Pigeon peas, cover crop, tropics plantpop 2.471149331554106 dmaxshoot 1 cbaflag 0 tgtyield 3 cbafact 1 cyrafact 1 hyldflag 2 hyldunits ton/ac hyldwater 10 hyconfact 4.465 idc 4 grf 0.8 ck 0.9 hui0 0.8 hmx 2.5 growdepth 0.025 rdmx 2 tbas 5.999999999999998 topt 25 thudf 0 dtm 365 thum 1500 frsx1 -5 frsx2 -15 frsy1 0.15 frsy2 0.95 verndel 0 bceff 20 a_lf 0.023 b_lf 0.8063 c_lf 0.3146 d_lf -0.061 a_rp -0.024 b_rp 0.9911 c_rp 0.6435 d_rp 0.0494 a_ht 0.3146 b_ht -0.061 ssaa 0.13925274 ssab 0.68 sla 17.3 huie 0.05 transf 0 diammax 1.2191405059433098 storeinit 76.92308 mshoot 76.92308 leafstem 2 fshoot 0.03 leaf2stor 0 stem2stor 0 stor2stor 0 rbc 2 standdk 0.025 surfdk 0.025 burieddk 0.025 rootdk 0.025 stemnodk 0.15 stemdia 0.02 thrddys 20 covfact 1.97163 resevapa -0.604267 resevapb 0.711259 yield_coefficient 0 residue_intercept 0 regrow_location 0 noparam3 0.0 noparam2 0.0 noparam1 0.0 crop_notes Notes from Rusle: 12/9/2005 Pigeon pea grown as a cover crop in the tropics. Growth chart from "Pigeon peas, short season" veg file. Yield expressed as total above ground biomass. Assumed yield based on Hawaii data from Larry Shinshiro. REV 121705 DTL This record is cloned from the NRCS Sunflower record. Yield, and plant population have been changed. MAS 4-16-09