!*==sbpm10.spg processed by SPAG 6.70Rc at 15:33 on 10 Dec 2012 !*------------------ SPAG Configuration Options -------------------- !*--0323,76 000101,-1 000000102011332010100002000000210211210,136 10 -- !*--1100000011112111000000000000,10,10,10,10,10,10,900,100 200000000 -- !*--000000010000000000000,72,72 73,42,38,33 00011112110000100000000 -- !*---------------------------------------------------------------------- !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://eweru-dev1.eweru.ksu.edu/svn/code/weps1/branches/WEPS_F90_update/weps.src/src/lib_erosion/sbpm10.for $ !********************************************************************** ! subroutine sbpm10 ver 1 3-4-2005 !********************************************************************** subroutine sbpm10(seags,secr,sfcla,sfsan,awzypt,&canag,cancr, & & sf10an,sf10en,sf10bk) implicit none !*--SBPM1018 ! !*** Start of declarations rewritten by SPAG ! ! Dummy arguments ! real :: awzypt,canag,cancr,seags,secr,sf10an,sf10bk,sf10en,sfcla, & & sfsan intent (in) awzypt,seags,secr,sfcla,sfsan intent (out) cancr,sf10an,sf10bk,sf10en intent (inout) canag ! ! Local variables ! real :: cla,lnc,ppt,ratio,sfsil ! !*** End of declarations rewritten by SPAG ! ! ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! Calculates abrasion coefficients and PM10 fractions in ! sources of suspended soil ! ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARTAIONS + + + ! ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! seags = aggreg. stability [Ln(J/Kg)] ! secr = crust stabitlity [Ln(J/Kg)] ! sfcla = soil surface fraction clay ! sfsan = soil surface faction sand ! awzypt = annual average precipitation (mm) ! canag = coefficent of abrasion of aggregates (1/m) ! cancr = coefficient of abrasion of crust (1/m) ! sf10an = fraction pm10 in abraded supension size soil ! sf10en = fraction pm10 in emitted suspension size soil ! sf10bk = fraction pm10 in breakage from saltion size soil ! ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + ! ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFIINTIONS + + + ! ratio = silt/clay^2 ! cla = fraction clay with restricted range ! lnc = alog (cla) ! sfsil = soil fraction silt ! ppt = annual average precip restricted to 100-800 mm ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! ! calc. abrasion coefficients canag = exp(-2.07-0.077*seags**2.5-0.119*alog(seags)) if (secr==0.0) then ! No crust stability value specified cancr = 0.0 write (0,*) 'Warning: Crust stability value is set to zero' else cancr = exp(-2.07-0.077*secr**2.5-0.119*alog(secr)) end if ! ! calc. pm10 fractions in suspended soil sf10an = 0.0116 + 0.00025/(canag+0.001) ! sfsil = 1 - sfsan - sfcla ratio = sfsil/(sfcla+0.0001)**2 ratio = min(300.0,ratio) sf10en = 0.0067 + 0.0000487*ratio - 0.0000044*awzypt ! cla = min(0.42,max(0.017,sfcla)) !restrict clay range lnc = alog(cla) ppt = min(800.0,max(100.0,awzypt)) !restrict precip range sf10bk = -0.201 - (0.52+(0.422+(0.1395+0.0156*lnc)*lnc)*lnc) & & *lnc& + 0.131*exp(-ppt/175.6) ! end subroutine sbpm10