c ** M1 ENDIF ** end if c c ** M0 ENDIF ** end if c c Add water intercepted by residue back onto soil evaporation c es(iplane) = es(iplane) + resint(iplane) c if (es(iplane).le.0) es(iplane) = 0.0 c c Compute plant transpiration c (WEPP Equation 7.2.10) c (EPIC Equation 2.56 & 2.57) c if (lai(iplane).gt.3.0) then ep(iplane) = eo else ep(iplane) = lai(iplane) * eo / 3.0 end if c et(iplane) = es(iplane) + ep(iplane) if ( then et(iplane) = eo es(iplane) = et(iplane) - ep(iplane) end if xx = es(iplane) if (resint(iplane).ge.0.0) then xx = es(iplane) - resint(iplane) resint(iplane) = 0.0 end if if ( then st(1,iplane) = st(1,iplane)-xx xx = 0.0 goto 60 endif c c Evaporate maximum potential water from each soil layer. c xitflg = 0 j2 = 0 10 continue j2 = j2 + 1 c ------ if cum. soil depth exceeds "soil evaporated depth"... if (solthk(j2,iplane).gt.0.10) then j1 = j2 - 1 yy = 0. if ( yy = solthk(j1,iplane) rto = st(j2,iplane) * (0.10-yy) / (solthk(j2,iplane)-yy) c if ( then st(j2,iplane) = st(j2,iplane) - xx if (st(j2,iplane).lt.1e-10) st(j2,iplane) = 0.00 else xx = xx - rto st(j2,iplane) = st(j2,iplane) - rto if (st(j2,iplane).lt.1e-10) st(j2,iplane) = 0.00 es(iplane) = es(iplane) - xx et(iplane) = et(iplane) - xx end if xitflg = 1 c c ------ if water available in soil layer exceeds potential soil evap... else if (st(j2,iplane).gt.xx) then st(j2,iplane) = st(j2,iplane) - xx if (st(j2,iplane).lt.1e-10) st(j2,iplane) = 0.00 xitflg = 1 c else xx = xx - st(j2,iplane) st(j2,iplane) = 0. end if c ------ (force immediate exit from loop.) if ( j2 = nsl(iplane) if ( go to 10 c if (xitflg.eq.0) then es(iplane) = es(iplane) - xx et(iplane) = et(iplane) - xx end if c 60 continue c 1000 format(1x,i5,4f15.6) 2000 format(1x,i5,6f12.3) c return end