!*==sbaglos.spg processed by SPAG 6.70Rc at 15:33 on 10 Dec 2012 !*------------------ SPAG Configuration Options -------------------- !*--0323,76 000101,-1 000000102011332010100002000000210211210,136 10 -- !*--1100000011112111000000000000,10,10,10,10,10,10,900,100 200000000 -- !*--000000010000000000000,72,72 73,42,38,33 00011112110000100000000 -- !*---------------------------------------------------------------------- !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2012-03-30 10:14:38 -0500 (Fri, 30 Mar 2012) $ !$Revision: 12163 $ !$HeadURL: https://eweru-dev1.eweru.ksu.edu/svn/code/weps1/branches/WEPS_F90_update/weps.src/src/lib_erosion/sbaglos.for $ ! extensive revision 6-27-06 LH subroutine sbaglos(wus,wust,wusto,sf84ic,asvroc,&smaglosmx, & & smaglos,sf84mn,sf84) implicit none !*--SBAGLOS18 ! !*** Start of declarations rewritten by SPAG ! ! Dummy arguments ! real :: asvroc,sf84,sf84ic,sf84mn,smaglos,smaglosmx,wus,wust,wusto intent (in) asvroc,sf84,sf84ic,wus,wust,wusto intent (inout) sf84mn,smaglos,smaglosmx ! !*** End of declarations rewritten by SPAG ! ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! calc. minimum erodible fraction (sf84mn) needed to stop emission ! on aggregated portion of surface at current threshold friction velocity ! that occurs when smaglos is removed. ! calc. potential mobile soil reservoir (smaglosmx) for a smooth ! surface 0.8 m/s friction velocity and sf84ic that armors clod surface. ! ! calc. available mobile reservoir (smaglos) of sf84 for current surface ! based on wus-wust ratio for ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! wus - friction velocity (m/s) ! wust - friction velocity theshold for en (m/s) ! wusto - threhold friction velocity = wus minus flat biomass and wetness ! effects (m/s) ! sf84ic- surface soil fraction <0.84 mm initial condition ! asvroc - surface soil volume rock (m^3/m^3) ! smaglosmx - max mobile soil reservoir of aggregateed sfc.(kg/m^2) ! smaglos- potential mobile soil reservoir of aggregated sfc.(kg/m^2) ! sf84mn- surface soil fraction <0.84 mm where wust= wus of ag.sfc. ! sf84 - soil mass fraction in surface layer < 0.84 mm ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! edit LH 6-26-06 ! calc. max mobile soil at wus = 0.75 m/s for bare, smooth surface ! sf84 is assumed = 0 after this mass removal. smaglosmx = exp(2.708-7.603*((1-sf84ic)*(1-asvroc)+asvroc)) ! reduce max mobile soil for roughness, cover, etc. smaglos = smaglosmx*(wus-wust)/(0.75-amin1(wusto,wust)) smaglos = max(0.0,smaglos) !smaglos = min(smaglosmx, smaglos) ! find sf84 when smaglos has been removed from control volume mass(denominator). ! in sbqout emission from cloddy surface goes to zero at sf84mn if ((smaglos==0.0).OR.(sf84==0.0)) then sf84mn = sf84 !elseif (smaglosmx .le. smaglos) then ! sf84mn = 0.05 else sf84mn = (smaglosmx-smaglos) & & /(smaglosmx/(sf84ic*(1.001-asvroc))) sf84mn = amax1(0.0,sf84mn) end if end subroutine sbaglos