!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ !********************************************************************** ! subroutine sbemit !********************************************************************** subroutine sbemit (ounit, ws, hhr) ! To calc the emissions for each time step of the input wind speed ! The emissions for EPA are the suspension component ! with units kg m-2 s-1. ! To write out a file in the format: ! 12 blank col, yr, mo, day, hr, soucename, emissionrate ! ! Instructions & logic: ! To get ntstep period emissions output on erosion days: ! user sets am0efl = 3 in WEPS configuration screen ! subroutine openfils creates output file emit.out ! EROSION calls sbemit to write heading in emit.out file, ! & sets am0efl to 98, then calls sbemit ! to print (hourly) Weps emissions on erosion days. ! or ! user sets ae0efl (print flg)=4 in stand_alone input file ! EROSION opens emit.out file, calls sbemit to write headings ! & sets ae0efl to 99, then calls sbemit ! to print period emissions for an erosion day. ! ! ! +++ ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS +++ integer ounit !Unit number for detail grid erosion real ws,hhr ! +++ ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS +++ ! ! ! + + + GLOBAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + ! include 'p1werm.inc' include 'm1sim.inc' include 'm1flag.inc' include 'file.fi' ! ! + + + LOCAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'erosion/m2geo.inc' include 'erosion/e2erod.inc' include 'airpact/spatialGIS.inc' ! ! +++ PARAMETERS +++ ! ! +++ LOCAL VARIABLES +++ ! integer initflg !take it out by JG ! save initflg ! Take it out by JG integer prev_erosion_jday save prev_erosion_jday integer j,i integer yr, mo, da save yr, mo, da real tims, aegtp, aegtssp, aegt10p save tims, aegtp, aegtssp, aegt10p ! real hr ! save hr real aegt, aegtss, aegt10 real emittot, emitss, emit10, tt integer :: dt(8) character(len=3) :: mstring common / datetime / dt, mstring ! ! +++ LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS +++ ! ! ! +++ OUTPUT FORMATS +++ ! 100 format (1x,' yr mo day hr ws emission (kg m-2 s-1)') 110 format (22x,' total salt/creep susp PM10') 120 format (1x,3(i4),F7.3,F6.2, 1x,4(F11.8)) ! ! +++ END SPECIFICATIONS +++ ! ! set initial conditions if (initflg .eq. 0) then initflg = initflg + 1 prev_erosion_jday = am0jd - 1 !init to previous day ! aegtp = 0.0 ! aegtssp = 0.0 ! aegt10p = 0.0 tims = 3600*24/ntstep !seconds in each emission period call caldatw (da, mo, yr) !Set day, month and year ! write(0,*) 'First ntstep is: ', ntstep, tims, tims/3600 ! hr = 0 write (ounit,*) 'SBEMIT output' ! write (ounit,*) 'Suspended emissions < 0.10 mm dia.' write (ounit,*) ! Print date of Run 212 format(1x,'Date of run: ',a3,' ',i2.2,', ',i4,' ', & & i2.2,':',i2.2,':',i2.2) write (ounit,212) mstring, dt(3), dt(1), dt(5), dt(6), dt(7) write (ounit,*) write (ounit,100) write (ounit,110) write (ounit,*) end if ! write(*,*) 'Initflg,prevday:',initflg,prev_erosion_jday,am0jd ! else !init prev erosion hr values to zero if this is new erosion day if (prev_erosion_jday .ne. am0jd) then prev_erosion_jday = am0jd aegtp = 0.0 aegtssp = 0.0 aegt10p = 0.0 end if ! ! write(0,*) 'Subsequent ntstep is: ', ntstep, tims, tims/3600 ! if (hr .ge. 24) then ! hr = tims/3600 call caldatw (da, mo, yr) ! else ! hr = hr + tims/3600 ! endif ! calculate averages of inner grid points aegt = 0.0 aegtss = 0.0 aegt10 = 0.0 ! do j=1,jmax-1 do i= 1, imax-1 aegt= aegt + egt(i,j) aegtss = aegtss + egtss(i,j) aegt10 = aegt10 + egt10(i,j) enddo enddo ! write(*,*) 'aegt,aegtss,aegt10:',aegt,aegtss,aegt10,tims tt = (imax-1)*(jmax-1) aegt = - aegt/tt ! change signs to positive=emission aegtss = - aegtss/tt aegt10 = - aegt10/tt ! Commented out so that emission results don't get summed from hr to hr ! when erosion stops. - LEW 5/26/06 ! Hourly (or peroid) emission rate (kg m-2 s-1) ! if (aegtssp .gt. aegtss) then !main set egt arrays to zero ! aegtp = 0.0 include 'airpact/spatialGIS.inc' ! aegtssp = 0.0 ! aegt10p = 0.0 ! endif emittot = (aegt - aegtp)/tims emitss = (aegtss - aegtssp)/tims emit10 = (aegt10 - aegt10p)/tims ! Added by JG for hourly output on 6/3/11 ahgt(hhr) = -aegt + aegtp ahssp(hhr) = -aegtss + aegtssp ahpm10(hhr) = -aegt10 + aegt10p ! Save prior hour average emission aegtp = aegt aegtssp = aegtss aegt10p = aegt10 ! ! Write to emit.out file ! write (ounit,120) yr, mo, da, hhr, ws, & ! & ahgt(hhr),ahssp(hhr),ahpm10(hhr) ! ! endif ! write(*,*)emittot,',',emittot-emitss,',',emitss,',',emit10 return end