!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ subroutine ci_select(value, nval, prob, mean, ci_hi, ci_low) integer, intent (in) :: nval ! number of values real, intent (in) :: value(nval) ! values to be used for confidence interval construction real, intent (in) :: prob ! confidence interval, 90% two sided specified as 0.9 real, intent (out) :: mean, ci_hi, ci_low ! mean and confidence interval values integer :: idx ! loop counter integer :: nzero, ngtz ! number of rotation values equal to zero, greater than zero ! check that there are enough numbers if( nval .lt. 3 ) then ! write(*,*) "Cannot do statistics with less than 3 values" mean = 0.0 ci_hi = 0.0 ci_low = 0.0 return end if nzero = 0 ngtz = 0 do idx = 1, nval ! count of zero and greater than zero values if( value(idx) .gt. 0.0 ) then ngtz = ngtz + 1 else nzero = nzero + 1 end if end do if( nzero .gt. 0 ) then ! have zero values if( ngtz .gt. 0 ) then call ci_logwithzeros(value, nval, nzero, ngtz, prob, mean, ci_hi, ci_low) else ! all zero values, no ci, just probability mean = 0.0 ci_hi = 0.0 ci_low = 0.0 end if else ! all values greater than zero call ci_lognozeros(value, nval, prob, mean, ci_hi, ci_low) end if end subroutine subroutine ci_logwithzeros(value, nval, nzero, ngtz, prob, mean, ci_hi, ci_low) ! input values are random numbers drawn from a log-normal distribution ! taking the log of each values transforms them into normal deviates ! the number of values greater than zero must be at least 2 integer, intent (in) :: nval ! number of values real, intent (in) :: value(nval) ! values to be used for confidence interval construction integer, intent (in) :: nzero, ngtz ! number of values equal to zero, greater than zero real, intent (in) :: prob ! confidence interval, 90% two sided specified as 0.9 real, intent (out) :: mean, ci_hi, ci_low ! mean and confidence interval values real :: normvalue(ngtz), normsq(ngtz) ! log of values and square of log values real :: s_sum, t_sum ! S and T in Tian and Wu equation 12 real :: muhat, etahat, psihat ! Tian and Wu equation 13 real :: norm_dev ! amount to add to normalized mean, plus and minus real :: temp ! temporary value double precision :: norm_z ! z value returned double precision :: norm_z_stat ! function defined ! variables required to use hybrd.f integer :: info, nfev, iv(2) double precision :: x(1), fvec(1), rv(6), diag(1), fjac(1,1), r(1) double precision :: qtf(1),wa1(1),wa2(1),wa3(1),wa4(1) real :: psi_hi, psi_low external r0_z0 ! calculate CI using method from: ! Tian, L. and J. Wu. 2006. Confidence Intervals for the Mean of ! Lognormal Data with Excess Zeros. Biometrical Journal 48(1):149-156 ! transform non-zero values for statistics call make_norm(nval, value, ngtz, normvalue) ! find squares call make_sq(normvalue, ngtz, normsq) ! Sum of log(x) values s_sum = sum(normvalue) ! sum of (log(x))**2 values t_sum = sum(normsq) muhat = s_sum / ngtz etahat = t_sum / ngtz - s_sum * s_sum / ngtz /ngtz psihat = log(1.0*ngtz/nval) + muhat + etahat/2.0 ! method cannot handle only one non-zero value ! return with guess only if( ngtz .eq. 1 ) then mean = exp(psihat) ci_hi = exp(normvalue(ngtz)) ci_low = 0.0 return end if ! find test statistic from standard normal ! given two sided % confidence interval, 0.9 gives 90% confidence interval norm_z = norm_z_stat( dble(prob) ) ! find deviation from mean (modified Cox method) as initial estimate for psi_lo and psi_hi norm_dev = norm_z * sqrt( etahat/ngtz + etahat*etahat/2/(ngtz-1)) ! find psi for lower ci limit x(1) = dble(psihat - norm_dev) iv(1) = nzero iv(2) = ngtz rv(1) = dble(psihat) rv(2) = dble(muhat) rv(3) = dble(etahat) rv(4) = dble(t_sum) rv(5) = dble(s_sum) rv(6) = dble(norm_z) ! call for signed log-likilihood ratio call