! ------- function nf90_open(path, mode, ncid, chunksize, cache_size, cache_nelems, & cache_preemption, comm, info) implicit none character (len = *), intent(in) :: path integer, intent(in) :: mode integer, intent(out) :: ncid integer, optional, intent(inout) :: chunksize integer, optional, intent(in) :: cache_size, cache_nelems real, optional, intent(in) :: cache_preemption integer, optional, intent(in) :: comm, info integer :: size_in, nelems_in, preemption_in integer :: size_out, nelems_out, preemption_out, ret integer :: nf90_open ! If using parallel, both comm and info must be provided. if (present(comm) .and. .not. present(info)) then nf90_open = NF90_EINVAL; return end if ! If the user specified chuck cache parameters, use them. But user ! may have specified one, two, or three settings. Leave the others ! unchanged. if (present(cache_size) .or. present(cache_nelems) .or. & present(cache_preemption)) then ret = nf_get_chunk_cache(size_in, nelems_in, preemption_in) if (ret .ne. nf90_noerr) then nf90_open = ret return end if if (present(cache_size)) then size_out = cache_size else size_out = size_in end if if (present(cache_nelems)) then nelems_out = cache_nelems else nelems_out = nelems_in end if if (present(cache_preemption)) then preemption_out = cache_preemption else preemption_out = preemption_in end if nf90_open = nf_set_chunk_cache(size_out, nelems_out, preemption_out) if (nf90_open .ne. nf90_noerr) return end if ! Do the open. if(present(chunksize)) then nf90_open = nf__open(path, mode, chunksize, ncid) else if (present(comm)) then nf90_open = nf_open_par(path, mode, comm, info, ncid) else nf90_open = nf_open(path, mode, ncid) end if end if if (nf90_open .ne. nf90_noerr) return ! If settings were changed, reset chunk chache to original settings. if (present(cache_size) .or. present(cache_nelems) .or. & present(cache_preemption)) then nf90_open = nf_set_chunk_cache(size_in, nelems_in, preemption_in) end if end function nf90_open ! ------- function nf90_create(path, cmode, ncid, initialsize, chunksize, cache_size, & cache_nelems, cache_preemption, comm, info) implicit none character (len = *), intent(in) :: path integer, intent(in) :: cmode integer, intent(out) :: ncid integer, optional, intent(in) :: initialsize integer, optional, intent(inout) :: chunksize integer, optional, intent(in) :: cache_size, cache_nelems integer, optional, intent(in) :: cache_preemption integer, optional, intent(in) :: comm, info integer :: size_in, nelems_in, preemption_in integer :: size_out, nelems_out, preemption_out, ret integer :: nf90_create integer :: fileSize, chunk integer :: x ! Is user trying to use netCDF-3 stuff on a netCDF-4 file? if((present(initialsize) .or. present(chunksize)) .and. & btest(cmode, NETCDF4_BIT)) then nf90_create = nf90_enotnc3 return end if ! Is user trying to use netCDF-4 stuff on a netCDF-3 file? if((present(cache_size) .or. present(cache_nelems) & .or. present(cache_preemption)) .and. & .not. btest(cmode, NETCDF4_BIT)) then nf90_create = nf90_enotnc4 return end if ! If using parallel, but comm and info must be provided. if (present(comm) .and. .not. present(info)) then nf90_create = NF90_EINVAL; return end if ! If the user specified chuck cache parameters, use them. But user ! may have specified one, two, or three settings. Leave the others ! unchanged. if (present(cache_size) .or. present(cache_nelems) .or. & present(cache_preemption)) then nf90_create = nf_get_chunk_cache(size_in, nelems_in, preemption_in) if (nf90_create .ne. nf90_noerr) return if (present(cache_size)) then size_out = cache_size else size_out = size_in end if if (present(cache_nelems)) then nelems_out = cache_nelems else nelems_out = nelems_in end if if (present(cache_preemption)) then preemption_out = cache_preemption else preemption_out = preemption_in end if nf90_create = nf_set_chunk_cache(size_out, nelems_out, preemption_out) if (nf90_create .ne. nf90_noerr) return end if ! Do the file create. if(.not. (present(initialsize) .or. present(chunksize)) ) then if (present(comm)) then nf90_create = nf_create_par(path, cmode, comm, info, ncid) else nf90_create = nf_create(path, cmode, ncid) end if else ! Default values per man page filesize = 0; chunk = nf90_sizehint_default if(present(initialsize)) filesize = initialsize if(present(chunksize )) chunk = chunksize nf90_create = nf__create(path, cmode, filesize, chunk, ncid) ! Pass back the value actually used if(present(chunksize )) chunksize = chunk end if if (nf90_create .ne. nf90_noerr) return ! If settings were changed, reset chunk chache to original settings. if (present(cache_size) .or. present(cache_nelems) .or. & present(cache_preemption)) then nf90_create = nf_set_chunk_cache(size_in, nelems_in, preemption_in) end if end function nf90_create