! This is part of netCDF-4. Copyright 2006 UCAR. See COPYRIGHT file for details. ! This file contains the extra F90 constants needed for netCDF-4. ! $Id: netcdf4_constants.f90,v 1.13 2009/12/10 16:43:15 ed Exp $ ! extra data types: integer, parameter, public :: & nf90_ubyte = 7, & nf90_ushort = 8, & nf90_uint = 9, & nf90_int64 = 10, & nf90_uint64 = 11, & nf90_string = 12, & nf90_vlen = 13, & nf90_opaque = 14, & nf90_enum = 15, & nf90_compound = 16 ! extra default fill values: integer (kind = TwoByteInt), parameter, public :: & nf90_fill_ubyte = 255, & nf90_fill_uint1 = nf90_fill_ubyte integer (kind = FourByteInt), parameter, public :: & nf90_fill_ushort = 65535, & nf90_fill_uint2 = nf90_fill_ushort integer (kind = EightByteInt), parameter, public :: & nf90_fill_uint = 4294967295_8 ! Extra file create mode flags. integer, parameter, public :: & nf90_netcdf4 = 4096, & nf90_hdf5 = 4096, & ! deprecated nf90_classic_model = 256 ! Flags for parallel access. integer, parameter, public :: nf90_independent = 0, nf90_collective = 1 ! Extra variable flags. integer, parameter, public :: & nf90_chunk_seq = 0, & nf90_chunk_sub = 1, & nf90_chunk_sizes = 2, & nf90_endian_native = 0, & nf90_endian_little = 1, & nf90_endian_big = 2, & nf90_chunked = 0, & nf90_notcontiguous = 0, & nf90_contiguous = 1, & nf90_nochecksum = 0, & nf90_fletcher32 = 1, & nf90_noshuffle = 0, & nf90_shuffle = 1, & nf90_szip_ec_option_mask = 4, & nf90_szip_nn_option_mask = 32 ! Extra error codes. integer, parameter, public :: & nf90_ehdferr = -101, & ! Error at HDF5 layer. nf90_ecantread = -102, & ! Can't read. nf90_ecantwrite = -103, & ! Can't write. nf90_ecantcreate = -104, & ! Can't create. nf90_efilemeta = -105, & ! Problem with file metadata. nf90_edimmeta = -106, & ! Problem with dimension metadata. nf90_eattmeta = -107, & ! Problem with attribute metadata. nf90_evarmeta = -108, & ! Problem with variable metadata. nf90_enocompound = -109, & ! Not a compound type. nf90_eattexists = -110, & ! Attribute already exists. nf90_enotnc4 = -111, & ! Attempting netcdf-4 operation on netcdf-3 file. nf90_estrictnc3 = -112, & ! Attempting netcdf-4 operation on strict nc3 netcdf-4 file. nf90_enotnc3 = -113, & ! Attempting netcdf-3 operation on netcdf-4 file. nf90_enopar = -114, & ! Parallel operation on file opened for non-parallel access. nf90_eparinit = -115, & ! Error initializing for parallel access. nf90_ebadgrpid = -116, & ! Bad group ID. nf90_ebadtypid = -117, & ! Bad type ID. nf90_etypdefined = -118, & ! Type has already been defined and may not be edited. nf90_ebadfield = -119, & ! Bad field ID. nf90_ebadclass = -120, & ! Bad class. nf90_emaptype = -121, & ! Mapped access for atomic types only. nf90_elatefill = -122, & ! Attempt to define fill value when data already exists. nf90_elatedef = -122 ! Attempt to define var properties, like deflate, after enddef. ! This is the position of NC_NETCDF4 in cmode, counting from the ! right, starting (uncharacteristically for fortran) at 0. It's needed ! for the BTEST function calls. integer, parameter, private :: NETCDF4_BIT = 12