!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ !********************************************************************** ! subroutine sb2out !********************************************************************** subroutine sb2out (jj, nn, hr, ws, wdir, o_unit) ! ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! To print to file tst.out some key variables used in erosion ! use wind direction of 270 to see output along downwind direction ! ! + + + ARGUEMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real ws, wdir, hr integer jj, nn, o_unit ! ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! anemht = anemometer height (m) ! awzzo = aerodynamic roughness at anemometer (mm) ! wzz0 = aerodynamic roughness length (mm) ! awu = wind speed (m/s) ! wus = friction velocity (m/s) ! wust = threshold friction velocity (m/s) ! wzoflg = flag to showing anemometer at field (1) or wx sta (0) ! o_unit= Unit number for output file ! ! + + + GLOBAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'p1werm.inc' include 'h1db1.inc' include 'p1const.inc' include 'm1sim.inc' ! ! + + + LOCAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + ! include 'erosion/s2agg.inc' include 'erosion/s2surf.inc' include 'erosion/s2sgeo.inc' include 'erosion/w2wind.inc' include 'erosion/m2geo.inc' include 'erosion/e2erod.inc' include 'erosion/e3grid.inc' ! ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real egavg(mngdpt*mngdpt) integer m, n, k, icsr integer initflag, ipd, npd save initflag, ipd, npd integer yr, mo, da real hhrr, tims save yr, mo, da, hhrr, tims integer i,j ! outflag = 0 - print heading output, 1 - no more heading ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! define index of current subregions icsr = 1 ! output headings? if (initflag .eq. 0) then ipd = 0 npd = nn * ntstep tims = 3600*24/ntstep !seconds in each emission period call caldatw (da, mo, yr) !Set day, month and year hhrr = 0 !Pre-set hhrr so we get start of period times ! write (o_unit,*) ! write (o_unit,*) 'OUT PUT from sb2out' ! write (o_unit,*) initflag = 1 ! turn off heading output endif ipd = ipd + 1 if (hhrr .ge. 24) then hhrr = tims/3600 call caldatw (da, mo, yr) else hhrr = hhrr + tims/3600 endif call caldatw (da, mo, yr) ! write (o_unit, fmt="(a, 3(i3), f5.2, i3)") & ! & ' day mon yr hhrr update_period ', da, mo, yr, hhrr, jj write (o_unit, fmt="(a, i5, 2(i3), f7.3, 4(i4))") & & ' yr mon day hr upd_pd jj nn(subpd) npd (sbqout 2)', & & yr,mo, da, hr,ipd, jj,nn, npd write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Cumulative Total Soil Loss', & & 'soil loss', '(kg/m^2)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (egt(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Cumulative Saltation/Creep Soil Loss', & & 'salt/creep soil loss', '(kg/m^2)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)")(egt(i,j)-egtss(i,j),i=1,imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Cumulative Suspension Soil Loss', & & 'suspension soil loss', '(kg/m^2)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (egtss(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Cumulative PM10 Soil Loss', & & 'PM10 soil loss', '(kg/m^2)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.6)") (egt10(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") !! if (ipd .eq. npd) then !Grid Cell Surface properties write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Surface Random Roughness (after)', 'random roughness', '(mm)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (slrr(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Surface Oriented Roughness (after)', 'ridge height', '(mm)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (szrgh(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Surface Rock (after)', & & 'surface volume rock fraction', '(m^3/m^3)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (svroc(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write (o_unit,*) write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Soil Agg. Size < 0.01','mass fraction < 0.01 mm size','(fract.)