!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! Make sure that any input filename specified with the -i option has an ! extension of some kind. ! !********************************************************************** ! MAIN for SWEEP !********************************************************************** program sweep ! ! +++ PURPOSE +++ ! ! To start a standalone version of the EROSION submodel ! ! It calls ERODEIN to read an input file (stdin), ! calls ERODINIT to initialize grid, ! runs the EROSION submodel code, and ! calls ERODOUT to print the generated output (stdout). ! ! +++ ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS +++ ! ! + + + GLOBAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + ! include 'p1werm.inc' include 'p1const.inc' include 'm1sim.inc' include 'm1flag.inc' include 'file.inc' include 'erosion/m2geo.inc' include 'w1clig.inc' !Requires yrly average precip..... include 'util/misc/f2kcli.inc' !declarations for f2k commandline functions include 'command.inc' ! ! ! + + + LOCAL COMMON BLOCKS include 'erosion/p1erode.inc' !obtain access to SURF_UPD_FLG variable ! ! ++++ ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS +++ ! ! +++ SUBROUTINES CALLED+++ ! erodin ! erodinit ! erosion ! erodout ! ++++ LOCAL VARIABLES +++ integer julday !utility date function character*1024 exe_filepath character*1024 input_filepath integer i_unit integer o_unit integer cmd_iarg !Temp var for retrieving integer cmdline args character*1024 argv !For Fortran 2k commandline parsing integer i integer numarg integer ll, ss integer iostat logical opnd integer already_read_inputs logical have_ifile integer indx, rndx logical hagen_plot_flag logical force_plot_flag !ensure that commandline overrides input file settings integer force_emit_val !ensure that commandline overrides input file settings integer force_debug_flag !ensure that commandline overrides input file setting character*1024 file_bname character*1024 fpath_bname character*1024 input_filename integer o_einp_unit !Unit number for generated input file integer o_egrd_unit !Unit number for grid summary erosion integer o_sgrd_unit !Unit number for grid subdaily erosion integer o_erod_unit !Unit number for total erosion integer o_emit_unit !Unit number for detail grid erosion integer o_eplt_unit !Unit number for Hagen plot file character*80 o_einp_ext !generated input file extension character*80 o_egrd_ext !grid summary erosion file extension character*80 o_sgrd_ext !grid subdaily erosion file extension character*80 o_erod_ext !total erosion summary file extension character*80 o_emit_ext !detail grid erosion file extension character*80 o_eplt_ext !hagen plot file extension character*1024 o_einp_file !generated input file name character*1024 o_egrd_file !grid summary erosion file name character*1024 o_sgrd_file !grid subdaily erosion file name character*1024 o_erod_file !total erosion summary file name character*1024 o_emit_file !detail grid erosion file name character*1024 o_eplt_file !hagen plot file name character*1024 o_einp_fpath !generated input file/path name character*1024 o_egrd_fpath !grid summary erosion file/path name character*1024 o_sgrd_fpath !grid subdaily erosion file/path name character*1024 o_erod_fpath !total erosion summary file/path name character*1024 o_emit_fpath !detail grid erosion file/path name character*1024 o_eplt_fpath !hagen plot file/path name real min_erosion_awu !Minimum erosiove wind speed (m/s) !to evaluate for erosion loss integer :: dt(8) character(len=3) :: mstring common / datetime / dt, mstring save :: /datetime/ ! +++ END SPECIFICATIONS +++ ! Determine date of Run call date_and_time(values=dt) ! Determine month of year select case (dt(2)) case (1); mstring = "Jan" case (2); mstring = "Feb" case (3); mstring = "Mar" case (4); mstring = "Apr" case (5); mstring = "May" case (6); mstring = "Jun" case (7); mstring = "Jul" case (8); mstring = "Aug" case (9); mstring = "Sep" case (10); mstring = "Oct" case (11); mstring = "Nov" case (12); mstring = "Dec" case default; mstring = "???" end select ! Print date of Run 12 format(1x,'Date of tsterode run: ',a3,' ',i2.2,', ',i4,' ', & & i2.2,':',i2.2,':',i2.2) write(6,12) mstring, dt(3), dt(1), dt(5), dt(6), dt(7) write(6,*) ! initialize anemometer defaults call anemometer_init awzypt = 300.0 !Requires yrly average precip. (Hagen's best estimate for us to use) saeinp_daysim = 0 !initialize WEPS variables saeinp_jday = 0 !not used in the standalone submodel min_erosion_awu = 5.0 !default minimum erosive wind speed xgdpt = 0 !default grid spacing values if not specified ygdpt = 0 !on the commandline erod_interval = 0 !do not overide default surface updating interval SURF_UPD_FLG = 1 !enable erosion submodel surface updating by default have_ifile = .false. ! *** set plot_flag value false in WEPS hagen_plot_flag = .false. force_plot_flag = .false. force_emit_val = 0 force_debug_flag = -1 already_read_inputs = 0 !flag to keep from reading inputs more than once ! Set unit numbers for input and output file devices. ! (stdin = 5, stdout = 6) i_unit = 5 !If -i option is specified, use unit number 50 o_unit = 6 !stdout o_einp_unit = 60 !Echo input to a file (unit number) o_egrd_unit = luo_egrd !grid erosion summary file unit number o_erod_unit = luo_erod !erosion summary file unit number o_emit_unit = luo_emit !grid erosion detail file unit number o_eplt_unit = 64 !parameter data plot file unit number o_sgrd_unit = luo_sgrd !grid erosion subdaily file unit number o_einp_ext = ".einp" !filename extension for echo'd input data file o_egrd_ext = ".egrd" !filename extension for grid erosion summary output o_sgrd_ext = ".sgrd" !filename extension for grid erosion subdaily output o_erod_ext = ".erod" !filename extension for erosion summary output o_emit_ext = ".emit" !filename extension for grid erosion detail output o_eplt_ext = ".eplt" !filename extension for paramter data plot file output ! Uses the Fortran 2k commandline parsing support. ! There cannot be any space between the option and any arguments, ! e.g. '-i#' is ok but '-i #' is not. ! Any option arguments that have any spaces in them must be quoted, ! e.g. '-i"C:\Program Files"' is ok but '-iC:\Program Files' is not. numarg = COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT() ! Determine number of commandline args call GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(0,argv,ll,ss) !get name of executing program !write(0,*) 'argv ',i,' is: ', trim(argv) ! debug print of arg list exe_filepath = trim(argv) if (numarg .gt. 0) then do 09 i = 1, numarg call GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(i,argv,ll,ss) !Fortran 2k compatible call !write(0,*) 'argv ',i,' is: ', trim(argv) ! debug print of arg list if (argv(1:1) .ne. '-') then !make sure all options start with '-' write(0,*) 'Option ignored, no option flag: ', trim(argv) goto 09 !Go get next arg endif !command line help prompt if ((argv(2:2).eq.'?').or.(argv(2:2).eq.'h')) then write(0,*) 'Valid command line options:' write(0,*) '-? or -h Display this help screen' write(0,*) '-x# number grid points in x direction' write(0,*) '-y# number grid points in y direction' write(0,*) '-t# surface updating interval (seconds)' write(0,*) '-T# minimum erosive wind speed (m/s)' write(0,*) '-u disable erosion surface updating' write(0,*) '-d# set read input file debug flag' write(0,*) '-i"input_filename.in" specify input filename' write(0,*) '-Einp Echo input to "input_filename.einp"' write(0,*) ' datafile' write(0,*) '-Erod Output erosion