hybrd(r0_z0,1,x,fvec,2,iv,6,rv,1.0d-6,100,1,1, & 1.0d-9,diag,1,1.0d2,0,info,nfev,fjac, & 1,r,1,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) if( info .lt. 0 ) then psi_low = -10.0 else psi_low = real(x(1)) end if ! find psi for upper ci limit x(1) = dble(psihat + norm_dev) iv(1) = nzero iv(2) = ngtz rv(1) = dble(psihat) rv(2) = dble(muhat) rv(3) = dble(etahat) rv(4) = dble(t_sum) rv(5) = dble(s_sum) rv(6) = dble(-norm_z) ! call for signed log-likilihood ratio call hybrd(r0_z0,1,x,fvec,2,iv,6,rv,1.0d-6,100,1,1, & 1.0d-9,diag,1,1.0d2,0,info,nfev,fjac, & 1,r,1,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) if( info .lt. 0 ) then psi_hi = 10.0 else psi_hi = real(x(1)) end if !write(*,*) "psi-cox-hi, psi-hi, fvec, nfev ", psihat+norm_dev, psi_hi, fvec(1), nfev ! transform back to log normal mean = exp(psihat) ci_hi = exp(psi_hi) ci_low = exp(psi_low) end subroutine subroutine ci_lognozeros(value, nval, prob, mean, ci_hi, ci_low) ! input values are random numbers drawn from a log-normal distribution ! taking the log of each values transforms them into normal deviates integer, intent (in) :: nval ! number of values real, intent (in) :: value(nval) ! values to be used for confidence interval construction real, intent (in) :: prob ! confidence interval, 90% two sided specified as 0.9 real, intent (out) :: mean, ci_hi, ci_low ! mean and confidence interval values real :: normvalue(nval) ! log of values to be used real :: normmean, normvar, normstdev ! mean, variance and standard deviation of log(x) values real :: normdiffsq(nval) double precision :: norm_z ! z value returned double precision :: norm_z_stat ! function defined real :: norm_dev ! amount to add to normalized mean, plus and minus real :: temp real :: wbar1, wbar2, sigsqhat, psihat ! see definitions in Wu, Wong and Hang real :: psi_hi, psi_low, normsq(nval) ! variables required to use hybrd.f integer :: info, nfev, iv(1) double precision :: x(1), fvec(1), rv(5), diag(1), fjac(1,1), r(1) double precision :: qtf(1),wa1(1),wa2(1),wa3(1),wa4(1) external rstar_z0, r_z0 !double precision rstar, temp, temp1 ! calculate CI using method from: ! Wu, J., A.C.M Wong, and G. Jiang. 2003. Likelihood-based Confidence ! Intervals for a Lognormal mean. Statistics in Medicine 22:1849-1860 ! transform to log values (normal) call make_norm(nval, value, nval, normvalue) ! find mean of transformed values (normal) normmean = sum(normvalue) / nval ! take diff and square (normal) call diff_sq(normvalue, nval, normmean, normdiffsq) ! find standard deviation (normal) normvar = sum(normdiffsq) / (nval-1) normstdev = sqrt(normvar) ! find test statistic from standard normal ! given two sided % confidence interval, 0.90 gives 90% confidence interval norm_z = norm_z_stat( dble(prob) ) ! find deviation from mean (Cox method) as initial estimate for psi_lo and psi_hi norm_dev = norm_z * sqrt( normvar/nval + normvar*normvar/2/(nval-1)) ! calculate CI using method from Wu, Wong and Hang ! sums (normal) wbar1 = sum(normvalue) / nval ! get squared values (normal) call make_sq(normvalue, nval, normsq) wbar2 = sum(normsq) / nval ! estimate variance of normal sigsqhat = wbar2 - wbar1*wbar1 ! estimate mean of normal psihat = wbar1 + sigsqhat/2 ! Output COX estimate temp = normmean + normvar / 2 !mean = exp(temp) !ci_hi = exp(temp + norm_dev) !ci_low = exp(temp - norm_dev) !return !write(*,*) "muhat, sigsqhat, S^2, psihat", normmean, sigsqhat, normvar, psihat !write(*,*) "mean, cox-low, cox-hi ", exp(temp), exp(temp - norm_dev), exp(temp + norm_dev) !write(*,*) "log of mean, cox-low, cox-hi ", temp, temp - norm_dev, temp + norm_dev ! find psi for lower ci limit x(1) = psihat - norm_dev iv(1) = nval rv(1) = psihat rv(2) = sigsqhat rv(3) = wbar1 rv(4) = wbar2 rv(5) = norm_z ! call for signed log-likilihood ratio (works) !call hybrd(r_z0,1,x,fvec,1,iv,5,rv,1.0d-6,100,1,1, & ! 