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (sf1(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Soil Agg. Size < 0.1', 'mass fraction < 0.1 mm size', '(fract.)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (sf10(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Soil Agg. Size < 0.84','mass fraction < 0.84 mm size','(fract.)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (sf84(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Soil Agg. Size < 2.0', 'mass fraction < 2.0 mm size', '(fract.)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (sf200(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Soil Agg. Size for u* to be the thresh. friction velocity (af)',& &'"effective" mass fraction < 0.84 mm size', '(fract.)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (sf84mn(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Mobile soil removable from aggregated surface (after)', & & 'mass removable', '(kg/m^2)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (smaglos(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Change in mobile soil on aggregated surface (after)', & & 'net mass change', '(kg/m^2)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (dmlos(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") ! Crust properties write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Consolidated crust thickness (after)', 'crust thickness', '(mm)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (szcr(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Fraction of Surface covered with Crust (after)', & & 'crust cover','(fract.)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (sfcr(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & &'Fraction of Crusted Surface covered with Loose Erodible Soil(a)', & & 'loose erodible material', '(fract.)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (sflos(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write(o_unit,fmt="(' |',i5,2(i3),f7.3,3('|',a))") & & yr, mo, da, hr, & & 'Mass of Loose Erodible Soil on Crusted Surface (after)', & & 'loose erodible material', '(kg/m^2)' do j = jmax-1, 1, -1 write (o_unit, fmt="(500f12.4)") (smlos(i,j), i = 1, imax-1) end do write(o_unit,fmt="(' ')") write (o_unit,*) !! endif ! write (o_unit,20) anemht,wzoflg,ws,kbr ! ! set output increment m = (imax - 1)/8 m = max0(m,1) n = (jmax-1)/2 n = max(n,1) ! ! initialize avg erosion variable do 3 j = 1, imax egavg(j) = 0.0 3 continue ! ! calc. avg erosion over a given field length ! do 5 j = 1, (imax-1), m ! do 4 k = 1, j ! egavg(j) = egavg(j) + egt(k,n) ! 4 continue ! egavg(j) = egavg(j)/j ! 5 continue ! changed 1-12-07 LH do 5 i = 1,(imax-1) !average over y-direction do 4 j = 1, (jmax-1) egavg(i) = egavg(i) + egt(i,j)/(jmax-1) 4 continue 5 continue !average over x-direction do 6 i = 2, (imax-1) egavg(i) = ((i-1)*(egavg(i-1))+egavg(i))/i 6 continue ! write (o_unit,*) 'sb2out output' ! write (o_unit,18) (k , k=1,(imax-1),m), n ! write (o_unit,21) (egt(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) ! write (o_unit,22) (egtss(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) ! write (o_unit,23) ((egtss(k,n)/(egt(k,n)+0.00001)), & ! & k=1,(imax-1),m) ! changed 3-12-07 LH write (o_unit,35) (egavg(k), k=1,(imax-1)) ! write (o_unit,36) ! write (o_unit,37) (smaglos(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,*) '----------------------------------------------' ! output formats ! 10 format (1x, 'anemht wzoflg ws kbr') 18 format(1x, 'i..n,j', 20i6) ! 15 format (1x, ' (m) (m/s) ') 20 format (1x, 'anemht wzoflg ws kbr', & & f6.0, i6, f8.2, i6) 21 format (1x, 'egt= ', 20f6.2) 22 format (1x, 'egtss= ', 20f6.2) 23 format (1x, 'egtss/egt=', 20f6.2) 35 format (1x, 'egavg = ', 20f6.2) 36 format (1x, 'corrected for Sf12') 37 format (1x, 'smaglos=', 20f6.2) 24 format (1x, 'sf84=', 20f6.2) 25 format (1x, 'szcr=', 20f6.2) 26 format (1x, 'sfcr=', 20f6.2) 27 format (1x, 'smlos=', 20f6.2) 28 format (1x, 'sflos=', 20f6.2) 29 format (1x, 'szrgh=', 20f6.2) 30 format (1x, 'slrr=', 20f6.2) 31 format (1x, 'ahrwc0(icsr,12)', f6.2) 32 format (1x, 'wus=', 20f6.2) 33 format (1x, 'wusp=', 20f6.2) 34 format (1x, 'wust=', 20f6.2) return end !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++