Alfalfa-Grass hay, cool season, dryland plantpop 400.0 dmaxshoot 1.0 cbaflag 0 tgtyield 1.5 cbafact 1 cyrafact 1.0 hyldflag 2 hyldunits ton/ac hyldwater 15.0 hyconfact 4.465 idc 3 grf 1.0 ck 0.69 hui0 0.9 hmx 1.0 growdepth 0.01 rdmx 2.0 tbas 3.0 topt 30.0 thudf 1 dtm 365 thum 1800.0 frsx1 -5.0 frsx2 -9.444445 frsy1 0.01 frsy2 0.95 verndel 0.0 bceff 25 a_lf 0.023 b_lf 0.8063 c_lf 0.4146 d_lf -0.061 a_rp -0.024 b_rp 0.9911 c_rp 0.6435 d_rp 0.0494 a_ht 0.3 b_ht -0.075 ssaa 3.9 ssab 1.0 sla 30 huie 0.05 transf 0 diammax 0.3 storeinit 2.0 mshoot 110.0 leafstem 0.6 fshoot 0.013 leaf2stor 0.2 stem2stor 0.2 stor2stor 0.1 rbc 2 standdk 0.0536 surfdk 0.0536 burieddk 0.0536 rootdk 0.0536 stemnodk 0.2 stemdia 0.0020 thrddys 20.0 covfact 7.0 resevapa -1.20379 resevapb 0.604887 yield_coefficient 0.0 residue_intercept 0.0 regrow_location 0.0 noparam3 0.0 noparam2 0.0 noparam1 0.0 crop_notes See Alfalfa, hay notes. This record was cloned from the Alfalfa file, and some of the factors changed to represent dryland alfalfa Yield is from and OR state crop guide and the growth trials were from MT. Yield is set at 1.5 t/ac. Calibration of yield must be done manually by adding up the cuttings each year and averaging the years. If too high or too low use the biomass adjument factor to reduce or increase the forage produced. Grass is not considered in this file. MAS 8-7-08 The energy eff was adjusted to give good growth for a dryland yield in Weston Co, WY. This was certified crop run. MAS 12/18/08