1.0d-9,diag,1,1.0d2,0,info,nfev,fjac, & ! 1,r,1,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) ! call for modified signed log-likilihood ratio call hybrd(rstar_z0,1,x,fvec,1,iv,5,rv,1.0d-6,100,1,1, & 1.0d-9,diag,1,1.0d2,0,info,nfev,fjac, & 1,r,1,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) psi_low = x(1) !write(*,*) "psi-cox-low, psi-low, fvec, nfev ", psihat-norm_dev, psi_low, fvec(1), nfev ! output rstar for a given sample size !psi_hi = 0.0 !if( nval .eq. 10 ) then ! do temp = psihat + norm_dev, psihat - norm_dev, -norm_dev/10 ! temp1 = rstar(temp, rv(1), rv(2), rv(3), rv(4), nval) ! write(*,*) "psi, rstar ", temp, temp1 ! end do !end if !return ! find psi for upper ci limit x(1) = psihat + norm_dev rv(5) = -norm_z ! call for signed log-likilihood ratio (works) !call hybrd(r_z0,1,x,fvec,1,iv,5,rv,1.0d-4,100,1,1, & ! 1.0d-7,diag,1,1.0d2,0,info,nfev,fjac, & ! 1,r,1,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) !call for modified signed log-likilihood ratio call hybrd(rstar_z0,1,x,fvec,1,iv,5,rv,1.0d-4,100,1,1, & 1.0d-7,diag,1,1.0d2,0,info,nfev,fjac, & 1,r,1,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) psi_hi = x(1) !write(*,*) "psi-cox-hi, psi-hi, fvec, nfev ", psihat+norm_dev, psi_hi, fvec(1), nfev ! transform back to log normal mean = exp(psihat) ci_hi = exp(psi_hi) ci_low = exp(psi_low) end subroutine double precision function norm_z_stat(prob) double precision, intent(in) :: prob ! confidence level desired integer :: st_sel ! select which value will be calculated by cdfnor double precision :: twoside_prob ! 2 sided probabiliy for lookup double precision :: com_prob ! 1 minus 2 sided probability double precision :: stdnormmean ! standard normal mean value double precision :: stdnormstdev ! standard normal standard deviation double precision :: norm_z ! z value returned integer :: status ! status return from cdft double precision bound ! bound exceeded with non-zero status ! get z value ! convert lookup to a two sized probability twoside_prob = 0.5*(1.0d0 + prob) st_sel = 2 ! returns the z value com_prob = 1.0 - twoside_prob stdnormmean = 0.0 stdnormstdev = 1.0 call cdfnor(st_sel, twoside_prob, com_prob, norm_z, stdnormmean, stdnormstdev, status, bound) !write(*,*) "norm_z = ", norm_z if(status .gt. 0) then write(*,*) "WARNING: invalid standard normal z value. Confidence Interval not yet valid. Status = ", status norm_z_stat = 0.0 else norm_z_stat = norm_z end if end function subroutine make_norm(nval, value, ngtz, logvalue) integer, intent (in) :: nval, ngtz ! number of onput values, number of output value greater than zero real, intent (in) :: value(nval) ! values to be used for confidence interval construction real, intent (out) :: logvalue(ngtz) ! log of values to be used integer :: idx, jdx ! loop counters jdx = 0 do idx = 1, nval if( value(idx) .gt. 0.0 ) then jdx = jdx + 1 logvalue(jdx) = log(value(idx)) end if end do end subroutine subroutine make_sq(value, nval, sq_val) integer, intent (in) :: nval ! number of values real, intent (in) :: value(nval) ! values to be differenced real, intent (out) :: sq_val(nval) ! differenced and squared values integer :: idx ! loop counter do idx = 1, nval sq_val(idx) = (value(idx))**2 end do end subroutine subroutine diff_sq(value, nval, meanval, diff_sq_val) integer, intent (in) :: nval ! number of values real, intent (in) :: value(nval) ! values to be differenced real, intent (in) :: meanval ! central value to use for differencing real, intent (out) :: diff_sq_val(nval) ! differenced and squared values integer :: idx ! loop counter do idx = 1, nval diff_sq_val(idx) = (value(idx) - meanval)**2 end do end subroutine