Graze, continuous O 04 oenergyarea 0.0 ostir 0.49 op_notes4 Continuous Grazing system. Long duration grazing periods 12-20-01 DTL. 30% removal of Crop (green) biomass each time used and and 50% removal of the flat residue each time used. Mas 1-17-07 Restructured processes. Moved all grazing to O4 for energy and stir cal. Crop removal (green standing) is cal by using Rusle factors Port of Tt biomas affected (%)-(Port of Tt biomas affected (%))x(Portion of affected left on surface (%) Graze, continous Example: 0.3-(0.3 x 0.5) = 0.15 Flattening Residue is cal by using Rusle Factors Port of Tt biomas affected (%) x Portion of affected left on surface (%) Graze, continous Example 0.3 x 0.5 = 0.15 This value was used for the Mod residue (Wheat) values were reduced by 10% or increased by 10% of the value for each residue class. MAS 4-2-08 G 02 gbioarea 1 P 62 harv_report_flg 1 harv_calib_flg 0 harv_unit_flg 1 mature_warn_flg 0 selpos 1 selpool 1 selagepool 0 rstore .30 rleaf .30 rstem .30 rrootstore 0.0 rrootfiber 0.0 P 62 harv_report_flg 1 harv_calib_flg 0 harv_unit_flg 1 mature_warn_flg 0 selpos 2 selpool 4 selagepool 2 rstore .05 rleaf .05 rstem .05 rrootstore 0 rrootfiber 0 P 62 harv_report_flg 1 harv_calib_flg 0 harv_unit_flg 1 mature_warn_flg 0 selpos 1 selpool 4 selagepool 2 rstore .1 rleaf .1 rstem .1 rrootstore 0 rrootfiber 0 P 24 fbioflagvt 1 massflatvt1 0.20 massflatvt2 0.15 massflatvt3 0.10 massflatvt4 0.01 massflatvt5 0.01