Sprayer, fallow weeds, ground, new weed growth O 04 oenergyarea 1.2160101 ostir .15 op_notes4 This sprayer (herb) is used for Chem Fallow situations. It is ground applied. It calls in a new crop file. DO NOT USE THIS FOR POST EMERGENCE WEED CONTROL. It assumes that the weeds are small and have not bolted. It kills all growing crops (weeds included). There is a flattening for the wheel traffic of 10%. There is a flattening for 100% of the small green vegitated weeds. This differs from RUSLE data because RUSLE can NOT flatten only the growing weeds. Larry Wagner, Fred Fox and I work up the operation. MAS 11-18-09 G 02 gbioarea 1.0 P 24 fbioflagvt 1 massflatvt1 1 massflatvt2 1 massflatvt3 1 massflatvt4 0.5 massflatvt5 1.00 P 24 fbioflagvt 14 massflatvt1 0.1 massflatvt2 0.1 massflatvt3 0.1 massflatvt4 0.1 massflatvt5 0.1 P 31 kilflag 2 P 40 G 03 gcropname Select crop or residue P 51 rowflag 0 rowspac 0.0 rowridge 0 plantpop 0.0 dmaxshoot 1.0 cbaflag 0 tgtyield 0.0 cbafact 1.0 cyrafact 1.0 hyldflag 1 hyldunits kg/m^2 hyldwater 0.0 hyconfact 1.0 idc 1 grf 0.0 ck 0.0 hui0 0.0 hmx 0.0 growdepth 0.0 rdmx 0.0 tbas 0.0 topt 0.0 thudf 0 dtm 0 thum 0.0 frsx1 0.0 frsx2 0.0 frsy1 0.0 frsy2 0.0 verndel 0.0 bceff 0.0 a_lf 0.0 b_lf 0.0 c_lf 0.0 d_lf 0.0 a_rp 0.0 b_rp 0.0 c_rp 0.0 d_rp 0.0 a_ht 0.0 b_ht 0.0 ssaa 0.0 ssab 0.0 sla 0.0 huie 0.0 transf 0 diammax 1.0 storeinit 0.0 mshoot 0.0 leafstem 0.0 fshoot 0.0 leaf2stor 0.0 stem2stor 0.0 stor2stor 0.0 rbc 5 standdk 0.0133 surfdk 0.0133 burieddk 0.0133 rootdk 0.0133 stemnodk 0.169 stemdia 0.0050 thrddys 17.1 covfact 6.5 resevapa 0.0 resevapb 1.0 yield_coefficient 0.0 residue_intercept 0.0 regrow_location 0.0 noparam3 0.0 noparam2 0.0 noparam1 0.0 crop_notes This is the default "no crop/residue" crop record. It is required for MCREW to save seeding (and residue addition) operations with "no crop" (or residue) type specified within the operation definition. It should always be stored in the "mcrew_cfg" directory.