Updated some on 22 March 2010 - LEW To accomodate a limitation in WordPerfect 11's master/subdocument capabilities, the following must be done to overcome the required "absolute" subdocument path/filenames: 1. Either "svn co weps.doc" or "svn update weps.doc" 2. Run the "subst" command to make "weps.doc" directory appear as as the "K:\" drive. This works under Windows XP and should for Windows 2000 and NT. It may not work for older versions of Windows. The following is the directory/file structure for the WEPS 1.0 User's Guide. intro/ Introductory Information ref/ Interface User Reference Materials plan/ WEPS 1.0 Planning Examples/Tutorials appdx/ Appendices howto/ WEPS "How TO' giodes images/ Shared graphical images used within document 1/14/04 - The master document contains subdocuments which are defined with the drive letter and path for the original files from which the master was created. To create a new master document you will need to delete all of the existing subdocuments and include the new subdocuments in their original order for the entire master document. This is a limitation of WordPerfect. - jt Thu Sep 30 09:36:05 CDT 2004 - LEW I have revised the links for the master/subdocument functionality to use the "K:" drive as mentioned above. In addition, I have also checked in the "master" document in a "compressed" state, so that one doesn't check out the master document in an expanded state and accidently compress the master document which would overwrite any previous changes made to the individual subdocument files. One really should work with the documents in one of two modes: a) deal with the individual documents only, saving changes back to the svn repository as they finish with each of them, or b) work only with the master document, expanding it for editing and when done, compressing it and checking into svn all the changed subdocument files.