
MCREW's principle purpose is to create/modify/construct management rotation files required for making WEPS simulation runs. Although it is an integral component of the WEPS 1.0 interface, it can be used as a stand alone program to edit management rotation files independent of the WEPS interface and was designed to be configurable for uses outside of WEPS. Much of MCREW's functionality, behavior and visual appearance is controlled via ASCII XML-based configuration files. Changing the appropriate configuration files allows one to specify the structure and definition of the management/crop rotation file format and the user's ability to view and edit specific operation and/or crop properties, etc.

MCREW is fundamentally a date-ordered list of management operations. This release of MCREW provides the user with a tabular, row-oriented view of the operations and their associated dates. In WEPS, a management operation is defined as any human initiated process, such as a tillage event, seeding, irrigation setting, etc. If the operation triggers the WEPS model to start simulating the growth of a crop (or any other plant vegetation supported with a crop database record containing the necessary vegetation growth parameters), e.g. a planting/seeding/transplanting operation, then the name of that crop is listed in the same row in the column next to the name of the operation.

MCREW1.0 updates are also available for download on the WERU web site at Follow the link for MCREW download and fill out the MCREW Download Registration form. By filling out the registration form, WERU will provide notices of updates to the model. The download file consists of an executable file which will install MCREW onto your computer.

Contact WERU if you need assistance at:

Phone: 785-537-5559

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