TOHW_m_dom_publics(` !FIXME lots of these should have a check if(namespaces) checkNCName public :: getDocType public :: getImplementation public :: getDocumentElement public :: setDocumentElement public :: createElement public :: createDocumentFragment public :: createTextNode public :: createComment public :: createCdataSection public :: createProcessingInstruction public :: createAttribute public :: createEntityReference public :: createEmptyEntityReference public :: getElementsByTagName public :: importNode public :: createElementNS public :: createAttributeNS public :: getElementsByTagNameNS public :: getElementById public :: getXmlStandalone public :: setXmlStandalone public :: getXmlVersion public :: setXmlVersion public :: getXmlEncoding public :: getInputEncoding public :: getDocumentURI public :: setDocumentURI public :: getStrictErrorChecking public :: setStrictErrorChecking public :: getDomConfig public :: renameNode public :: adoptNode public :: setDocType public :: setDomConfig public :: setXds public :: createNamespaceNode public :: createEntity public :: createNotation public :: setGCstate public :: getXds public :: getLiveNodeLists public :: setLiveNodeLists ')`'dnl dnl TOHW_m_dom_contents(` TOHW_m_dom_get(Node, docType, np%docExtras%docType, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) TOHW_subroutine(setDocType, (arg, np)) type(Node), pointer :: arg type(Node), pointer :: np if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif arg%docExtras%docType => np !NB special case in order to set ownerDocument np%ownerDocument => arg end subroutine setDocType TOHW_m_dom_get(Node, documentElement, np%docExtras%documentElement, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) TOHW_subroutine(setXds, (arg, xds)) type(Node), pointer :: arg type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif !NB special case in order to destroy_xml_doc_state etc call destroy_xml_doc_state(arg%docExtras%xds) deallocate(arg%docExtras%xds) arg%docExtras%xds => xds end subroutine setXds TOHW_function(getImplementation, (arg), imp) type(Node), pointer, optional :: arg type(DOMImplementation), pointer :: imp ! According to the testsuite, you get to call ! getImplementation with no args. Dont know ! where they get that from ... if (present(arg)) then if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif imp => arg%docExtras%implementation else imp => FoX_DOM endif end function getImplementation TOHW_subroutine(setDocumentElement, (arg, np)) ! Only for use by FoX, not exported through FoX_DOM interface type(Node), pointer :: arg type(Node), pointer :: np if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif !NB special case due to additional error conditions: if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (np%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.associated(np%ownerDocument, arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR) endif arg%docExtras%documentElement => np end subroutine setDocumentElement ! Methods TOHW_function(createElement, (arg, tagName), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: tagName type(Node), pointer :: np type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds type(element_t), pointer :: elem type(attribute_t), pointer :: att logical :: defaults_ integer :: i if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.checkName(tagName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR) endif np => createNode(arg, ELEMENT_NODE, tagName, "") allocate(np%elExtras) np%elExtras%dom1 = .true. np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceURI(0)) allocate(np%elExtras%prefix(0)) allocate(np%elExtras%localname(0)) allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(0)) np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) ! We only add default attributes if we are *not* building the doc xds => getXds(arg) elem => get_element(xds%element_list, tagName) if (associated(elem)) then do i = 1, get_attlist_size(elem) att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, i) if (attribute_has_default(att)) then ! Since this is a non-namespaced function, we create ! a non-namespaced attribute ... call setAttribute(np, str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default)) endif enddo endif else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createElement TOHW_function(createEmptyElement, (arg, tagName), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: tagName type(Node), pointer :: np ! NO CHECKS ! np => createNode(arg, ELEMENT_NODE, tagName, "") allocate(np%elExtras) np%elExtras%dom1 = .true. np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceURI(0)) allocate(np%elExtras%prefix(0)) allocate(np%elExtras%localname(0)) allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(0)) np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np if (getGCstate(arg)) then call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) np%inDocument = .false. else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createEmptyElement TOHW_function(createDocumentFragment, (arg), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg type(Node), pointer :: np if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif np => createNode(arg, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, "#document-fragment", "") if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createDocumentFragment TOHW_function(createTextNode, (arg, data), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: data