Taro, Bunglong tilled hi density plantpop 4.942299 dmaxshoot 1 cbaflag 1 tgtyield 17000 cbafact 1 cyrafact 1 hyldflag 3 hyldunits lbs/ac hyldwater 90 hyconfact 8930 idc 4 grf 1 ck 0.65 hui0 0.95 hmx 0.3048037 growdepth 0.025 rdmx 0.8 tbas 0 topt 18.199999999999996 thudf 0 dtm 75 thum 1100 frsx1 -5 frsx2 -15 frsy1 0.01 frsy2 0.95 verndel 0 bceff 19 a_lf 0.3128 b_lf 0.576 c_lf 0.6898 d_lf -0.1533 a_rp 0 b_rp 1 c_rp 1.1 d_rp 0.01 a_ht 0.4995 b_ht -0.0944 ssaa 0.1 ssab 1 sla 30 huie 0.05 transf 1 diammax 0.2562663 storeinit 500 mshoot 500 leafstem 1.5 fshoot 0.01 leaf2stor 0 stem2stor 0 stor2stor 0 rbc 1 standdk 0.02 surfdk 0.02 burieddk 0.02 rootdk 0.02 stemnodk 0.2 stemdia 0.0050 thrddys 20 covfact 5.8970475 resevapa -1.20379 resevapb 0.604887 yield_coefficient 0.18 residue_intercept 0.038108904 regrow_location 0 noparam3 0.0 noparam2 0.0 noparam1 0.0 crop_notes RUSLE Notes: 10/13/95 LKS, rev 6/12/02. Bunlong Taro planted at high density (3.8 plants/sq m or 15,400 pl/ac). (Tannier in Puerto Rico). Use also for Araimo taro and for plant densities up to 6 plants/sq meter (24,300 pl/ac). Data from UH Study Hawaii Crop Data Cloned from Lettuce, Leaf. Modifed harvest index, plant density MAS 4-15-09