!*==sb1out.spg processed by SPAG 6.70Rc at 15:33 on 10 Dec 2012
!*------------------ SPAG Configuration Options --------------------
!*--0323,76 000101,-1 000000102011332010100002000000210211210,136 10 --
!*--1100000011112111000000000000,10,10,10,10,10,10,900,100 200000000 --
!*--000000010000000000000,72,72 73,42,38,33 00011112110000100000000 --
!$Author: joelevin $
!$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $
!$Revision: 11724 $
!$HeadURL: https://eweru-dev1.eweru.ksu.edu/svn/code/weps1/branches/WEPS_F90_update/weps.src/src/lib_erosion/sb1out.for $
! subroutine sb1out
subroutine sb1out(jj,nn,hr,ws,wdir,o_unit)
use i_p1werm
use i_h1db1
use i_b1glob
use i_c1gen
use i_s1surf
use i_w1clig
use i_p1const
use i_m1sim
use i_s1dbh
use i_m1geo
use i_s2agg
use i_s2surf
use i_s2sgeo
use i_w2wind
use i_m2geo
use i_e2erod
use i_e3grid
use c_datetime
use s_caldatw
implicit none
!*** Start of declarations rewritten by SPAG
! Dummy arguments
real :: hr,wdir,ws
integer :: jj,nn,o_unit
intent (in) hr,jj,nn,o_unit,wdir,ws
! Local variables
integer,save :: da,initflag,ipd,mo,npd,yr
real,save :: hhrr,tims
integer :: i,icsr,j,x,y
!*** End of declarations rewritten by SPAG
! + + + PURPOSE + + +
! To print to file tst.out some key variables used in erosion
! use wind dir of 270 for most to see output along wind direction
! anemht =
! awzzo =
! wzz0 =
! awu =
! wus =
! wust =
! o_unit= Unit number for output file
! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + +
! outflag = 0 - print heading output, 1 - no more heading
! define index of current subregions
icsr = 1
! output headings?
if (initflag==0) then
ipd = 0
npd = nn*ntstep
tims = 3600*24/ntstep !seconds in each emission period
call caldatw(da,mo,yr) !Set day, month and year
hhrr = 0 - tims/3600 !Pre-set hhrr so we get end of period times
write (o_unit,*)
write (o_unit,*) 'OUT PUT from sb1out'
write (o_unit,*)
! Print date of Run
1000 format (1x,'Date of run: ',a3,' ',i2.2,', ',i4,' ',&i2.2,':', &
& i2.2,':',i2.2)
write (o_unit,1000) mstring,dt(3),dt(1),dt(5),dt(6),dt(7)
write (o_unit,*)
write (unit=o_unit,fmt='(a,f5.2,a2,a,i1)') &' anemht = ', &
& anemht,'m',' wzoflg = ',wzoflg
write (unit=o_unit,fmt='(a,f6.2,a4)') &' wind direction = ', &
& wdir,'deg'
write (unit=o_unit,fmt='(a,f6.2,a4)') &
& &' wind direction relative to field orientation = ', &
& awa,'deg'
write (o_unit,*)
write (unit=o_unit,fmt='(a,i1)') ' wind quadrant = ',kbr
write (o_unit,*)
write (o_unit,*) 'orientation and dimensions of sim region'
write (o_unit,*) 'amasim(deg) amxsim - (x1,y1) (x2,y2)'
write (o_unit,fmt='(1x,5f8.2)') amasim, &
& ((amxsim(x,y),x=1,2),y=1,2)
write (o_unit,*)
write (o_unit,*) 'Surface properties'
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f8.2,a)') &
& &'Ridge spacing parallel to wind direction',sxprg(icsr)&
& ,' (mm)'
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f5.2,a)') &'Crop row spacing', &
& acxrow(icsr),' (mm)'
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,i2,a)') & &
&'Crop seeding location relative to ridge'&
& ,ac0rg(icsr),&' (0 - furrow, 1 - ridge)'
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f5.2,a)') &
& &'Composite weighted average biomass height', &
& abzht(icsr),' (m)'
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f5.2,a)') &'Biomass leaf area index', &
& abrlai(icsr),' (m^2/m^2)'
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f5.2,a)') &'Biomass stem area index', &
& abrsai(icsr),' (m^2/m^2)'
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f5.2,a)') &'Biomass flat cover', &
& abffcv(icsr),' (m^2/m^2)'
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f8.2,a)') &
& &'Average yearly total precipitation ',awzypt,' (mm)'
write (o_unit,*)
write (o_unit,fmt='(1x,a)') ''
write (o_unit,fmt='(1x,5f10.2)') amasim, &
& ((amxsim(x,y),x=1,2),y=1,2)
write (o_unit,fmt='(1x,a)') ''
write (o_unit,*)
initflag = 1 ! turn off heading output
end if
ipd = ipd + 1
if (hhrr>=24) then
hhrr = tims/3600
call caldatw(da,mo,yr)
hhrr = hhrr + tims/3600
end if
call caldatw(da,mo,yr)
! write (o_unit, fmt="(a, 3(i3), f6.2, 4(i4)f7.2)") &
! & ' day mon yr hhrr upd_pd jj nn npd ',da,mo,yr,hr,ipd,jj,nn,npd,hhrr