type(Node), pointer :: np if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER) endif np => createNode(arg, TEXT_NODE, "#text", data) np%textContentLength = len(data) if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createTextNode TOHW_function(createComment, (arg, data), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: data type(Node), pointer :: np if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER) elseif (index(data,"--")>0) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_COMMENT) endif np => createNode(arg, COMMENT_NODE, "#comment", data) np%textContentLength = len(data) if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createComment TOHW_function(createCdataSection, (arg, data), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: data type(Node), pointer :: np if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER) elseif (index(data,"]]>")>0) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION) endif np => createNode(arg, CDATA_SECTION_NODE, "#cdata-section", data) np%textContentLength = len(data) if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createCdataSection TOHW_function(createProcessingInstruction, (arg, target, data), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: target character(len=*), intent(in) :: data type(Node), pointer :: np if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.checkName(target, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR) elseif (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER) elseif (index(data,"?>")>0) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_PI_DATA) endif np => createNode(arg, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, target, data) np%textContentLength = len(data) if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createProcessingInstruction TOHW_function(createAttribute, (arg, name), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(Node), pointer :: np if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.checkName(name, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR) endif np => createNode(arg, ATTRIBUTE_NODE, name, "") allocate(np%elExtras) np%elExtras%dom1 = .true. allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceURI(0)) allocate(np%elExtras%prefix(0)) allocate(np%elExtras%localname(0)) if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createAttribute recursive TOHW_function(createEntityReference, (arg, name), np) ! Needs to be recursive in case of entity-references within each other. type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(Node), pointer :: np type(Node), pointer :: ent, newNode integer :: i logical :: brokenNS if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.checkName(name, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR) endif if (getXmlStandalone(arg).and..not.associated(getDocType(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NO_SUCH_ENTITY) endif np => createNode(arg, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, name, "") if (getGCstate(arg)) then ! otherwise the parser will fill these nodes in itself if (associated(getDocType(arg))) then ent => getNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(arg)), name) if (associated(ent)) then if (getIllFormed(ent)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_ENTITY) endif brokenNS = arg%docExtras%brokenNS arg%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. ! We need to not worry about NS errors for a bit do i = 0, getLength(getChildNodes(ent)) - 1 newNode => appendChild(np, cloneNode(item(getChildNodes(ent), i), .true., ex)) ! No namespace calcs here - wait for a namespace normalization call setReadOnlyNode(newNode, .true., .true.) enddo arg%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS ! FIXME also for all new default attributes elseif (getXmlStandalone(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NO_SUCH_ENTITY, (np)) endif endif endif call setReadOnlyNode(np, .true., .false.) if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append_nl(arg%docExtras%hangingNodes, np) ! All child nodes were created outside the document by cloneNode above else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createEntityReference TOHW_function(createEmptyEntityReference, (arg, name), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(Node), pointer :: np if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.checkName(name, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR) endif np => createNode(arg, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, name, "") if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createEmptyEntityReference TOHW_function(getElementsByTagName, (doc, tagName, name, recursive), list) type(Node), pointer :: doc character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: tagName, name type(NodeList), pointer :: list type(NodeListPtr), pointer :: nll(:), temp_nll(:) type(Node), pointer :: arg, this, treeroot logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes, allElements integer :: i, i_tree !patched the ability to not be recursive logical, intent(in), optional :: recursive logical :: walktree if(present(recursive)) then walktree=recursive else walktree=.true. end if if (.not.associated(doc)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then if (present(name).or..not.present(tagName)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then if (present(name).or..not.present(tagName)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif else TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then arg => getDocumentElement(doc) else arg => doc endif allocate(list) allocate(list%nodes(0)) list%element => doc if (present(name)) list%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(name) if (present(tagName)) list%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(tagName) allElements = (str_vs(list%nodeName)=="*") if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then nll => doc%docExtras%nodelists elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then nll => doc%ownerDocument%docExtras%nodelists endif allocate(temp_nll(size(nll)+1)) do i = 1, size(nll) temp_nll(i)%this => nll(i)%this enddo temp_nll(i)%this => list deallocate(nll) if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then doc%docExtras%nodelists => temp_nll elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then doc%ownerDocument%docExtras%nodelists => temp_nll endif treeroot => arg TOHW_m_dom_treewalk(`dnl if (this%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then if ((allElements .or. str_vs(this%nodeName)==tagName) & .and..not.(getNodeType(doc)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.associated(this, arg))) then if(walktree) then call append(list, this) else if(associated(getParentNode(this), arg)) then call append(list, this) end if end if doneAttributes = .true. endif ',`') end function getElementsByTagName TOHW_function(importNode, (doc, arg, deep) , np) type(Node), pointer :: doc type(Node), pointer :: arg logical, intent(in) :: deep type(Node), pointer :: np type(Node), pointer :: this, thatParent, new, treeroot type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds type(element_t), pointer :: elem type(attribute_t), pointer :: att logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren, brokenNS integer :: i_tree if (.not.associated(doc).or..not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (getNodeType(doc)/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_NODE .or. & getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) endif brokenNS = doc%docExtras%brokenNS doc%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. ! We need to do stupid NS things xds => getXds(doc) thatParent => null() treeroot => arg TOHW_m_dom_treewalk(` new => null() select case (getNodeType(this, ex)) case (ELEMENT_NODE) if (.not.doneAttributes) then ! We dont create an empty node - we insist on having all default ! properties created. if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc, ex), "namespaces", ex)) then new => createElementNS(doc, getNamespaceURI(this, ex), getTagName(this, ex), ex) else new => createElement(doc, getTagName(this, ex), ex) endif endif case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE) if (associated(this, arg).or.getSpecified(this, ex)) then ! We are importing just this attribute node ! or this was an explicitly specified attribute; either ! way, we import it as is, and it remains specified. if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "namespaces")) then new => createAttributeNS(doc, getNamespaceURI(this, ex), getName(this, ex), ex) else new => createAttribute(doc, getName(this), ex) endif call setSpecified(new, .true.) else ! This is an attribute being imported as part of a hierarchy, ! but its only here by default. Is there a default attribute ! of this name in the new document? elem => get_element(xds%element_list, & getTagName(getOwnerElement(this))) att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, getName(this)) if (attribute_has_default(att)) then ! Create the new default: if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc, ex), "namespaces", ex)) then ! We create a namespaced attribute. Of course, its ! namespaceURI remains empty for the moment unless we know it ... if (prefixOfQName(getName(this, ex))=="xml") then new => createAttributeNS(doc, & "", & getName(this, ex), ex) elseif (getName(this, ex)=="xmlns" & .or. prefixOfQName(getName(this, ex))=="xmlns") then new => createAttributeNS(doc, & "", & getName(this, ex), ex) else ! Wait for namespace fixup ... new => createAttributeNS(doc, "", & getName(this, ex), ex) endif else new => createAttribute(doc, getName(this, ex), ex) endif call setValue(new, str_vs(att%default), ex) call setSpecified(new, .false.) endif ! In any case, we dont want to copy the children of this node. doneChildren=.true. endif case (TEXT_NODE) new => createTextNode(doc, getData(this, ex), ex) case (CDATA_SECTION_NODE) new => createCDataSection(doc, getData(this, ex), ex) case (ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) new => createEntityReference(doc, getNodeName(this, ex), ex) ! This will automatically populate the entity reference if doc defines it, so no children needed doneChildren = .true. case (ENTITY_NODE) new => createEntity(doc, getNodeName(this, ex), & getPublicId(this, ex), getSystemId(this, ex), & getNotationName(this, ex), ex) case (PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) new => createProcessingInstruction(doc, & getTarget(this, ex), getData(this, ex), ex) case (COMMENT_NODE) new => createComment(doc, getData(this, ex), ex) case (DOCUMENT_NODE) TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) case (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) case (DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) new => createDocumentFragment(doc, ex) case (NOTATION_NODE) new => createNotation(doc, getNodeName(this, ex), & getPublicId(this, ex), getSystemId(this, ex), ex) end