! !$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! subroutine updres(isr) ! Update geometric properties of the decomp residue pools include 'p1werm.inc' include 'p1const.inc' include 's1layr.inc' include 'd1glob.inc' include 'd1gen.inc' include 'decomp/decomp.inc' ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer isr ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer idx ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! update derived globals for all decomposition pools ! Changed the index from 1 to isr by JG call poolupdate( & & admstandstem(1,isr), admstandleaf(1,isr), admstandstore(1,isr),& & admflatstem(1,isr), admflatleaf(1,isr), admflatstore(1,isr), & & admflatrootstore(1,isr), admflatrootfiber(1,isr), & & admbgstemz(1,1,isr), admbgleafz(1,1,isr), admbgstorez(1,1,isr),& & admbgrootstorez(1,1,isr), admbgrootfiberz(1,1,isr), & & adzht(1,isr), addstm(1,isr), adxstmrep(1,isr), adgrainf(1,isr),& & admbgstem(1,isr), admbgleaf(1,isr), admbgstore(1,isr), & & admbgrootstore(1,isr), admbgrootfiber(1,isr), & & adm(1,isr), admst(1,isr), admf(1,isr), admrt(1,isr), & & admrtz(1,1,isr), admbg(1,isr), admbgz(1,1,isr), & & adrsai(1,isr), adrlai(1,isr), adrsaz(1,1,isr), adrlaz(1,1,isr),& & adffcv(1,isr), adfscv(1,isr), adftcv(1,isr), adfcancov(1,isr), & & adrcd(1,isr),addstmtot(isr), adrsaitot(isr), adrlaitot(isr), & & adrcdtot(isr), admtot(isr), admtotto4(isr), admsttot(isr), & & admftot(isr), admbgtot(isr),admbgtotto4(isr),admrttot(isr), & & admrttotto4(isr), adffcvtot(isr),adfscvtot(isr),adftcvtot(isr),& & adftcancov(isr), nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), covfact(1,isr), & & adxstm(1,isr), ad0sla(1,isr), ad0ck(1,isr) ) return end