Quick guide to building the weps installer. The ant script takes parameters in the form: -Dparameter="value" Supported parameters: app.release the name for this build, defaults to 1.1_dev packs A list of packs (shortcuts) separated by commas to install. Defaults to weps. weps nrcs_FO nrcs_dev international sweep dbeditor Build the installer: (example parameters) ant -Dapp.release="1.1_dev" -Dpacks="weps,sweep" Build for NRCS Field Offices ant -Dapp.release="1.0 NRCS_FO (2009-04-16)" -Dpacks="nrcs_FO" generates the following: install-Weps 1.0 NRCS_FO (2009-04-16).[jar,exe] Build for NRCS development (Sporcic and Lightle) ant -Dapp.release="1.0 NRCS_dev (2009-04-16)" -Dpacks="nrcs_FO,nrcs_dev,dbeditor" generates the following: install-Weps 1.0 NRC_dev (2009-04-16).[jar,exe] Build for entire WEPS package, including international usage ant -Dapp.release="1.0 (2009-04-16)" -Dpacks="weps,nrcs_FO,nrcs_dev,dbeditor,international,sweep" generates the following: install-Weps 1.0 (2009-04-16).[jar,exe] Build for SWEEP ant -Dapp.release="1.0 SWEEP (2009-04-16)" -Dpacks="sweep" generates the following: install-Weps 1.0 SWEEP (2009-04-16).[jar,exe] Build for IECA ant -Dapp.release="1.1 (IECA_10)" -Dpacks="IECA,sweep,dbeditor" generates the following: install-Weps 1.1 (IECA_10).[jar,exe] Cleaning work space: ant clean