select if (.not.associated(thatParent)) then thatParent => new elseif (associated(new)) then if (getNodeType(this, ex)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then new => setAttributeNode(thatParent, new, ex) else new => appendChild(thatParent, new, ex) endif endif if (.not.deep) then if (getNodeType(arg, ex)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE & .or.getNodeType(arg, ex)==ELEMENT_NODE) then continue else exit endif endif ', `', `parentNode', `') np => thatParent doc%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS ! call namespaceFixup(np) end function importNode TOHW_function(createElementNS, (arg, namespaceURI, qualifiedName), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, qualifiedName type(Node), pointer :: np type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds type(element_t), pointer :: elem type(attribute_t), pointer :: att integer :: i logical :: brokenNS type(URI), pointer :: URIref if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR) elseif (.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="" & .and. namespaceURI=="".and..not.arg%docExtras%brokenNS) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) elseif (namespaceURI=="" .neqv. & prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml") then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) elseif (namespaceURI=="") then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) endif URIref => parseURI(namespaceURI) if (.not.associated(URIref)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_URI) endif call destroyURI(URIref) np => createNode(arg, ELEMENT_NODE, qualifiedName, "") allocate(np%elExtras) np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI) np%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefixOfQName(qualifiedname)) np%elExtras%localName => vs_str_alloc(localpartOfQName(qualifiedname)) allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(0)) np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) ! We only add default attributes if we are *not* building the doc xds => getXds(arg) elem => get_element(xds%element_list, qualifiedName) if (associated(elem)) then do i = 1, get_attlist_size(elem) att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, i) if (attribute_has_default(att)) then ! Since this is a namespaced function, we create a namespaced ! attribute. Of course, its namespaceURI remains empty ! for the moment unless we know it ... if (prefixOfQName(str_vs(att%name))=="xml") then call setAttributeNS(np, & "", & str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default), ex) elseif (str_vs(att%name)=="xmlns" & .or. prefixOfQName(str_vs(att%name))=="xmlns") then call setAttributeNS(np, & "", & str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default), ex) else ! Wait for namespace fixup ... brokenNS = arg%docExtras%brokenNS arg%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. call setAttributeNS(np, "", str_vs(att%name), & str_vs(att%default), ex) arg%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS endif endif enddo endif else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createElementNS TOHW_function(createEmptyElementNS, (arg, namespaceURI, qualifiedName), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, qualifiedName type(Node), pointer :: np ! NO CHECKS ! np => createNode(arg, ELEMENT_NODE, qualifiedName, "") allocate(np%elExtras) np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI) np%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefixOfQName(qualifiedname)) np%elExtras%localName => vs_str_alloc(localpartOfQName(qualifiedname)) allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(0)) np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np if (getGCstate(arg)) then call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) np%inDocument = .false. else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createEmptyElementNS TOHW_function(createAttributeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, qualifiedname), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, qualifiedName type(Node), pointer :: np type(URI), pointer :: URIref if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR) elseif (.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="" & .and. namespaceURI=="".and..not.arg%docExtras%brokenNS) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) elseif (namespaceURI=="" .neqv. & prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml") then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) elseif (namespaceURI=="" .neqv. & (qualifiedName=="xmlns" .or. prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xmlns")) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) endif URIref => parseURI(namespaceURI) if (.not.associated(URIref)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_URI) endif call destroyURI(URIref) np => createNode(arg, ATTRIBUTE_NODE, qualifiedName, "") allocate(np%elExtras) np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI) np%elExtras%localname => vs_str_alloc(localPartofQName(qualifiedname)) np%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(PrefixofQName(qualifiedname)) if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createAttributeNS TOHW_function(getElementsByTagNameNS, (doc, namespaceURI, localName, recursive), list) type(Node), pointer :: doc character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName type(NodeList), pointer :: list