/********************************** INTEL COOK OPTIONS **********************************/ /*required reentry of the cook process to setup the environment*/ #include [cookbook]/reentry.cook /********************************** INITILIZE IFORT ENVIRONMENT **********************************/ /*if not set inspect the environment variable IFORT_HOME*/ if [and [not [defined ifort_home]] [strlen [getenv IFORT_HOME]]] then{ ifort_home = [getenv IFORT_HOME]; } if [not [defined ifort_home]] then{ function print ****************************************************; function print "INVALID INTEL COMPILER CONFIGURATION"; function print "ifort_home not defined in a config file or IFORT_HOME enviroment variable not set:"; function print [config]; function print [config-system]; function print [config-node]; function print ****************************************************; fail; } /*if the target platform for ifort has not been set then figure it out*/ if [not [defined ifort_arch]] then{ if [in [os machine] x86] then{ ifort_arch = ia32; } else if [in [os machine] x86_64] then{ ifort_arch = intel64; } else{ function print ****************************************************; function print "INVALID INTEL COMPILER CONFIGURATION"; function print "Unknown machine type:" [os machine]; function print ****************************************************; fail; } } else if [not [in [ifort_arch] ia32 intel64]] then{ function print ****************************************************; function print "INVALID INTEL COMPILER CONFIGURATION"; function print "ifort_arch="[ifort_arch]; function print "Valid values: ia32|intel64"; function print ****************************************************; fail; } /*init different variables if windows or unix*/ if [is_windows] then { fail "ifort not yet implemented on windows."; } else{ /*unix ifort*/ if [exists [ifort_home]/bin/compilervars.sh] then{ function enqueue-reentry [ifort_home]/bin/compilervars.sh [ifort_arch]; } else{ function print ****************************************************; function print "INVALID INTEL COMPILER CONFIGURATION"; function print "Valid ifort installation not found."; function print "ifort_home="[ifort_home]; function print ****************************************************; fail; } } /********************************** COMPILER **********************************/ fc = ifort; fc_version = [collect [fc] --version | head -1]; fc_compile_flag = "-c -Tf"; fc_out_flag = "-o "; fc_flags ="-nologo"; fc_fixed =; fc_free = "-free"; /* default mode flags */ fc_default ="-O0"; /* debug flags */ fc_debug ="-g"; /* optimization flags */ fc_optimize ="-O3"; /*release flags */ fc_release = [fc_optimize]; /* includes */ fc_inc_flag = "-I "; fc_inc_join = [false]; /*if true, the includes are joined into a single argument with the separator */ fc_inc_sep = ; fc_mod_inc_flag = "-I "; fc_mod_out_flag = "-module "; /* Case of the module names: lower, upper or mixed*/ fc_mod_case = lower;; /********************************** LINKER **********************************/ ld = [fc]; ld_version = [fc_version]; ld_link_flag =; ld_out_flag = "-o "; /* debug flags */ ld_debug =; /* optimization flags */ ld_optimize ="-fast"; /* includes */ ld_inc_flag = [fc_inc_flag]; ld_inc_join = [fc_inc_join]; /*if true, the includes are joined into a single argument with the separator */ ld_inc_sep = [fc_inc_sep]; ld_lib_prefix = "-Xlinker --start-group "; ld_lib_suffix = " -Xlinker --end-group"; /********************************** ARCHIVER **********************************/ ar = xiar; ar_version = ?; ar_flags = "-cq ";