Harvest, hay, no regrowth O 04 op_notes4 Hay harvest with no regrowth. Use to harvest crops like oat hay or other annuals which are killed by hay harvest. 10/27/01 DTL All crops killed. MAS 5/9/07 oenergyarea 33.674126 ostir .15 G 02 gbioarea 1.0 P 31 kilflag 2 P 42 cutflag 0 cutvalh 50.800102 cyldrmh .9 cplrmh .9 cstrmh 1 harv_report_flg 1 harv_calib_flg 1 harv_unit_flg 0 mature_warn_flg 1 P 40 P 24 fbioflagvt 0 massflatvt1 0.25 massflatvt2 0.25 massflatvt3 0.25 massflatvt4 0.25 massflatvt5 0.25