write (o_unit,fmt='(a, i5, 2(i3), f7.3, 4(i4))') &
& &' yr mon day hr upd_pd jj nn(subpd) npd (sbqout 1)',&yr, &
& mo,da,hr,ipd,jj,nn,npd
write (o_unit,*)
write (o_unit,fmt='(a, f5.2, 2(f7.2))') &
& &' pd wind speed, dir and dir rel to field ',ws,wdir,awa
write (o_unit,*)
write (o_unit,*) 'Surface layer properties'
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f5.2,a)') &'Surface course fragments', &
& asvroc(1,1),' (m^3/m^3)'
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,a,f5.2,a)') 'Initial soil ',& &
&'mass fraction in surface layer < 0.10 mm '&
& ,sf10ic,' (kg/kg)'
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,a,f5.2,a)') 'Initial soil ',& &
&'mass fraction in surface layer < 0.84 mm '&
& ,sf84ic,' (kg/kg)'
write (o_unit,*) 'PM10 emission properties'
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f5.2,a)') & &
&'Soil fraction PM10 in abraded suspension '&
& ,asf10an(1)
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f5.2,a)') & &
&'Soil fraction PM10 in emitted suspension '&
& ,asf10en(1)
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f5.2,a)') & &
&'Soil fraction PM10 in saltation breakage suspension '&
& ,asf10bk(1)
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f5.2,a)') & &
&'Coefficient of abrasion of aggregates '&
& ,acanag(1)
write (o_unit,fmt='(a,f5.2,a)') & &
&'Coefficient of abrasion of crust '&
& ,acancr(1)
!Grid cell data
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,&'Surface Friction Velocity', &
&'friction velocity','(m/s)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (wus(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,&'Threshold Surface Friction Velocity', &
&&'threshold friction velocity','(m/s)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (wust(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr, &
&&'Transport Threshold Surface Friction Velocity', &
&&'transport threshold friction velocity','(m/s)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (wusp(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,*)
!Grid Cell Surface properties
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,&'Surface Random Roughness', &
& 'random roughness','(mm)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (slrr(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,&'Surface Oriented Roughness','ridge height', &
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (szrgh(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,&'Surface Rock', &
& 'surface volume rock fraction','(m^3/m^3)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (svroc(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,*)
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,&'Soil Agg. Size<0.01', &
&'mass fraction < 0.01 mm size','(fract.)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (sf1(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,&'Soil Agg. Size<0.1', &
&'mass fraction < 0.1 mm size','(fract.)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (sf10(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,&'Soil Agg. Size<0.84', &
&'mass fraction < 0.84 mm size','(fract.)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (sf84(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,&'Soil Agg. Size<2.0', &
&'mass fraction < 2.0 mm size','(fract.)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (sf200(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,& &
&'Soil Agg. Size for u* to be the thresh. friction velocity'&
& ,&'"effective" mass fraction < 0.84 mm size','(fract.)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (sf84mn(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr, &
&&'Mobile soil removable from aggregated surface', &
&&'mass removable','(kg/m^2)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (smaglos(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,&'Change in mobile soil on aggregated surface'&
& ,&'net mass change','(kg/m^2)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (dmlos(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
! Crust properties
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,&'Consolidated crust thickness', &