type(NodeListPtr), pointer :: nll(:), temp_nll(:) type(Node), pointer :: this, arg, treeroot logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes, allLocalNames, allNameSpaces integer :: i, i_tree !patched the ability to not be recursive logical, intent(in), optional :: recursive logical :: walktree if(present(recursive)) then walktree=recursive else walktree=.true. end if if (.not.associated(doc)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (doc%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE.and.doc%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif allNamespaces = (namespaceURI=="*") allLocalNames = (localName=="*") if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then arg => getDocumentElement(doc) else arg => doc endif allocate(list) allocate(list%nodes(0)) list%element => doc list%localName => vs_str_alloc(localName) list%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI) if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then nll => doc%docExtras%nodelists elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then nll => doc%ownerDocument%docExtras%nodelists endif allocate(temp_nll(size(nll)+1)) do i = 1, size(nll) temp_nll(i)%this => nll(i)%this enddo temp_nll(i)%this => list deallocate(nll) if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then doc%docExtras%nodelists => temp_nll elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then doc%ownerDocument%docExtras%nodelists => temp_nll endif treeroot => arg TOHW_m_dom_treewalk(`dnl if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE) then if (getNamespaceURI(this)/="") then if ((allNameSpaces .or. getNameSpaceURI(this)==namespaceURI) & .and. (allLocalNames .or. getLocalName(this)==localName) & .and..not.(getNodeType(doc)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.associated(this, arg))) then if(walktree) then call append(list, this) else if(associated(getParentNode(this), arg)) then call append(list, this) end if end if else if ((allNameSpaces .or. namespaceURI=="") & .and. (allLocalNames .or. getNodeName(this)==localName) & .and..not.(getNodeType(doc)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.associated(this, arg))) then if(walktree) then call append(list, this) else if(associated(getParentNode(this), arg)) then call append(list, this) end if end if endif doneAttributes = .true. ! Never search attributes endif ',`') end function getElementsByTagNameNS TOHW_function(getElementById, (arg, elementId), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: elementId type(Node), pointer :: np type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot integer :: i_tree logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif np => null() treeroot => getDocumentElement(arg) TOHW_m_dom_treewalk(`dnl if (this%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then if (getIsId(this).and.getValue(this)==elementId) then np => getOwnerElement(this) return endif endif ',`') end function getElementById TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, xmlStandalone, np%docExtras%xds%standalone, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) TOHW_m_dom_set(logical, xmlStandalone, np%docExtras%xds%standalone, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) ! FIXME additional check on setting - do we have any undefined entrefs present? TOHW_function(getXmlVersion, (arg), s) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=3) :: s if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE & .and.arg%nodeType/=ENTITY_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif if (getXmlVersionEnum(arg)==XML1_0) then s = "1.0" elseif (getXmlVersionEnum(arg)==XML1_1) then s = "1.1" else s = "XXX" endif end function getXmlVersion TOHW_subroutine(setXmlVersion, (arg, s)) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*) :: s if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif if (s=="1.0") then arg%docExtras%xds%xml_version = XML1_0 elseif (s=="1.1") then arg%docExtras%xds%xml_version = XML1_1 else TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) endif end subroutine setXmlVersion pure function getXmlEncoding_len(arg, p) result(n) type(Node), pointer :: arg logical, intent(in) :: p integer :: n n = 0 if (.not.p) return if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) & n = size(arg%docExtras%xds%encoding) end function getXmlEncoding_len TOHW_function(getXmlEncoding, (arg), s) type(Node), pointer :: arg #ifdef RESTRICTED_ASSOCIATED_BUG character(len=getXmlEncoding_len(arg, .true.)) :: s #else character(len=getXmlEncoding_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: s #endif if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then s = str_vs(arg%docExtras%xds%encoding) elseif (arg%nodeType==ENTITY_NODE) then s = "" !FIXME revisit when we have working external entities else TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif end function getXmlEncoding pure function getInputEncoding_len(arg, p) result(n) type(Node), pointer :: arg logical, intent(in) :: p integer :: n n = 0 if (.not.p) return if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) & n = size(arg%docExtras%xds%inputEncoding) end function getInputEncoding_len TOHW_function(getInputEncoding, (arg), s) type(Node), pointer :: arg #ifdef RESTRICTED_ASSOCIATED_BUG character(len=getInputEncoding_len(arg, .true.)) :: s #else character(len=getInputEncoding_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: s #endif if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then