!*==aa0003.spg processed by SPAG 6.70Rc at 21:09 on 9 Dec 2012 use c_c1db2 implicit none !*--AA00034 ! !*** Start of declarations rewritten by SPAG ! ! Local variables ! integer :: mnsub ! !*** End of declarations rewritten by SPAG ! ! + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! acbaflg - flag for biomass adjustment action ! 0 o normal crop growth ! 1 o find biomass adjustment factor for target yield ! 2 o Use given biomass adjustment factor ! acbaf - biomass adjustment factor ! acyraf - yield to biomass ratio adjustment factor ! acrcn - Crop C:N ratio (Mg/Mg) ! acgrf - Fraction of reproductive biomass that is grain (Mg/Mg) ! actdtm - days from planting to maturity for summer crops, or the days ! from start of spring growth to maturity for winter and ! perennial crops. ! acthum - accumulated heat units from planting to maturity, or from ! start of growth to maturity for perennial crops ! aczmrt - Maximum crop root depth (m) ! aczmxc - Maximum crop height (m) ! acrbe - Crop biomass-energy ratio (kg/ha*MJ) ! acrbed - Crop biomass-energy decline rate (?) ! ac0lad - leaf area distribution (?) ! ac0sad - stem area distribution (?) ! acehu0 - heat unit index leaf senescence starts ! actverndel - thermal delay coefficient pre-vernalization ! acrbev - relates the vapor pressure deficit to biomass conversion efficiency ! ac0bceff - biomass conversion efficiency ! acxstm - Crop stem diameter (m) ! adthrs - threshold number of decomp days before stems begin to fall ! acm2c - Crop mass to cover coefficient (m^2/kg) ! adm2c - Residue mass to cover coefficient (m^2/kg) ! ac0aht ! ac0bht ! ac0ssa - stem area to mass coefficient a, result is m^2 per plant ! ac0ssb - stem area to mass coefficient b, argument is kg per plant ! ac0sla ! ac0hue ! acrbc - crop residue burial class (it exists in crop so it can be carried into residue) ! 1 o Fragile-very small (soybeans) residue ! 2 o Moderately tough-short (wheat) residue ! 3 o Non fragile-med (corn) residue ! 4 o Woody-large residue ! 5 o Gravel-rock ! acdkrate - array of decomposition rate parameters ! acdkrate(1) - standing residue mass decomposition rate (d<1) (g/g/day) ! acdkrate(2) - flat residue mass decomposition rate (d<1) (g/g/day) ! acdkrate(3) - buried residue mass decomposition rate (d<1) (g/g/day) ! acdkrate(4) - root residue mass decomposition rate (d<1) (g/g/day) ! acdkrate(5) - stem residue number decline rate (d<1) (#/m^2/day)? (fall rate) ! acxstm - mature crop stem diameter (m) ! acddsthrsh - decomposition days required for first stem fall ! accovfact - residue cover factor (m^2/kg) ! acdmaxshoot - maximum number of shoots possible from each plant ! ac0transf - db input flag: ! 0 = crop is planted using stored biomass of seed or vegatative propagants ! 1 = crop is planted as a transplant with roots, stems and leaves present ! ac0storeinit - db input, crop storage root mass initialzation (mg/plant) ! acfshoot - crop ratio of shoot diameter to length ! ac0growdepth - depth of growing point at time of planting (m) ! acfleafstem - crop leaf to stem mass ratio for shoots ! ac0shoot - mass from root storage required for each regrowth shoot (mg/shoot) ! seed shoots are smaller and adjusted for available seed mass ! ac0diammax - crop maximum plant diameter (m) ! acfleaf2stor - fraction of assimilate partitioned to leaf that is diverted to root store ! acfstem2stor - fraction of assimilate partitioned to stem that is diverted to root store ! acfstor2stor - fraction of assimilate partitioned to standing storage (reproductive) that is diverted to root store ! acresevapa - coefficient a in relation ea/ep = exp(resevap * (flat mass kg/m^2)**resevapb) ! acresevapb - coefficient b in relation ea/ep = exp(resevap * (flat mass kg/m^2)**resevapb) ! acyld_coef - yield coefficient (kg/kg) harvest_residue = acyld_coef(kg/kg) * Yield + acresid_int (kg/m^2) ! acresid_int - residue intercept (kg/m^2) harvest_residue = acyld_coef(kg/kg) * Yield + acresid_int (kg/m^2) ! aczloc_regrow - location of regrowth point (+ on stem, 0 or negative from crown) !$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2012-03-30 10:14:38 -0500 (Fri, 30 Mar 2012) $ !$Revision: 12163 $ !$HeadURL: https://eweru-dev1.eweru.ksu.edu/svn/code/weps1/branches/WEPS_F90_update/weps.src/src/inc/c1db2.inc $ ! This common block contains variables representing the acop ! database properties for each subregion. ! Parameter include files: p1werm.inc ! + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + +