subroutine sheart(q,sslope,rspace,wdhtop,frcsol,frctrl,shearq) use wepp_interface_defs implicit none c c compute rill width adjustments, chezy's coefficient for rill c flow, flow depth, wetted area, wetted perimeter, hydraulic c radius, and shear stress at the end of the slope c c module adapted from wepp version 2008.907 and called from c subroutine param c c author(s): d.c. flanagan and j.c. ascough ii c date last modified: 11-6-2008 c real, intent(inout) :: q,sslope,wdhtop real, intent(in) :: rspace,frcsol,frctrl real, intent(out) :: shearq c c q - flow discharge (m**3/s) c sslope - channel slope (m/m) c real dz, tol, u, chezch, sinang, wp, xsarea, hydrad real accgav,wtdens,dpthch c c u - portion of uniform flow equation c wdthck - test width to check against to see if wider than c current rill width c chezch - chezy c - roughness factor c dz - trial valve for channel depth (m) c xsarea - cross sectional area of the flow (m**2) c wp - wetted perimeter of the flow (m) c hydrad - hydraulic radius (m) c sinang - sine of slope angle c tol - tolerance value c ! save c accgav = 9.807 wtdens = 9807.0 c tol = 5.0e-06 q = abs(q) c if (sslope.le.0.0) sslope = 0.000001 c c limit top rill width (wdhtop) to rspace c if ( wdhtop = rspace c c compute chezy's coefficient c chezch = sqrt(8.0*accgav/frctrl) c c compute rill flow depth (dpthch) - this is an iterative c process to solve the uniform flow equation c if (q.le.0.) then dpthch = 0.0 else u = (q/chezch/sqrt(sslope)) ** (2./3.) / wdhtop dpthch = 0.2 * q ** .36 c 10 dz = dpthch c dpthch = u * (wdhtop+dz+dz) ** (1./3.) c if (abs(dz/dpthch-1.).gt.tol) go to 10 c end if c c compute wetted area (xsarea), wetted perimeter (wp), and c hydraulic radius (hydrad) c xsarea = dpthch * wdhtop wp = wdhtop + 2.0 * dpthch hydrad = xsarea / wp c c correction made to compute shear stress using the sine of the c slope angle c sinang = sin(atan(sslope)) c c compute shear stress c shearq = wtdens * sinang * hydrad * frcsol / frctrl c return end