s = str_vs(arg%docExtras%xds%inputEncoding) elseif (arg%nodeType==ENTITY_NODE) then s = "" !FIXME revisit when we have working external entities else TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif end function getInputEncoding TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMString, documentURI, np%docExtras%xds%documentURI, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) TOHW_m_dom_set(DOMString, documentURI, np%docExtras%xds%documentURI, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, strictErrorChecking, np%docExtras%strictErrorChecking, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) TOHW_m_dom_set(logical, strictErrorChecking, np%docExtras%strictErrorChecking, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) TOHW_function(adoptNode, (doc, arg) , np) type(Node), pointer :: doc type(Node), pointer :: arg type(Node), pointer :: np type(Node), pointer :: this, thatParent, new, treeroot, parent, dead type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds type(element_t), pointer :: elem type(attribute_t), pointer :: att logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren, brokenNS integer :: i_tree if (.not.associated(doc).or..not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (getNodeType(doc)/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_NODE .or. & getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. & getNodeType(arg)==NOTATION_NODE .or. & getNodeType(arg)==ENTITY_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) elseif (getReadonly(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) endif brokenNS = doc%docExtras%brokenNS doc%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. ! We need to do stupid NS things xds => getXds(doc) if (associated(getParentNode(arg))) then np => removeChild(getParentNode(arg), arg) else np => arg endif if (associated(arg, getOwnerDocument(arg))) return thatParent => null() treeroot => np TOHW_m_dom_treewalk(` select case (getNodeType(this)) case (ELEMENT_NODE) if (.not.doneAttributes) call setOwnerDocument(this, doc) case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE) if (associated(this, arg).or.getSpecified(this)) then ! We are importing just this attribute node ! or this was an explicitly specified attribute; either ! way, we import it as is, and it becomes/remains specified. call setOwnerDocument(this, doc) call setSpecified(this, .true.) else ! This is an attribute being imported as part of a hierarchy, ! but its only here by default. Is there a default attribute ! of this name in the new document? elem => get_element(xds%element_list, & getTagName(getOwnerElement(this))) att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, getName(this)) if (attribute_has_default(att)) then ! Create the new default: if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "namespaces")) then ! We create a namespaced attribute. Of course, its ! namespaceURI remains empty for the moment unless we know it ... if (prefixOfQName(getName(this))=="xml") then new => createAttributeNS(np, & "", & getName(this)) elseif (getName(this)=="xmlns" & .or. prefixOfQName(getName(this))=="xmlns") then new => createAttributeNS(np, & "", & getName(this)) else ! Wait for namespace fixup ... new => createAttributeNS(np, "", & getName(this)) endif else new => createAttribute(doc, getName(this)) endif call setValue(new, str_vs(att%default)) call setSpecified(new, .false.) ! In any case, we dont want to copy the children of this node. doneChildren = .true. dead => setAttributeNode(getOwnerElement(this), new) this => new call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dead) endif ! Otherwise no attribute here, so go back to previous node dead => this if (i_tree==0) then this => getOwnerElement(this) else i_tree = i_tree - 1 this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree) doneChildren = .true. endif call removeAttribute(getOwnerElement(dead), getNodeName(dead)) endif case (ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) new => createEntityReference(doc, getNodeName(this)) ! This will automatically populate the entity reference if doc defines it, so no children needed parent => getParentNode(this) if (associated(parent)) then dead => replaceChild(parent, new, this) this => new call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dead) endif doneChildren = .true. case (ENTITY_NODE) TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) case (DOCUMENT_NODE) TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) case (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) case (NOTATION_NODE) TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) case default call setOwnerDocument(this, doc) end select ', `', `', `') doc%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS ! call namespaceFixup(np) end function adoptNode TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMConfiguration, domConfig, np%docExtras%domConfig, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) TOHW_m_dom_set(DOMConfiguration, domConfig, np%docExtras%domConfig, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) dnl subroutine normalizeDocument - see m_dom_namespaces.m4 TOHW_function(renameNode, (arg, n, namespaceURI, qualifiedName), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg type(Node), pointer :: n character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI character(len=*), intent(in) :: qualifiedName type(Node), pointer :: np type(Node), pointer :: attNode integer :: i logical :: brokenNS type(element_t), pointer :: elem type(attribute_t), pointer :: att type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds type(URI), pointer :: URIref if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(n)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (getNodeType(arg)/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.associated(arg, getOwnerDocument(n))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR) elseif (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR) elseif (.