code - Revision 21826: /weps1/branches/forxml/weps.install/db/crops/NRCS
- ..
- Alfalfa, hay.crop
- Alfalfa, released growing crop.crop
- Alfalfa, seed.crop
- Alfalfa-Brome, released growing crop.crop
- Alfalfa-Bromegrass, forage.crop
- Alfalfa-Grass hay, cool season, dryland.crop
- Asparagus.crop
- Barley, spring covercrop.crop
- Barley, spring, CMZ 10, 10 in. spac.crop
- Barley, spring, CMZ 47, 7 in. spac.crop
- Barley, spring, CMZ 50, 7 in. spac.crop
- Barley, spring, hay.crop
- Barley, spring.crop
- Barley, winter forage.crop
- Barley, winter, CMZ 10, 10 in. spac.crop
- Barley, winter, CMZ 47, 7 in. spac.crop
- Barley, winter.crop
- Bean, field, dry.crop
- Bean, green snap mech harv.crop
- Bean, lima.crop
- Beans, garbonzo.crop
- Beans, lima processing.crop
- Beans, trellis.crop
- Beet, red garden var.crop
- Bluestem, old world.crop
- Brassica, forage.crop
- Brassica, winter cover crop.crop
- Broccoli.crop
- Bromegrass.crop
- Buckwheat.crop
- Cabbage, Chinese.crop
- Cabbage.crop
- Camelina.crop
- Canola, spring.crop
- Canola, winter.crop
- Cantaloupe, Muskmelon, Honeydew.crop
- Carrot, fresh market.crop
- Carrot, hybrid seed production.crop
- Carrot, processing.crop
- Cauliflower.crop
- Celery.crop
- Chickpea.crop
- Chile, green, direct seed.crop
- Chile, green, transplant.crop
- Clover, alsike, seed.crop
- Clover, alsike.crop
- Clover, red, released growing crop.crop
- Clover, red, seed.crop
- Clover, red.crop
- Clover, sweet, seed.crop
- Clover, sweet.crop
- Collard, greens.crop
- Corn, grain 090 day.crop
- Corn, grain 100 day.crop
- Corn, grain 110 day.crop
- Corn, grain 120 day.crop
- Corn, grain 130 day.crop
- Corn, grain.crop
- Corn, high yield.crop
- Corn, pop.crop
- Corn, seed.crop
- Corn, silage.crop
- Corn, sweet, seed.crop
- Corn, sweet.crop
- Cotton, CA Hi Prod.crop
- Cotton, delta.crop
- Cotton, high plains, irr.crop
- Cotton, southern upland.crop
- Cotton, stripper skip 1 row.crop
- Cotton, stripper skip 2 rows.crop
- Cotton, stripper.crop
- Cotton, ultra narrow row.crop
- Cover Crop, legume.crop
- Crambe.crop
- Cucumber.crop
- Eggplant.crop
- Flax.crop
- Garlic seed production.crop
- Grass seed, cool season, released growing crop.crop
- Grass seed, cool season.crop
- Grass seed, warm season.crop
- Grass, cool season, forage.crop
- Grass, warm season, forage.crop
- Horseradish.crop
- Kale, HI PROD.crop
- Legume Cover, release growing crop.crop
- Lentils.crop
- Lettuce, head.crop
- Lettuce, leaf.crop
- Millet, foxtail, seed.crop
- Millet, proso.crop
- Mint.crop
- Mustard seed, spring.crop
- Mustard, greens.crop
- NRCS Crops
- Oats, fall seeded cover.crop
- Oats, fall seeded, forage.crop
- Oats, spring hay.crop
- Oats, spring silage.crop
- Oats, spring.crop
- Oats, winter S.E.crop
- Onion seed production.crop
- Onion, bulb dry.crop
- Onion, green bunch.crop
- Onion, growing after covercrop kill.crop
- Peanut, runner.crop
- Peas, Austrian winter.crop
- Peas, field, dry.crop
- Peas, forage.crop
- Peas, green.crop
- Peppers, bell.crop
- Peppers, chili, green.crop
- Peppers, chili, red.crop
- Pigeon peas, cover crop, tropics.crop
- Pineapple, transplants.crop
- Potato, early, harvest.crop
- Potato, late, harvest.crop
- Potato, seed.crop
- Potato, sweet.crop
- Pumpkin.crop
- Radish, daikon.crop
- Radish, oil seed, release growing cover.crop
- Radish, oilseed.crop
