Attributes { Facility { String PrincipleInvestigator "Mark Abbott", "Ph.D"; String DataCenter "COAS Environmental Computer Facility"; String DrifterType "MetOcean WOCE/OCM"; } Drifters { battery { String Description "Battery Voltage (VBAT)"; String units "volts"; } checksum { String Description "Low 8 bits of the sum of the specified bytes in ARGOS transmission. (Checksum)"; String units "unknown"; } data_age { String Description "Optical Sensor Data Age: Elapsed time between sample time and time of delivery to ARGOS system. (DA)"; String units "minutes"; } ed490 { String Description "Downwelling Irradiance Sensor at 490nm"; Float32 Wavelength 490; String units "microwatts per square cm per nanometer per steradian"; } ed490_stdev { String Description "Standard deviation of Downwelling Irradiance Sensor at 490nm"; Float32 Wavelength 490; String units "counts"; } instrument_id { String Description "String value used to uniquely identify each drifter instrument."; } flag_argos { } flag_gps { } flag_optical { } flag_sampling { } flag_tracking { } gpshour { String Description "GPS Acquisition Time: Hour of day of GPS fix. (GPSHour)"; String units "hour"; } gpslat { String Description "GPS Latitiude (Lat)"; String units "degrees_north"; } gpslon { String Description "GPS Longitude (Lon)"; String units "degrees_east"; } latitude { String Description "Latitude as recorded by ARGOS system"; String units "degrees_north"; } location { String Description "String describing general location (southern ocean,oregon coast, etc.) of drifter deployment."; } longitude { String Description "Longitude as recorded by ARGOS system"; String units "degrees_east"; } lu412 { String Description "Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 412nm"; Float32 Wavelength 412; String units "microwatts per square cm per nanometer per steradian"; } lu412_stdev { String Description "Standard deviation of Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 412nm"; Float32 Wavelength 412; String units "counts"; } lu443 { String Description "Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 443nm"; Float32 Wavelength 443; String units "microwatts per square cm per nanometer per steradian"; } lu443_stdev { String Description "Standard deviation of Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 443nm"; Float32 Wavelength 443; String units "counts"; } lu490 { String Description "Upwelling Radiance Sensorat at 490nm"; Float32 Wavelength 490; String units "microwatts per square cm per nanometer per steradian"; } lu490_stdev { String Description "Standard deviation of Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 490nm"; Float32 Wavelength 490; String units "counts"; } lu510 { String Description "Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 510nm"; Float32 Wavelength 510; String units "microwatts per square cm per nanometer per steradian"; } lu510_stdev { String Description "Standard deviation of Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 510nm"; Float32 Wavelength 510; String units "counts"; } lu555 { String Description "Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 555nm"; Float32 Wavelength 555; String units "microwatts per square cm per nanometer per steradian"; } lu555_stdev { String Description "Standard deviation of Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 555nm"; Float32 Wavelength 555; String units "counts"; } lu670 { String Description "Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 670nm"; Float32 Wavelength 670; String units "microwatts per square cm per nanometer per steradian"; } lu670_stdev { String Description "Standard deviation of Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 670nm"; Float32 Wavelength 670; String units "counts"; } lu683 { String Description "Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 683nm"; Float32 Wavelength 683; String units "microwatts per square cm per nanometer per steradian"; } lu683_stdev { String Description "Standard deviation of Upwelling Radiance Sensor at 683nm"; Float32 Wavelength 683; String units "counts"; } max_depth { String Description "Maximum Depth Voltage reading from the previous 10.5 minute period. (MDV)"; String units "volts"; } night_len { String Description "Length of the previous night (LNL)"; String units "minutes"; } nsamp { String Description "Message ID: Always set to 3 for GPS data Message"; String units "unknown"; } numaves { String Description "Number of samples in OCM data (NAve)"; String units "unknown"; } press_volts { String Description "Pressure sensor voltage at surface as determined by the surface check function. (SV)"; String units "volts"; } rellat1hr { String Description "Relative Latitude: Change in latitude in the last hour as determined by the GPS subsystem (Rlat1)"; String units "degrees_north"; } rellat2hr { String Description "Relative Latitude: Change in latitude in the last 2 hours as determined by the GPS subsystem (Rlat2)"; String units "degrees_north"; } rellon1hr { String Description "Relative Longitude: Change in longitude in the last hour as determined by the GPS subsystem (Rlon1)"; String units "degrees_east"; } rellon2hr { String Description "Relative Longitude: Change in longitude in the last 2 hours as determined by the GPS subsystem (Rlon2)"; String units "degrees_east"; } sst { String Description "Sea Surface Temperature (SST)"; String units "Degrees C"; } sub_wait { String Description "Average time that bouy software waited for bouy to come to surface before measuring irradiance. (ASW)"; String units "minutes"; } surf_volts { String Description "Averaged amplified pressure sensor voltage as measured during the surface check function. (AV)"; String units "volts"; } surface_average { String Description "Average duration of time that the bouy remained on the surface during the surface check function. (AST)"; String units "minutes"; } surface_percent { String Description "Percentage of time that the bouy was on the surface during the surface check function. (PTOS)"; String units "percentage"; } time { String Description "Time data sample was received by ARGOS system"; String units "Decimal days since Jan 1, 1993 (01/01/1993)"; } ttff { String Description "Time between GPS power on and first fix: Time To First Fix (TTFF)"; String units "Decimal days since Jan 1, 1993 (01/01/1993)"; } maxgps { String Description "Strongest GPS Signal Level (dB0)"; String units "dB"; } rellat3hr { String Description "Relative Latitude: Change in latitude in the last 3 hours as determined by the GPS subsystem (Rlat3)"; String units "degrees_north"; } rellon3hr { String Description "Relative Longitude: Change in longitude in the last 3 hours as determined by the GPS subsystem (Rlon3)"; String units "degrees_east"; } } }