&'crust thickness','(mm)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (szcr(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,&'Fraction of Surface covered with Crust', &
&'crust cover','(fract.)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (sfcr(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr,& &
&'Fraction of Crusted Surface covered with Loose Erodible Soil '&
& ,&'loose erodible material','(fract.)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (sflos(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,fmt='('' |'',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3(''|'',a))')&
& &yr,mo,da,hr, &
&&'Mass of Loose Erodible Soil on Crusted Surface', &
&&'loose erodible material','(kg/m^2)'
do j = jmax - 1,1, - 1
write (o_unit,fmt='(500f12.4)') (smlos(i,j),i=1,imax-1)
end do
write (o_unit,fmt='('' '')')
write (o_unit,*)
! write (o_unit,20) anemht,wzoflg,kbr, jj, ws
! set output increment
! m = (imax - 1)/8
! m = max0(m,1)
! n = (jmax-1)/2
! n = max(n,1)
! write (o_unit,*) 'sb1out output'
! write (o_unit,*) 'for prior wind speed'
! write (o_unit,21) (egt(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,22) (egtss(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,23??) ((egtss(k,n)/(egt(k,n)+0.0001)),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,*)
! write (o_unit,18) (k , k=1,(imax-1),m), n
! write (o_unit,13) (sf1(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,23) (sf10(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,24) (sf84(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,35) (sf200(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,12) (svroc(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)! edit ljh 1-22-05
! write (o_unit,36) (dmlos(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,37) (smaglos(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,43) (smaglosmx(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,39) (sf84mn(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,40) sf84ic, sf10ic, asvroc(1,1) !edit ljh 1-22-05
! write (o_unit,42) acanag(1), acancr(1), awzypt
! write (o_unit,10) asf10an(1), asf10en(1), asf10bk(1)
! write (o_unit,25) (szcr(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,26) (sfcr(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,27) (smlos(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,28) (sflos(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,29) (szrgh(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,30) (slrr(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,38) sxprg(icsr), abzht(icsr), abrlai(icsr), &
! & abrsai(icsr), abffcv(icsr)
! write (o_unit,41) acxrow(icsr), ac0rg(icsr)
! write (o_unit,31) ahrwcw(1,1), ahrwc0(12,1)
! write (o_unit,32) (wus(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,33) (wusp(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,34) (wust(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m)
! write (o_unit,44) wusto
! write (o_unit,*)
! output formats
1100 format (1x,'sf10an =',f6.3,' sf10en =',f6.3,' sf10bk =',f6.3)
! 15 format (1x, ' (m) (m/s) ')
1200 format (1x,'i..n,j',3I6,17I7)
1300 format (1x,'anemht wzoflg kbr jj ws',&f6.0,3I6,f6.2)
1400 format (1x,'egt=',20F6.2)
1500 format (1x,'egtss=',20F6.2)
1600 format (1x,'sf1= ',20F7.4)
1700 format (1x,'sf10= ',20F7.3)
1800 format (1x,'sf84= ',20F7.3)
1900 format (1x,'svroc=',20F7.3) !edit ljh 1-22-05
2000 format (1x,'sf200=',20F7.3)
2100 format (1x,'dmlos=',20F7.3)
2200 format (1x,'smaglos=',20F7.3)
2300 format (1x,'smaglosmx=',20F7.3)
2400 format (1x,'sf84mn=',20F7.3)
2500 format (1x,'sf84ic =',f4.2,' sf10ic =',f4.2,' asvroc=',f4.2)
2600 format (1x,'canag =',f6.3,' cancr = 'f6.3,' awzypt=',f6.0)
2700 format (1x,'acxrow=',f6.2,' ac0rg=',i3)
2800 format (1x,'szcr= ',20F7.2)
2900 format (1x,'sfcr= ',20F7.3)
3000 format (1x,'smlos=',20F7.3)
3100 format (1x,'sflos=',20F7.3)
3200 format (1x,'szrgh=',20F7.2)
3300 format (1x,'slrr= ',20F7.2)
3400 format (1x,'sxprg=',f6.0,' abzht=',f6.2,' abrlai=',f4.2, &
&&' abrsai=',f5.3,' abffcv=',f4.3)
3500 format (1x,'ahrwcw=',f4.2,' ahrwc0(icsr,12)=',f6.2)
3600 format (1x,'wus= ',20F7.3)
3700 format (1x,'wusp=',20F7.3)
3800 format (1x,'wust=',20F7.3)
3900 format (1x,'wusto=',f5.3)
end subroutine sb1out