- Radish.crop
- Rice, dwarf.crop
- Rice, semi-dwarf.crop
- Rice, tall.crop
- Rye, cereal interseeded growing cover.crop
- Rye, cereal silage.crop
- Rye, cereal.crop
- Rye, spring, 7in row.crop
- Rye, winter cover S.E.crop
- Rye, winter cover.crop
- Rye, winter grazed S.E.crop
- Rye, winter, grain S.E.crop
- Rye, winter, silage, SE.crop
- Ryegrass, annual, for seed.crop
- Ryegrass, annual, forage.crop
- Safflower.crop
- Sesame, seed.crop
- Small grain, annual cover.crop
- Small grain, spring, hay.crop
- Small grain, winter, hay.crop
- Sorghum, forage.crop
- Sorghum, grain.crop
- Sorghum, silage.crop
- Sorghum, sudangrass, hay.crop
- Sorghum, sudangrass, seed.crop
- Soybean, group 0 and I.crop
- Soybean, group II, III and IV.crop
- Soybean, groups V, VI, VII, and VIII.crop
- Spinach, spring.crop
- Spinach.crop
- Squash.crop
- Strawberry.crop
- Sugarbeet, growing after covercrop kill.crop
- Sugarbeet, seed.crop
- Sugarbeet, sugar LRes.crop
- Sugarbeet, sugar.crop
- Sugarcane, hawaii (tropical).crop
- Sugarcane, southern.crop
- Sunflower.crop
- Sunn Hemp.crop
- Switchgrass, biomass prod.crop
- Tall Fescue, release growing crop.crop
- Tall Fescue.crop
- Taro, Bunglong tilled hi density.crop
- Teff, hay.crop
- Teff, seed production.crop
- Timothy, released growing crop.crop
- Timothy.crop
- Tobacco, burley.crop
- Tobacco, dark.crop
- Tobacco, flue cured.crop
- Tomato, fresh mkt.crop
- Tomato, processing.crop
- Triticale, silage.crop
- Triticale. hay.crop
- Triticale.crop
- Turfgrass.crop
- Turnip.crop
- Vetch, hairy, release growing cover.crop
- Vetch, hairy.crop
- Watermelon.crop
- Weeds, 12+ months.crop
- Weeds, less than 3 mo growth.crop
- Weeds, less than 6 mo growth.crop
- Weeds, less than 9 mo growth.crop
- Weeds, post harvest growth.crop
- Weeds, winter, Central.crop
- Weeds, winter, Deep SO.crop
- Weeds, winter, Mid South.crop
- Wheat, graze out South.crop
- Wheat, spring 14in rows.crop
- Wheat, spring 7in rows.crop
- Wheat, spring graze grain.crop
- Wheat, spring graze out.crop
- Wheat, spring, CMZ 10, 10 in. spac.crop
- Wheat, spring, CMZ 47, 7 in. spac.crop
- Wheat, spring, CMZ 50, 7-10 in. spac.crop
- Wheat, spring, hay, 7in rows.crop
- Wheat, winter 14in row.crop
- Wheat, winter CMZ 47, 7-10 in. spac.crop
- Wheat, winter cover, in furrow, 40 in row.crop
- Wheat, winter cover.crop
- Wheat, winter graze, grain.crop
- Wheat, winter grazed forage.crop
- Wheat, winter silage.crop
- Wheat, winter, CMZ 10, 10 in. spac. early plant.crop
- Wheat, winter, CMZ 50 hi ppt 14-16in spac.crop
- Wheat, winter, CMZ 50 hi ppt 7-10in spac.crop
- Wheat, winter, CMZ 50 lo ppt, 16-18 in spac.crop
- Wheat, winter, grain S.E.crop
- Wheat, winter, hay or silage, CMZ 10, 10 in. spac.crop
- Wheat, winter, hay, 7in rows.crop
- Wheat, winter, irrigated.crop
- Wheat, winter, mid-south.crop
- Wheat, winter, west coast.crop
- Wheat, winter.crop
- corn stalks.crop
- local/
- manure, liquid.crop
- manure, mod. bedding.crop
- manure, poultry.crop
- manure, semi-solid.crop
- manure, slurry.crop
- manure, solid, signif. bedding.crop
- no crop.crop
- plastic mulch.crop
- small grain straw.crop
- water.crop
- weed residue; 0-3 mo.crop
- weed residue; 12+ mo.crop
- weed residue; 3-6 mo.crop
- weed residue; 6-12 mo.crop
- wood chips.crop
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