summary results' write(0,*) ' to "input_filename.erod" filename' write(0,*) '-Egrd Output grid summary erosion results' write(0,*) ' to "input_filename.egrd" filename' write(0,*) '-Esgrd Output subdaily grid erosion results' write(0,*) ' to "input_filename.sgrd" filename' write(0,*) '-Emit Output subdaily erosion results' write(0,*) ' to "input_filename.emit" filename' write(0,*) '-Eplt Append to datafile "tsterode.plt"' write(0,*) ' in current dir for plotting vars' call exit(1) else if (argv(2:2) == 't') then !Specify updating interval (min) if (len_trim(argv(3:)) == 0) then write(0,*) 'missing surface updating interval value' call exit(21) else read(argv(3:),*) erod_interval if (erod_interval < 1) then write(0,*) 'Update interval too small (val < 1 sec)' call exit(22) else if (erod_interval > 3600*24) then write(0,*) 'Update interval too big (val>3600*24 sec)' call exit(23) endif endif else if (argv(2:2) == 'T') then !Specify minimum erosive wind speed (m/s) if (len_trim(argv(3:)) == 0) then write(0,*) 'missing minimum erosive wind speed value' call exit(25) else read(argv(3:),*) min_erosion_awu if (min_erosion_awu <= 0.0) then write(0,*) 'min erosive wind speed value too small', & & ' (min_erosion_awu <= 0.0)' call exit(26) endif endif else if (argv(2:2) == 'x') then !Specify # of grid points in x-dir if (len_trim(argv(3:)) == 0) then write(0,*) 'missing x-dir grid dimension' call exit(31) else read(argv(3:),*) xgdpt if (xgdpt < 1) then write(0,*) 'x-dir grid value too small (xgdpt < 1)' call exit(32) endif if (xgdpt >= mngdpt) then write(0,*) 'xgdpt = ', xgdpt, 'mngdpt-1 = ', mngdpt-1 write(0,*) 'x-dir grid value too large' call exit(33) endif endif else if (argv(2:2) == 'y') then !Specify # of grid points in y-dir if (len_trim(argv(3:)) == 0) then write(0,*) 'missing y-dir grid dimension' call exit(41) else read(argv(3:),*) ygdpt if (ygdpt < 1) then write(0,*) 'y-dir grid value too small (ygdpt < 1)' call exit(42) endif if (ygdpt >= mngdpt) then write(0,*) 'ygdpt = ', ygdpt, 'mngdpt-1 = ', mngdpt-1 write(0,*) 'y-dir grid value too large' call exit(43) endif endif else if (argv(2:2) == 'u') then !Turn off surface updating SURF_UPD_FLG = 0 else if (argv(2:2) == 'd') then !Specify input file debug flag value if (len_trim(argv(3:)) == 0) then write(0,*) 'missing debug flag value' call exit(51) else read(argv(3:),*) force_debug_flag if (force_debug_flag < 0) then write(0,*) 'debug flag value too small (val < 0)' call exit(52) else if (force_debug_flag > 3) then write(0,*) 'debug flag value too great (val > 3)' call exit(53) endif endif else if (argv(2:2) == 'i') then !check if arg option is missing if (len_trim(argv(3:)) == 0) then write(0,*) 'missing -i filename option' call exit(61) else input_filepath = trim(argv(3:)) !write(0,*) 'input_filepath', trim(input_filepath) i_unit = 50 !Assign unit number for input file open (i_unit, FILE=input_filepath, IOSTAT=iostat, & & STATUS='old') if (iostat /= 0) then write(0,*) 'input_filepath:', trim(input_filepath) write(0,*) 'iostat', iostat write(0,*) 'Error opening input file' call exit(62) else have_ifile = .true. endif !extract input file basename from it's path indx = index(trim(input_filepath),'/',back=.true.) !cut extension from input filename (if it exists) rndx = index(trim(input_filepath),'.',back=.true.) - 1 if (rndx == 0) then !No input filename extension found rndx = len_trim(input_filepath) endif !input file and filepath basenames file_bname = trim(input_filepath(indx+1:rndx)) fpath_bname = trim(input_filepath(:rndx)) input_filename = trim(input_filepath(indx+1:)) endif else if (argv(2:5) == 'Einp') then !write(0,*) '"-Einp" option specified' if (.not. have_ifile) then write(0,*) 'Must specify input file before -Einp option' call exit(71) endif !create new grid erosion summary output filename from input filename o_einp_file = trim(file_bname) // trim(o_einp_ext) o_einp_fpath = trim(fpath_bname)//trim(o_einp_ext) open(o_einp_unit, file=o_einp_fpath, IOSTAT=iostat, & & status='unknown') if (iostat /= 0) then write(0,*) 'Echo erosion input file:', & & trim(o_einp_fpath) write(0,*) 'iostat', iostat write(0,*) 'Error opening echo erosion input file' call exit(72) endif else if (argv(2:5) == 'Eplt') then !If specified print Hagen's output file !write(0,*) '"-Eplt" option specified' force_plot_flag = .true. if (.not. have_ifile) then write(0,*) 'Must specify input file before -Eplt option' call exit(81) endif !create new grid erosion summary output filename from input filename o_eplt_file = trim(file_bname) // trim(o_eplt_ext) o_eplt_fpath = trim(fpath_bname)//trim(o_eplt_ext) ! open(o_eplt_unit, file=o_eplt_fpath, IOSTAT=iostat, & ! & status='unknown') ! if (iostat /= 0) then ! write(0,*) 'Parameter data plot file:', & ! & trim(o_eplt_fpath) ! write(0,*) 'iostat', iostat ! write(0,*) 'Error opening parameter data plot file' ! call exit(82) ! endif else if (argv(2:5) == 'Egrd') then !write(0,*) '"-Egrd" option specified' if (.not. have_ifile) then write(0,*) 'Must specify input file before -Egrd option' call exit(91) endif !create new grid erosion summary output filename from input filename o_egrd_file = trim(file_bname) // trim(o_egrd_ext) o_egrd_fpath = trim(fpath_bname)//trim(o_egrd_ext) open(o_egrd_unit, file=o_egrd_fpath, IOSTAT=iostat, & & status='unknown') if (iostat /= 0) then write(0,*) 'Grid erosion summary file:', & & trim(o_egrd_fpath) write(0,*) 'iostat', iostat write(0,*) 'Error opening grid erosion summary file' call exit(92) endif else if (argv(2:6) == 'Esgrd') then !write(0,*) '"-Esgrd" option specified' if (.not. have_ifile) then write(0,*)'Must specify input file before -Esgrd option' call exit(101) endif !create new grid erosion summary output filename from input filename o_sgrd_file = trim(file_bname) // trim(o_sgrd_ext) o_sgrd_fpath = trim(fpath_bname)//trim(o_sgrd_ext) open(o_sgrd_unit, file=o_sgrd_fpath, IOSTAT=iostat, & & status='unknown') if (iostat /= 0) then write(0,*) 'Grid erosion subdaily file:', & & trim(o_sgrd_fpath) write(0,*) 'iostat', iostat write(0,*) 'Error opening grid erosion subdaily file' call exit(102) endif else if (argv(2:5) == 'Emit') then !write(0,*) '"-Emit" option specified' force_emit_val = 4 if (.not. have_ifile) then write(0,*) 'Must specify input file before -Emit option' call exit(111) endif !create new grid erosion summary output filename from input filename o_emit_file = trim(file_bname) // trim(o_emit_ext) o_emit_fpath = trim(fpath_bname)//trim(o_emit_ext) open(luo_emit, file=o_emit_fpath, IOSTAT=iostat, & & status='unknown') if (iostat /= 0) then write(0,*) 'Grid erosion detail file:', & & trim(o_emit_fpath) write(0,*) 'iostat', iostat write(0,*) 'Error opening grid erosion detail file' call exit(112) endif else if (argv(2:5) == 'Erod') then !write(0,*) '"-Erod" option specified' if (.not. have_ifile) then write(0,*) 'Must specify input file before -Erod option' call exit(121) endif !create new erosion summary output filename from input filename o_erod_file = trim(file_bname) // trim(o_erod_ext) o_erod_fpath = trim(fpath_bname) // trim(o_erod_ext) open(o_erod_unit, file=o_erod_fpath, IOSTAT=iostat, & & status='unknown') if (iostat /= 0) then write(0,*) 'Erosion summary file:',trim(o_erod_fpath) write(0,*) 'iostat', iostat write(0,*) 'Error opening erosion summary file' call exit(122) endif else !Unknown option .... write (0,*) 'Ignoring uknown option: ', trim(argv) endif 09 continue endif if (((xgdpt > 0) .and. (ygdpt == 0)) .or. & & ((xgdpt == 0) .and. (ygdpt > 0))) then write(0,*) 'xgdpt = ', xgdpt, 'ygdpt = ', ygdpt write(0,*) & & 'Error: Only one grid dimension specified on commandline' call exit(131) endif inquire(unit=o_egrd_unit, opened=opnd) if (opnd .eqv. .true.) then !write(0,*) 'calling erodin with output unit no: ', o_egrd_unit call erodin(i_unit, o_egrd_unit, & & force_debug_flag, already_read_inputs) !Put copy of input in .egrd file already_read_inputs = already_read_inputs + 1 endif inquire(unit=o_einp_unit, opened=opnd) if (opnd .eqv. .true.) then !write(0,*) 'calling erodin with output unit no: ', o_einp_unit call erodin(i_unit, o_einp_unit, & & force_debug_flag, already_read_inputs) !Echo input to a file already_read_inputs = already_read_inputs + 1 else !write(0,*) 'calling erodin with output unit no: ', o_unit call erodin(i_unit, o_unit, & & force_debug_flag, already_read_inputs) !Doesn't echo input to file already_read_inputs = already_read_inputs + 1 endif ! Check for invalid commandline input values which are dependent ! upon erodin input values. if ( (erod_interval /= 0) .AND. & & (modulo(SEC_PER_DAY,ntstep*erod_interval) /= 0) ) then write(0,*) & & 'Error: Day not evenly divisible by (ntstep*erod_interval)' call exit(141) endif ! Checking am0efl flag value specified in input file and comparing ! to tsterode commandline options specified. If the necessary commandline ! option(s) are not specified to match the input file am0efl flag setting(s) ! then the input file flag setting is nullified for that specific option(s), ! e.g. commandline options take precedent over the input file flag setting inquire(unit=o_erod_unit, opened=opnd) if (opnd .eqv. .true.) then am0efl = ibset(am0efl,0) !Print summary results else if (btest(am0efl,0)) then write(0,*) 'Input file Specified Summary Results' write(0,*) 'No file open to receive them. Option zeroed' am0efl = ibclr(am0efl,0) endif endif inquire(unit=o_egrd_unit, opened=opnd) if (opnd .eqv. .true.) then am0efl = ibset(am0efl,1) else if (btest(am0efl,1)) then write(0,*) 'Input file Specified Grid Output' write(0,*) 'No file open to receive them. Option zeroed' am0efl = ibclr(am0efl,1) endif endif inquire(unit=o_emit_unit, opened=opnd) if (opnd .eqv. .true.) then am0efl = ibset(am0efl,2) else if (btest(am0efl,2)) then write(0,*) 'Input file Specified Emit Output' write(0,*) 'No file open to receive them. Option zeroed' am0efl = ibclr(am0efl,2) endif endif inquire(unit=o_sgrd_unit, opened=opnd) if (opnd .eqv. .true.) then am0efl = ibset(am0efl,3) else if (btest(am0efl,3)) then write(0,*) 'Input file Specified sgrid Output' write(0,*) 'No file open to receive them. Option zeroed' am0efl = ibclr(am0efl,3) endif endif !write(0,*) 'am0efl is = ', am0efl ! inquire(unit=o_eplt_unit, opened=opnd) ! if (opnd .eqv. .true.) then ! hagen_plot_flag = .true. ! am0efl = 1 !Print summary results ! endif if (force_plot_flag .eqv. .true.) then hagen_plot_flag = .true. else hagen_plot_flag = .false. endif ! Set the day, month and year for the "single day event" ! and get the "Julian Date" for it. am0jd = julday(1,1,0001) ! Initialize erosion code, create grid, etc: ! (must come after sim field size, & no. subr specified) ! write (*,*) 'call to erodinit ' !write(0,*) 'Before erodinit(), am0eif is:', am0eif call erodinit ! ! write (*,*) 'call to erosion ' ! start erosion call erosion (min_erosion_awu) !tsterode will generate the final grid values and the summarized erosion totals if (btest(am0efl,0).or.btest(am0efl,1).or.btest(am0efl,3)) then call erodout (o_egrd_unit, o_erod_unit, o_sgrd_unit, & & input_filename, hagen_plot_flag) endif if (i_unit .ne. 5) then close(i_unit) endif if (o_unit .ne. 6) then close(o_unit) endif close(o_einp_unit) close(o_erod_unit) close(o_egrd_unit) close(o_sgrd_unit) close(o_emit_unit) close(o_eplt_unit) stop end program