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="" & .and. namespaceURI=="".and..not.arg%docExtras%brokenNS) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) elseif (namespaceURI=="" .neqv. & prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml") then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) elseif (namespaceURI=="") then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) endif URIref => parseURI(namespaceURI) if (.not.associated(URIref)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_URI) endif call destroyURI(URIref) ! FIXME what if this is called on a Level 1 node ! FIXME what if this is called on a read-only node ! FIXME what if this is called on an attribute whose specified=fals select case(getNodeType(n)) case (ELEMENT_NODE, ATTRIBUTE_NODE) deallocate(n%nodeName) n%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(qualifiedName) deallocate(n%elExtras%namespaceURI) n%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI) deallocate(n%elExtras%localName) n%elExtras%localName => vs_str_alloc(localpartOfQName(qualifiedname)) case default TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) end select if (getNodeType(n)==ELEMENT_NODE) then i = 0 do while (i item(getAttributes(n), i) if (.not.getSpecified(attNode)) then attNode => removeAttributeNode(n, attNode) call destroyNode(attNode) else i = i + 1 endif enddo xds => getXds(arg) elem => get_element(xds%element_list, qualifiedName) if (associated(elem)) then do i = 1, get_attlist_size(elem) att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, i) if (attribute_has_default(att)) then ! Since this is a namespaced function, we create a namespaced ! attribute. Of course, its namespaceURI remains empty ! for the moment unless we know it ... if (prefixOfQName(str_vs(att%name))=="xml") then call setAttributeNS(np, & "", & str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default)) elseif (str_vs(att%name)=="xmlns" & .or. prefixOfQName(str_vs(att%name))=="xmlns") then call setAttributeNS(np, & "", & str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default)) else ! Wait for namespace fixup ... brokenNS = arg%docExtras%brokenNS arg%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. call setAttributeNS(np, "", str_vs(att%name), & str_vs(att%default)) arg%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS endif endif enddo endif endif np => n end function renameNode ! Internal function, not part of API TOHW_function(createNamespaceNode, (arg, prefix, URI, specified), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI logical, intent(in) :: specified type(Node), pointer :: np if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif np => createNode(arg, XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE, "#namespace", URI) allocate(np%elExtras) np%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefix) np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(URI) np%elExtras%specified = specified end function createNamespaceNode TOHW_function(createEntity, (arg, name, publicId, systemId, notationName), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId character(len=*), intent(in) :: notationName type(Node), pointer :: np if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif np => createNode(arg, ENTITY_NODE, name, "") allocate(np%dtdExtras) np%dtdExtras%publicId => vs_str_alloc(publicId) np%dtdExtras%systemId => vs_str_alloc(systemId) np%dtdExtras%notationName => vs_str_alloc(notationName) if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createEntity TOHW_function(createNotation, (arg, name, publicId, systemId), np) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId type(Node), pointer :: np if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif np => createNode(arg, NOTATION_NODE, name, "") allocate(np%dtdExtras) np%dtdExtras%publicId => vs_str_alloc(publicId) np%dtdExtras%systemId => vs_str_alloc(systemId) if (getGCstate(arg)) then np%inDocument = .false. call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np) else np%inDocument = .true. endif end function createNotation TOHW_function(getXmlVersionEnum, (arg), n) type(Node), pointer :: arg integer :: n if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR) endif n = arg%docExtras%xds%xml_version end function getXmlVersionEnum TOHW_function(getXds, (arg), xds) type(Node), pointer :: arg type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR) endif xds => arg%docExtras%xds end function getXds TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, GCstate, np%docExtras%xds%building, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) TOHW_m_dom_set(logical, GCstate, np%docExtras%xds%building, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, liveNodeLists, np%docExtras%liveNodeLists, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) TOHW_m_dom_set(logical, liveNodeLists, np%docExtras%liveNodeLists, (DOCUMENT_NODE)) ')`'dnl